Page numbers followed by a lowercase “n” indicate endnotes to Einstein documents page numbers followed by a lowercase “a” indicate references to the Calendar of Abstracts. Ref- erences are collected under the appropriate English heading. Certain institutions, organiza- tions, and concepts that have no standard English translation are listed under their foreign designation (with cross-references from an English translation). For the meaning of abbre- viations, see the List of Abbreviations. An Index of Citations follows the main index. INDEX A Reggel, journal, 831a A. E. Group, New York, names AE its patron saint, AE on, 428 Aardenne, Gijsbert W. van (1888–1983), 244n Abbot, Charles Greely, 825a Abderhalden, Emil, 683n, 815a, 862a Abraham, Max (1875–1922), 905a AE praises talents of, 13 Abraham-Lincoln-Stiftung, 856a Academy of Sciences of the USSR, AE elected honorary member, 845a thanks for, 851a Acevedo, Juan Carlos, 802a Achilles, 218 Adler, Cyrus (1863–1940), 829a, 348 Adler, Friedrich, 806a Adler, Hans, 830a Adler, Leonhard, 754 Adler, Saul (1895–1966), 330n, 608 AE on, 328 A.E.G., 287, 420, 825a Affine connection and unified field theory, Infeld on, 223 AE criticizes, 224 variation on, Cartan on, 731 Akademie der Wissenschaft des Judentums, 803a Alexander, Alfred, (1880–1950), AE thanks for care of Rudolf Einstein, 36 Allen, Frank, 838a, 841a Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft. See A.E.G. American Council on Education, 839a American Jewish Committee, 562 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 229n American Jewish Physicians’ Committee, 104 birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 895a American Joint Reconstruction Foundation, li American National Council on International In- tellectual Cooperation, 851a Amira, Binyamin, 609 Anna, maid, dismissed from Einstein household, 17n Ansbacher, Luigi (1878–1956), 249 Anschütz Co., birthday greetings, 894a Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931), 20, 26, 68, 220 AE on, 21 Antifascist Committee, 871a Apel, Max, 859a, 860a Apfel, Alfred (1882–1941), 43, 44n, 815a, 842a Arago, François (1786–1853), 748n lecture on Young, AE on, 747 Arbeiter-Kinderheim Barkenhoff, birthday greetings, 890a Arbeiterkinderheim Mopr, birthday greetings, 894 Arco, Georg Count von (1869–1940), 683n, 865a, 868a on possible experiment on period of rotation of the Earth, 160 AE’s comments, 163 work on development of image telegraphy, 160n Argentinians, AE on, 26 Aristotle, 908a Arnsztajnówna, Franciszka (1865–1942), 92n Arnsztajnówna, Stefanja (ca. 1890–1942), 92n Arrhenius, Svante (1859–1927), AE’s obituary of, 125 Asch, Bruno, 43 Asch, Sholem, 307n
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Page numbers followed by a lowercase “n” indicate endnotes to Einstein documents page numbers followed by a lowercase “a” indicate references to the Calendar of Abstracts. Ref- erences are collected under the appropriate English heading. Certain institutions, organiza- tions, and concepts that have no standard English translation are listed under their foreign designation (with cross-references from an English translation). For the meaning of abbre- viations, see the List of Abbreviations. An Index of Citations follows the main index. INDEX A Reggel, journal, 831a A. E. Group, New York, names AE its patron saint, AE on, 428 Aardenne, Gijsbert W. van (1888–1983), 244n Abbot, Charles Greely, 825a Abderhalden, Emil, 683n, 815a, 862a Abraham, Max (1875–1922), 905a AE praises talents of, 13 Abraham-Lincoln-Stiftung, 856a Academy of Sciences of the USSR, AE elected honorary member, 845a thanks for, 851a Acevedo, Juan Carlos, 802a Achilles, 218 Adler, Cyrus (1863–1940), 829a, 348 Adler, Friedrich, 806a Adler, Hans, 830a Adler, Leonhard, 754 Adler, Saul (1895–1966), 330n, 608 AE on, 328 A.E.G., 287, 420, 825a Affine connection and unified field theory, Infeld on, 223 AE criticizes, 224 variation on, Cartan on, 731 Akademie der Wissenschaft des Judentums, 803a Alexander, Alfred, (1880–1950), AE thanks for care of Rudolf Einstein, 36 Allen, Frank, 838a, 841a Allgemeine Elektrizitäts-Gesellschaft. See A.E.G. American Council on Education, 839a American Jewish Committee, 562 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, 229n American Jewish Physicians’ Committee, 104 birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 895a American Joint Reconstruction Foundation, li American National Council on International In- tellectual Cooperation, 851a Amira, Binyamin, 609 Anna, maid, dismissed from Einstein household, 17n Ansbacher, Luigi (1878–1956), 249 Anschütz Co., birthday greetings, 894a Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931), 20, 26, 68, 220 AE on, 21 Antifascist Committee, 871a Apel, Max, 859a, 860a Apfel, Alfred (1882–1941), 43, 44n, 815a, 842a Arago, François (1786–1853), 748n lecture on Young, AE on, 747 Arbeiter-Kinderheim Barkenhoff, birthday greetings, 890a Arbeiterkinderheim Mopr, birthday greetings, 894 Arco, Georg Count von (1869–1940), 683n, 865a, 868a on possible experiment on period of rotation of the Earth, 160 AE’s comments, 163 work on development of image telegraphy, 160n Argentinians, AE on, 26 Aristotle, 908a Arnsztajnówna, Franciszka (1865–1942), 92n Arnsztajnówna, Stefanja (ca. 1890–1942), 92n Arrhenius, Svante (1859–1927), AE’s obituary of, 125 Asch, Bruno, 43 Asch, Sholem, 307n

