D O C . 8 0 A N T I S E M I T I S M A N D A C A D E M I C Y O U T H 141 üben. Dabei wollen wir nach unserer eigenen Art leben und nicht Trink- und Pauk- sitten kopieren, die unserem Wesen fremd sind. Man kann ¢ein Sohn² ein Träger der Kultur Europas, ein guter Bürger eines Staa- tes und zugleich ein treuer Jude sein, der seinen Stamm liebt und seine Väter ehrt. Sind wir dessen eingedenk und handeln wir danach, dann ist das Problem des An- tisemitismus, soweit es gesellschaftlicher Natur ist, für uns gelöst.[4] AD. [28 016]. Published in Einstein 1934, pp. 154–156, and Einstein 1954, pp. 187–188. A TDS with minor differences is also available [94 994]. [1]Dated by reference to the repairs in Einstein’s apartment, to the approximate timing of Wolf Ze’ev Rabinowitsch and Jakob Grommer’s visit to Einstein’s apartment (see note 2), and to Einstein’s return to Berlin from Gothenburg. [2]This document was to be included in an almanac on the problems faced by Eastern European Jewish students in Western Europe. The almanac was the brainchild of two medical students from the University of Königsberg, Wolf Ze’ev Rabinowitsch and Lipmann Halpern. Rabinowitsch stimulated Grommer’s interest in the idea, and together they visited Einstein to ask him to write an article on “anti-Semitism at the German university” for the almanac. At the time of their visit, the ceiling was being repaired in Einstein’s apartment. These may have been the same repairs mentioned in Doc. 70. Jewish historian Simon Dubnow and Zionist functionary Heinrich Loewe were also asked to write articles for the almanac. Dubnow’s letter for the almanac was dated 28 June 1923. However, the alma- nac was never published (see Rabinowitsch 1956 and 1990). [3]For a harsher view by Einstein of the use of baptism by individual Jews for social advancement, see “Assimilation and Anti-Semitism” and “Anti-Semitism. Defense through Knowledge,” 3 April 1920 and after 3 April 1920 (Vol. 7, Docs. 34 and 35). [4]For earlier analyses of the causes of anti-Semitism, see Einstein’s essays cited in the previous note. For an expression of his aversion toward actively combating anti-Semitism, see Einstein to Cen- tral Association of German Citizens of the Jewish Faith, 3 April 1920 (Vol. 9, Doc. 368).