L I S T O F I L L U S T R A T I O N S x x x i x 20. Selig Brodetsky at the inauguration of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 1 April 1925. (Courtesy Bildarchiv Pisarek akg-images) 21. Émile Meyerson, Paris, later years. (Courtesy Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem) 22. Hugo A. Krüss, Boston, 13 October 1926. (Image 4, Courtesy American Library Association Archives) 23. The music pavilion at the Villa Lemm, Gatow, near Berlin, where Einstein celebrated his fiftieth birthday on 14 March 1929. (Courtesy Berliner Landesbibliothek) 24. Josef Grünberg (nicknamed “Bolschi”), Berlin, mid-1920s. (Courtesy Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Inv.-Nr. 2004/112/60, Janos und Melanie Plesch Gedenk-Schenkung von Prof. Dr. Peter H. Plesch) 25. Verse for birthday well-wishers, 14 March 1929, lithograph (Doc. 435). With handwritten drawing and inscription: “Nothing seems to have helped after all.” (Courtesy The Albert Einstein Archives, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 26. Diagrams for the construction, furnishings, and sail of the seven-meter single cabin cruiser “Tümmler” (“porpoise”) Einstein received for his fiftieth birthday. (Courtesy Verein Freundeskreis Klassische Yachten e.V., Kiel) 27. “The New Magician.” Cartoon published in Berliner Volkszeitung, 15 March 1929. The caption reads: “Professor Einstein has once again / Caught a glimpse under Nature’s whalebone corset. / Yet the layperson is left perplexed– / The blessings of insight fly too high!” (Courtesy bpk Bild- agentur, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Hand- schriftenabteilung, Art Resource, NY) 28. “The Relative Present.” Cartoon depicting the mayor of Berlin Gustav Böß and Einstein, published in Vorwärts, 19 April 1929, evening edition. The caption reads: “The plot is not located on the waterfront, no house has been erected on it, we’ll only have it at our disposal in five years. We hope, there- fore, Professor Einstein, that you will be able to continue pondering here on the relativity of all things.” (Courtesy Berliner vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn)
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L I S T O F I L L U S T R A T I O N S x x x i x 20. Selig Brodetsky at the inauguration of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 1 April 1925. (Courtesy Bildarchiv Pisarek akg-images) 21. Émile Meyerson, Paris, later years. (Courtesy Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem) 22. Hugo A. Krüss, Boston, 13 October 1926. (Image 4, Courtesy American Library Association Archives) 23. The music pavilion at the Villa Lemm, Gatow, near Berlin, where Einstein celebrated his fiftieth birthday on 14 March 1929. (Courtesy Berliner Landesbibliothek) 24. Josef Grünberg (nicknamed “Bolschi”), Berlin, mid-1920s. (Courtesy Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Inv.-Nr. 2004/112/60, Janos und Melanie Plesch Gedenk-Schenkung von Prof. Dr. Peter H. Plesch) 25. Verse for birthday well-wishers, 14 March 1929, lithograph (Doc. 435). With handwritten drawing and inscription: “Nothing seems to have helped after all.” (Courtesy The Albert Einstein Archives, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) 26. Diagrams for the construction, furnishings, and sail of the seven-meter single cabin cruiser “Tümmler” (“porpoise”) Einstein received for his fiftieth birthday. (Courtesy Verein Freundeskreis Klassische Yachten e.V., Kiel) 27. “The New Magician.” Cartoon published in Berliner Volkszeitung, 15 March 1929. The caption reads: “Professor Einstein has once again / Caught a glimpse under Nature’s whalebone corset. / Yet the layperson is left perplexed– / The blessings of insight fly too high!” (Courtesy bpk Bild- agentur, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Hand- schriftenabteilung, Art Resource, NY) 28. “The Relative Present.” Cartoon depicting the mayor of Berlin Gustav Böß and Einstein, published in Vorwärts, 19 April 1929, evening edition. The caption reads: “The plot is not located on the waterfront, no house has been erected on it, we’ll only have it at our disposal in five years. We hope, there- fore, Professor Einstein, that you will be able to continue pondering here on the relativity of all things.” (Courtesy Berliner vorwärts Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn)

