8 5 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 8 507. To Reichsarbeitsministerium (Oscar Weigert) Berlin, 30 April 1928 The three trade unions of German intellectual workers disagree on the choice of a representative at the International Labour Office. Is against candidature of O. Everling but in favor of W. von Moellendorff. Requests ministry continue talks with these orga- nizations. TLC. [46 406]. 508. To Schutzkartell Deutscher Geistesarbeiter [Berlin,] 30 April 1928 After unsuccessfully trying to reach an agreement among the three top associations of German intellectual workers for a representative to the committee of the International Labour Office, has turned to the Reichsarbeitsministerium to continue the talks. TLC. [46 408]. 509. From Willy Marckwald [Berlin,] 30 April 1928 The Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft admitted AE as honorary member. The certifi- cate will be sent by President W. Schlenk. Hopes AE’s health is improving. TLS. [30 235]. 510. From David Samberg New York, May 1928 He and his wife had vowed that when having a son after two daughters, they would name him after the greatest living Jew of the day. Announces the arrival of Albert Einstein Samberg. Hopes AE will give his blessing. ALS. [48 258]. 511. From Otto Everling Berlin, 1 May 1928 Thanks for Abs. 508. TLS. [46 409]. 512. From Hugo A. Krüss Berlin, 1 May 1928 Has received the agenda of the session of the steering committee of IIIC on 25–26 May. Asks whether AE intends to participate, or whether he is to represent him again. TLS. [34 846]. 513. From Leo Kohn London, 2 May 1928 Upon Ch. Weizmann’s instruction, calls the meeting of the board of trustees of the HU for 4–5 June in London. The academic council will convene on 3 June to discuss the re- port of the Brodetsky commission. TLC. [36 1014]. 514. To Josef Hertzka [Berlin,] 3 May 1928 In his (nonextant) work, Hertzka has tried to explain an actual finding through an em- pirical formula. It would only be significant if he could give a rational justification for this formalism. TLC. [46 671]. 515. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 3 May 1928 Sends A. Fodor’s report on preparations for the session of the BOGHU and for S. Brodetsky’s information. E. Landau is a bit offended by not being proposed for rector, and this will not get him to come to Jerusalem, but one can appease him. AE endorses Landau’s proposal to invite Abraham A. Fraenkel as professor. TLSX. [37 758]. 516. To Hugo A. Krüss [Berlin,] 3 May 1928 Thanks for Abs. 511. Proposes to agree that Krüss will always represent him unless he specifically indicates otherwise, as well as to keep in touch to ensure they are of the same opinion on actual questions. Must stay in bed for a longer time because of heart dilatation. TTrL. [34 848].