5 5 8 D O C . 3 7 6 R O L E O F P A L E S T I N E I N J E W I S H L I F E The rebuilding of Palestine as the Jewish National Home differs fundamentally from all other Jewish activities of our time. This is a movement to aid not individuals, but an entire organization. Your help is asked not for the support of the weak, not on the plea of charity, but for strong, healthy pioneers eager to work for the re- naissance of the Jewish people. Their demand for the aid of the Jews of America is justified for they are working for world Jewry. Situated as it is on the borderland between the Orient and the Oc- cident, the Jewish National Home may be able to play an important part in the development of a new humanity. The upbuilding of our National Home is not the cause of any one party, but the concern of all Jews. This idea has received its organizational expression in the extension of the Jewish Agency but its inner truth, I believe, Lipsky (1876–1963)Lipsky can be proved only by the active interest of all the elements of the Jewish people who fully realize that their honor is at stake.I am convinced that in the coming year, which has begun so auspiciously the Jews of America will do more for Pales- tine than ever before. I greet the opening of the United Palestine Appeal and hope that it will be most successful. [2] [3] [1] [4]
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5 5 8 D O C . 3 7 6 R O L E O F P A L E S T I N E I N J E W I S H L I F E The rebuilding of Palestine as the Jewish National Home differs fundamentally from all other Jewish activities of our time. This is a movement to aid not individuals, but an entire organization. Your help is asked not for the support of the weak, not on the plea of charity, but for strong, healthy pioneers eager to work for the re- naissance of the Jewish people. Their demand for the aid of the Jews of America is justified for they are working for world Jewry. Situated as it is on the borderland between the Orient and the Oc- cident, the Jewish National Home may be able to play an important part in the development of a new humanity. The upbuilding of our National Home is not the cause of any one party, but the concern of all Jews. This idea has received its organizational expression in the extension of the Jewish Agency but its inner truth, I believe, Lipsky (1876–1963)Lipsky can be proved only by the active interest of all the elements of the Jewish people who fully realize that their honor is at stake.I am convinced that in the coming year, which has begun so auspiciously the Jews of America will do more for Pales- tine than ever before. I greet the opening of the United Palestine Appeal and hope that it will be most successful. [2] [3] [1] [4]

