1 5 8 D O C U M E N T S 8 6 , 8 7 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 [6] The International Institute of Intellectual Cooperation. [7] The Union académique internationale was founded in Brussels in October 1919. Its aim was to coordinate international cooperation in the humanities to the exclusion of the former central powers. It consisted of the historical-philological classes of the national academies. Its counterpart for the natural sciences was the Conseil international de recherches, which was established in Brussels in July 1919 and also excluded the former central powers (see Schröder-Gudehus 1966, p. 113, note 71, and Schröder-Gudehus 1973, p. 94). [8] Lorentz was opposed to the boycott of German and Austrian scientists from all interna- tional scientific institutions and repeatedly urged the Conseil to annul the boycott (see Schröder-Gudehus 1966, pp. 242–248 see also Kox 2019 for Lorentz’ efforts to restore international cooperation). For more on Einstein’s view of Lorentz’s role on behalf of the cause of international scientific collaboration, see Doc. 95. [9] Einstein had criticized the prevailing view among German academics against collaboration in the Conseil (see, e.g., Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest, 12 April 1926 [Vol. 15, Doc. 253]). 86. To Deutscher Pazifistischer Studentenbund [Berlin,] den 12. 11. 27. Bei aller Sympatie für Ihre Bestrebungen halte ich es doch, besonders aus ar- beitsökonomischen Gründen, für richtig, dem öffentlichen politischen Kampf fern zu bleiben.[1] In vorzüglicher Hochachtung! TLC. [47 831]. Addressed “An den Deutschen Pazif. Studentenbund Charlottenburg.” [1] Einstein had been solicited to attend its upcoming rally (see Abs. 257). Over two years previ- ously, Einstein had cited a different reason for refraining from political activities, i.e., his desire to not endanger his ability to continue living in Berlin (see Vol. 15, Introduction, p. lxviii). 87. From Auguste Piccard Brüssel. 14 Avenue Ernestine, den 14. XI 27 Hochgeehrter Herr Professor! Nachdem wir die Analyse des Rigifilms beendet haben,[1] senden wir Ihnen heute die Resultate: 240 halbe Touren wurden untersucht. Eingeteilt in 12 Serien ergeben sie 12 „Ätherwinde“, alle bleiben weit unterhalb des Millerwindes,[2] ihre Azimute sind derart über die Windrose zerstreut, dass die Resultante der 12 Serien fast nichts mehr gibt, nämlich eine Streifenverschiebung von statt 0,16 1000 ----------- - 6,4 1000 ------------