2 3 8 D O C U M E N T 1 4 8 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 3 ALS. [19 140]. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder in the margin of the document. Presum- ably, this letter was enclosed in the preceding document. [1] in the equation below should be . [2]“1. Prozess” [3]“2. Prozess” [4]“ einfallende Strahlung und Frequenz nach dem 2. Prozess (Rotverschiebung)” [5]“ (Rotverschiebung)” [6]“ (Rotverschiebung)” [7]“Verklappung der Dopplerverschiebung beim 1. Prozess” [8]“Frequenz nach dem 1. Prozess” [9]“Verklappung der Dopplerverschiebung beim 2. Prozess” [10]Perhaps Einstein had suggested that the observation of a redshift would provide experimental proof of the existence of light quanta. See also Doc. 156 for an experiment along the lines sketched here. [11]Orthmann uses numerical values for Planck’s constant and the speed of light cm/s as well as the atomic weight of mercury ( g) and the wavelength of its Å line to evaluate the expression of the previous line. For a survey of contemporary numerical values for these constants, see Roth and Scheel 1923. v1 ε)2 – ( v1 2ε)2 – ( ν0 v1ν0 c ---------- -– 2hν02 c2m ------------ 2hν02 c2m ------------ 2hν02 c2m ------------ h 6.55 10–27erg ⋅ s ⋅ = c 3 1010 ⋅ = m 200 6.06 1023) ⋅ ( ⁄ = λ0 2536.5 =