x c v i i i A C K N O W L E D G M E N T S Institution, Stanford University, Palo Alto Karoline Feulner, Landesmuseum Mainz Agnieszka Filipek, Polish National Archives, Krakow Wiebke Franck, Ca- puth, Germany Hans-Peter Gittel, Mathematisches Institut, Leipzig University Sara Harari, Israel State Archives, Jerusalem Yael Harari, National Library of Is- rael, Jerusalem Lior Hecht-Yacoby, Weizmann Archives, Rechovot, Israel Dieter Hoffmann, Berlin Siegfried Grundmann, Berlin Miriam and Verena Kis, Vienna Hans-Josef Küpper, Cologne Bärbel Mund, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen Christine Nelson, Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City John Pollack, Kislak Center for Special Collections, University of Pennsylvania Pascal Puisoye, Uni- versity of Strasbourg Archives Max von Renesse, Mathematisches Institut, Leipzig University Ursula Reuter, Kölner Bibliothek zur Geschichte des deutschen Judentums, Cologne Zmira Reuveni, National Library of Israel, Jerusa- lem Konstanze Rönnefahrt, Staatsbibliothek Berlin Franziska Rogger, Hinterkap- pelen, Switzerland Nicole Sahl, Centre national de littérature, Luxembourg Lu- cille Schirr, University of Strasbourg Archives Armin Schlechter, Pfälzische Landesbibliothek, Speyer Katharina Schlüter, Leipzig University Archives Bern- hard Schmitt, Diocesan Archives, Luxembourg City Corinne Schroeder, Luxem- bourg City Archives Merav Segal, Weizmann Archives, Rechovot, Israel Katarzyna Sołtyk-Sołtyka, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Emilie Těšínská, Institute for Contemporary History, Prague Ulf Wendler, Stadtarchiv Chur, Swit- zerland. Many thanks to our colleagues at Princeton University Press, most especially to Terri O’Prey, our longtime production editor, and Beth Gianfagna, our superb copyeditor. We also thank Kenneth Reed for continuing to make this work avail- able online. We dedicate this volume to the memory of our beloved colleague and friend Rosy Meiron, a polyglot intellectual who over more than a decade meticulously assisted in myriad research puzzles and ensured that we maintain the highest editorial and scholarly standards.