C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 8 8 7 1 States and Europe. Found that the time of the observed differences could be compared well to the periods of clock movement determined by him in another way. ALS. [8 419]. 727. From Eduard Einstein Zurich, 28 October [1928] Replies to Doc. 299. Will use a pen name in the future. Hans Albert bought a motorcycle. His lecture on Freud has been postponed. Asks for Margot’s admirer with his book on Egyptian graves. ALS. [144 501]. 728. From Paul Winteler Colonnata, 28 October 1928 In response to Abs. 728, gives detailed account of the difficulties with the installation of electricity in their house, farmhouse, and stable. AL. [29 405]. 729. From Henri Barbusse [Paris,] 30 October 1928 In following the tragic expansion of fascism, is planning an international demonstration. The Antifascist Committee intends to organize a large international antifascist congress. The committee, founded two years ago, is independent of political parties in order to be able to mobilize antifascist forces on a large scale. The congress should attach particular importance to Italian fascism, and the theoretical and practical origin of fascism in other nations. Requests AE’s opinion, critique, observations. TLS. [34 525]. 730. From Otto Meyerhof Berlin-Dahlem, 1 November 1928 Sorry for being unable to hire Miss Dr. Hefter. at the KW Institute for Biology. She had applied for a post earlier and requested it importunely, not accepting that he does not have any vacant places. She also collected recommendations, among them AE’s. TLS. [17 186]. 731. From Émile Borel Paris, 2 November 1928 Visited Berlin at the end of August, and was told by H. A. Krüss that AE was away at a sea resort. On behalf of the dean of the science department, J. Perrin, as well as P. Langevin and himself, invites AE to the inauguration of the Institut Henri Poincaré on 17 November 1928. Foreign scholars are invited to deliver lectures on topics of their choice. TLS. [6 121]. 732. From Emil Honegger Zurich, 2 November 1928 On the occasion of the seventieth birthday of A. Stodola, a Festschrift with original con- tributions is being planned by his former students. The enterprise is being kept confiden- tial. Requests submission of a manuscript by 15 January 1929, and completion of an attached questionnaire. TLS. [22 261]. 733. From Heyl-Beringer-Farbenfabriken AG [Charlottenburg,] 3 November 1928 D. Reichinstein presented himself as scientific consultant and referred to AE. Requests opinion on whether he is capable of answering the actual questions coming up in the science and chemistry of paints. TLS. [20 139]. 734. From Viking Press New York, [4–5 November 1928] Referring to Abs. 686, requests decision. Tgm. [48 239]. 735. From Wilhelm Herzog [Berlin,] 5 November 1928 Requests signature on a draft law that will be submitted to the Reichstag regarding the punishment of judges, prosecutors, and police officers for gross negligence in sentenc- ing or prosecuting innocent persons. Will publish the draft with signatories in the next issue of Das Forum. TLS. [46 674]. 736. From Vieweg & Sohn Braunschweig, 5 November 1928 Asks whether AE gives permission to translate Einstein 1917a into Arabic (see Abs. 723) in an edition of 2,000 copies. Proposes to ask for a reasonable fee because otherwise, in case the honorarium is not acceptable, the translation might be published anyway without permission, and pursuing a copyright infringement case in Arabia would be hopeless. TLS. [42 165].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 8 8 7 1 States and Europe. Found that the time of the observed differences could be compared well to the periods of clock movement determined by him in another way. ALS. [8 419]. 727. From Eduard Einstein Zurich, 28 October [1928] Replies to Doc. 299. Will use a pen name in the future. Hans Albert bought a motorcycle. His lecture on Freud has been postponed. Asks for Margot’s admirer with his book on Egyptian graves. ALS. [144 501]. 728. From Paul Winteler Colonnata, 28 October 1928 In response to Abs. 728, gives detailed account of the difficulties with the installation of electricity in their house, farmhouse, and stable. AL. [29 405]. 729. From Henri Barbusse [Paris,] 30 October 1928 In following the tragic expansion of fascism, is planning an international demonstration. The Antifascist Committee intends to organize a large international antifascist congress. The committee, founded two years ago, is independent of political parties in order to be able to mobilize antifascist forces on a large scale. The congress should attach particular importance to Italian fascism, and the theoretical and practical origin of fascism in other nations. Requests AE’s opinion, critique, observations. TLS. [34 525]. 730. From Otto Meyerhof Berlin-Dahlem, 1 November 1928 Sorry for being unable to hire Miss Dr. Hefter. at the KW Institute for Biology. She had applied for a post earlier and requested it importunely, not accepting that he does not have any vacant places. She also collected recommendations, among them AE’s. TLS. [17 186]. 731. From Émile Borel Paris, 2 November 1928 Visited Berlin at the end of August, and was told by H. A. Krüss that AE was away at a sea resort. On behalf of the dean of the science department, J. Perrin, as well as P. Langevin and himself, invites AE to the inauguration of the Institut Henri Poincaré on 17 November 1928. Foreign scholars are invited to deliver lectures on topics of their choice. TLS. [6 121]. 732. From Emil Honegger Zurich, 2 November 1928 On the occasion of the seventieth birthday of A. Stodola, a Festschrift with original con- tributions is being planned by his former students. The enterprise is being kept confiden- tial. Requests submission of a manuscript by 15 January 1929, and completion of an attached questionnaire. TLS. [22 261]. 733. From Heyl-Beringer-Farbenfabriken AG [Charlottenburg,] 3 November 1928 D. Reichinstein presented himself as scientific consultant and referred to AE. Requests opinion on whether he is capable of answering the actual questions coming up in the science and chemistry of paints. TLS. [20 139]. 734. From Viking Press New York, [4–5 November 1928] Referring to Abs. 686, requests decision. Tgm. [48 239]. 735. From Wilhelm Herzog [Berlin,] 5 November 1928 Requests signature on a draft law that will be submitted to the Reichstag regarding the punishment of judges, prosecutors, and police officers for gross negligence in sentenc- ing or prosecuting innocent persons. Will publish the draft with signatories in the next issue of Das Forum. TLS. [46 674]. 736. From Vieweg & Sohn Braunschweig, 5 November 1928 Asks whether AE gives permission to translate Einstein 1917a into Arabic (see Abs. 723) in an edition of 2,000 copies. Proposes to ask for a reasonable fee because otherwise, in case the honorarium is not acceptable, the translation might be published anyway without permission, and pursuing a copyright infringement case in Arabia would be hopeless. TLS. [42 165].

