4 4 4 D O C U M E N T S 2 8 5 , 2 8 6 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 8 285. To F.W.O. Bauch[1] [Berlin, after 17 October 1928][2] Der Vollständigkeit halber anbei Arcos Brief.[3] Besser man kooft sich selbst eine Kanone[4] und macht sich selbständig. Beste Grüße Ihr A. E. ALS (John Bauch, London). [88 178]. Written at the bottom of Abs. 696. [1] Friedrich Wilhelm Otto Bauch (1903–1996) was a German physicist and engineer. [2] Dated by reference to Abs. 696. [3] Abs. 696. It probably refers to the invention Mendel had sent to Einstein, asking for assistance, and that Einstein may have forwarded to Arco [4] The “Kanone” refers to a 1.5 kW ultrashort wave transmitter valve. At the time, Einstein, Bruno Mendel, and F.W.O. Bauch were working on an apparatus for treating cancer with heat (see John Bauch to Giuseppe Castagnetti, 25 March 1996, [88 179]). 286. From Ramsay MacDonald[1] Upper Frognal Lodge, Hampstead, N.W., Thursday, 18th Oct: 1928. Dear Professor Einstein, I was so sorry to hear when I arrived in Berlin that you were too unwell to come to the meeting at the Reichstag.[2] I tried to arrange to call upon you but found that my time had been so completely filled up that I could not manage to add to my en- gagements. It is a great regret to me that I had not the honour of meeting you. I hope that a meeting may be possible should you yourself come to London or I return to Berlin again. I hope you will soon be quite well. Yours very sincerely, J. Ramsay MacDonald TLS. [34 446]. [1] MacDonald (1866–1937) was leader of the Labour Party in Great Britain. [2] Antonina Vallentin established a committee of prominent German, British, and French person- alities aimed at achieving a better understanding of Germany (see Passman 2008 and Rabkin 2003, pp. 43–44). The committee, which included MacDonald, held its first meeting at the Reichstag build- ing on 4 October 1928. For reference to the report of the meeting and A. Vallentin’s invitation to MacDonald’s lecture, see Abs. 677.
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4 4 4 D O C U M E N T S 2 8 5 , 2 8 6 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 8 285. To F.W.O. Bauch[1] [Berlin, after 17 October 1928][2] Der Vollständigkeit halber anbei Arcos Brief.[3] Besser man kooft sich selbst eine Kanone[4] und macht sich selbständig. Beste Grüße Ihr A. E. ALS (John Bauch, London). [88 178]. Written at the bottom of Abs. 696. [1] Friedrich Wilhelm Otto Bauch (1903–1996) was a German physicist and engineer. [2] Dated by reference to Abs. 696. [3] Abs. 696. It probably refers to the invention Mendel had sent to Einstein, asking for assistance, and that Einstein may have forwarded to Arco [4] The “Kanone” refers to a 1.5 kW ultrashort wave transmitter valve. At the time, Einstein, Bruno Mendel, and F.W.O. Bauch were working on an apparatus for treating cancer with heat (see John Bauch to Giuseppe Castagnetti, 25 March 1996, [88 179]). 286. From Ramsay MacDonald[1] Upper Frognal Lodge, Hampstead, N.W., Thursday, 18th Oct: 1928. Dear Professor Einstein, I was so sorry to hear when I arrived in Berlin that you were too unwell to come to the meeting at the Reichstag.[2] I tried to arrange to call upon you but found that my time had been so completely filled up that I could not manage to add to my en- gagements. It is a great regret to me that I had not the honour of meeting you. I hope that a meeting may be possible should you yourself come to London or I return to Berlin again. I hope you will soon be quite well. Yours very sincerely, J. Ramsay MacDonald TLS. [34 446]. [1] MacDonald (1866–1937) was leader of the Labour Party in Great Britain. [2] Antonina Vallentin established a committee of prominent German, British, and French person- alities aimed at achieving a better understanding of Germany (see Passman 2008 and Rabkin 2003, pp. 43–44). The committee, which included MacDonald, held its first meeting at the Reichstag build- ing on 4 October 1928. For reference to the report of the meeting and A. Vallentin’s invitation to MacDonald’s lecture, see Abs. 677.

