C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S O C T O B E R 1 9 2 8 8 6 9 704. From Constantin Carathéodory Munich, 20 October 1928 In reply to Abs. 694, considers AE’s opinion would be the most reasonable one under normal circumstances but explains why this case is exceptional. Dismisses Hilbert’s claim that Brouwer’s counterboycott of the Bologna Congress was a motive for dismiss- ing the latter from the board. Hilbert’s health is very delicate, and he also suffers from fears of his imminent death, which might enable Brouwer to seize control of Mathema- tische Annalen. AE’s opinion of Brouwer as a “psychopath” seems to Carathéodory dis- torted. ALS. [13 148]. 705. From Curt Schwarz Charlottenburg, 21 October [1928] Since he has not received an answer to Abs. 669, reiterates request to meet AE. Sees himself forced to interrupt his studies and find a position, as AE has suggested, possibly in a publishing house. He would prefer to work in agriculture, with horses or other ani- mals. Has seen in the papers that AE is feeling better. Addresses further issues in the teleparallel approach. ALS. [48 454]. 706. From Otto H. Warburg Berlin, 21 October 1928 Could not find the newspaper article on energy production by decomposing water. Found, however, in a history book the case of the “Göttingen Seven Professors,” who protested against the revocation of the constitution of Hanover and were dismissed, with some sent into exile. ALS. [48 706]. See also Abs. 666. 707. From Karl Bergner Venice, 22 October 1928 As a Jew, Zionist, and admirer of AE’s discoveries, sends a reproduction of one of his works. Had been interested in science, understands the works of H. A. Lorentz and H. Weyl. Discovering a talent for sculpture, he moved to Italy, where he met Rabindranath Tagore. Happy to discover the latent talents in Jews in every field. ALS. [45 585]. 708. From Chr. Zaycoff Charlottenburg, 22 October 1928 G. Maneff intends to dismiss Raschko Zaycoff from the University of Sofia because of Zajkov’s contact with AE and his theories. Maneff had initially called Raschko back from Berlin with a promise to teach theoretical physics, but when in Sofia, Raschko was offered experimental physics, for which he had not been adequately prepared. Maneff offered advancement if Raschko worked for him against AE’s theories, but Raschko de- clined. Is anxious for his naive, talented brother. ALS. [24 199]. 709. To (?) Schulze (Oberschulrat, Stadthaus Berlin) [Berlin,] 23 October 1928 I. Malkin has informed him of his intention to apply for a position at the municipal Gauss School (see Abs. 695). He would be an asset to the school. TLC. [47 582]. 710. To Chr. Zaycoff [Berlin,] 23 October 1928 In reply to Abs. 708, is sorry for Raschko, but cannot offer any position to him. Is willing to recommend him as teacher to an educational institution in Bulgaria. TLC. [24 201]. 711. From Abraham A. Fraenkel Kiel, 23 October 1928 Thanks for Doc. 266. Following AE’s advice, will begin temporary work at Hebrew University while on leave from the University of Kiel. Proposes Th. Kaluza as professor in Kiel, and requests that AE’s opinion be sent to the nominating commission. ALS. [37 010]. 712. From Paul Plaut Berlin, 23 October 1928 In reply to Abs. 702, thanks for Doc. 288 and adds a further question, whether playing music influences AE’s work in a completely different field. ALS. [28 064]. 713. From David Hilbert Göttingen, 24 October 1928 James Franck has informed him that AE is essentially on his side in the conflict with Brouwer. Is relieved to know this, so that he does not have to feel AE was simply out- voted. ALS. [13 142].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S O C T O B E R 1 9 2 8 8 6 9 704. From Constantin Carathéodory Munich, 20 October 1928 In reply to Abs. 694, considers AE’s opinion would be the most reasonable one under normal circumstances but explains why this case is exceptional. Dismisses Hilbert’s claim that Brouwer’s counterboycott of the Bologna Congress was a motive for dismiss- ing the latter from the board. Hilbert’s health is very delicate, and he also suffers from fears of his imminent death, which might enable Brouwer to seize control of Mathema- tische Annalen. AE’s opinion of Brouwer as a “psychopath” seems to Carathéodory dis- torted. ALS. [13 148]. 705. From Curt Schwarz Charlottenburg, 21 October [1928] Since he has not received an answer to Abs. 669, reiterates request to meet AE. Sees himself forced to interrupt his studies and find a position, as AE has suggested, possibly in a publishing house. He would prefer to work in agriculture, with horses or other ani- mals. Has seen in the papers that AE is feeling better. Addresses further issues in the teleparallel approach. ALS. [48 454]. 706. From Otto H. Warburg Berlin, 21 October 1928 Could not find the newspaper article on energy production by decomposing water. Found, however, in a history book the case of the “Göttingen Seven Professors,” who protested against the revocation of the constitution of Hanover and were dismissed, with some sent into exile. ALS. [48 706]. See also Abs. 666. 707. From Karl Bergner Venice, 22 October 1928 As a Jew, Zionist, and admirer of AE’s discoveries, sends a reproduction of one of his works. Had been interested in science, understands the works of H. A. Lorentz and H. Weyl. Discovering a talent for sculpture, he moved to Italy, where he met Rabindranath Tagore. Happy to discover the latent talents in Jews in every field. ALS. [45 585]. 708. From Chr. Zaycoff Charlottenburg, 22 October 1928 G. Maneff intends to dismiss Raschko Zaycoff from the University of Sofia because of Zajkov’s contact with AE and his theories. Maneff had initially called Raschko back from Berlin with a promise to teach theoretical physics, but when in Sofia, Raschko was offered experimental physics, for which he had not been adequately prepared. Maneff offered advancement if Raschko worked for him against AE’s theories, but Raschko de- clined. Is anxious for his naive, talented brother. ALS. [24 199]. 709. To (?) Schulze (Oberschulrat, Stadthaus Berlin) [Berlin,] 23 October 1928 I. Malkin has informed him of his intention to apply for a position at the municipal Gauss School (see Abs. 695). He would be an asset to the school. TLC. [47 582]. 710. To Chr. Zaycoff [Berlin,] 23 October 1928 In reply to Abs. 708, is sorry for Raschko, but cannot offer any position to him. Is willing to recommend him as teacher to an educational institution in Bulgaria. TLC. [24 201]. 711. From Abraham A. Fraenkel Kiel, 23 October 1928 Thanks for Doc. 266. Following AE’s advice, will begin temporary work at Hebrew University while on leave from the University of Kiel. Proposes Th. Kaluza as professor in Kiel, and requests that AE’s opinion be sent to the nominating commission. ALS. [37 010]. 712. From Paul Plaut Berlin, 23 October 1928 In reply to Abs. 702, thanks for Doc. 288 and adds a further question, whether playing music influences AE’s work in a completely different field. ALS. [28 064]. 713. From David Hilbert Göttingen, 24 October 1928 James Franck has informed him that AE is essentially on his side in the conflict with Brouwer. Is relieved to know this, so that he does not have to feel AE was simply out- voted. ALS. [13 142].

