C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 9 8 8 5 878. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 4 February 1929 Sends manuscript for publication in the Zeitschrift für Physik. Thanks for taking care of his paper in press. Asks for AE’s newest paper. Needs publications in order to maintain his assistant position. ALS. [24 211]. 879. To Berliner Handelsgesellschaft [Berlin,] 6 February 1929 Referring to his phone call, stops a check. TLS. [45 587]. 880. To Albert L. Mond Berlin, 6 February 1929 Declares that he has nothing to do with the “Einstein Electro Chemical Process Ltd.” Authorizes Mond to inform the public of this fact. Formulated by Gerda Philipsborn and sent with Abs. 875. TLC. [46 095]. 881. To Walter von Molo [Berlin,] 8 February 1929 Joins action against the replacement of Carl Heinrich Becker as he is practically irre- placeable. Tgm. [92 331]. 882. From Methuen & Co. Ltd. London, 8 February 1929 Has sent a telegram, to the effect that the press intends to publish Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) in English, with Einstein 1930b (Doc. 387) as an introduction. TLS. [42 210]. “Nein. Auf später verschoben” is written in HD’s hand at the bottom of the document. 883. From Methuen & Co. Ltd. London, 8 February 1929 In reply to AE’s (nonextant) reply telegram to Abs. 882, it would be of no avail to pub- lish only The Times articles. Propose to reformulate Einstein 1929n and Einstein 1930b (Docs. 365 and 387) by someone else in order to circumvent the copyright of the Prus- sian Academy. TLS. [42 211]. 884. From Peter L. Konisski Mysschako Borg, Novorossijsk, [before 9 February 1929] In 1921, the theory of relativity was well received in the U.S.S.R., but was later consid- ered to contradict materialism and Marxism. Nowadays some think that harms materi- alism, others that it is mysticism. As a religious person, he is of the opinion that the theory has nothing in common with materialism. Asks AE’s opinion on God, Christ, and whether with his theory he intends to prove or disprove materialism. ALS. [47 285]. 885. To Miss Cohen [Berlin,] 9 February 1929 Thanks for her kind visit. Written at the bottom of a photograph of himself. ADS. [97 200]. 886. To Norbert Nieuwland [Berlin,] 9 February 1929 Proposes a meeting between Nieuwland and W. Schücking to prepare the way for the discussion of continued bitter relations between Belgium and Germany. TLC. [34 577]. 887. To Eduard Sthamer [Berlin,] 9 February 1929 In reply to Sthamer’s (nonextant) question of 6 February, declares that his younger son, Eduard, attends a Zurich high school and does not yet earn any money. TLS. [79 388]. 888. To Raschko Zaycoff [Berlin,] 9 February 1929 Returns the manuscript sent with Abs. 878 for corrections. He needs to clearly indicate the goals and methods of the paper. Requests that Zaycoff submit papers directly to the editors. TLC. [24 212]. 889. From Hans Stürmer Würzburg, 9 February 1929 An engineer and self-made specialist in the field of his attached book Stürmer 1929, re- quests an opinion on it. ALS. [48 539]. 890. From Carl Frankenstein Berlin-Charlottenburg, 10 February 1929 Attaches his memorandum corrected according to AE’s proposals. Requests that AE add a few lines of his own to the letter from A. Zweig to S. Freud (see Doc. 405). TLS. [46 277].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 9 8 8 5 878. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 4 February 1929 Sends manuscript for publication in the Zeitschrift für Physik. Thanks for taking care of his paper in press. Asks for AE’s newest paper. Needs publications in order to maintain his assistant position. ALS. [24 211]. 879. To Berliner Handelsgesellschaft [Berlin,] 6 February 1929 Referring to his phone call, stops a check. TLS. [45 587]. 880. To Albert L. Mond Berlin, 6 February 1929 Declares that he has nothing to do with the “Einstein Electro Chemical Process Ltd.” Authorizes Mond to inform the public of this fact. Formulated by Gerda Philipsborn and sent with Abs. 875. TLC. [46 095]. 881. To Walter von Molo [Berlin,] 8 February 1929 Joins action against the replacement of Carl Heinrich Becker as he is practically irre- placeable. Tgm. [92 331]. 882. From Methuen & Co. Ltd. London, 8 February 1929 Has sent a telegram, to the effect that the press intends to publish Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) in English, with Einstein 1930b (Doc. 387) as an introduction. TLS. [42 210]. “Nein. Auf später verschoben” is written in HD’s hand at the bottom of the document. 883. From Methuen & Co. Ltd. London, 8 February 1929 In reply to AE’s (nonextant) reply telegram to Abs. 882, it would be of no avail to pub- lish only The Times articles. Propose to reformulate Einstein 1929n and Einstein 1930b (Docs. 365 and 387) by someone else in order to circumvent the copyright of the Prus- sian Academy. TLS. [42 211]. 884. From Peter L. Konisski Mysschako Borg, Novorossijsk, [before 9 February 1929] In 1921, the theory of relativity was well received in the U.S.S.R., but was later consid- ered to contradict materialism and Marxism. Nowadays some think that harms materi- alism, others that it is mysticism. As a religious person, he is of the opinion that the theory has nothing in common with materialism. Asks AE’s opinion on God, Christ, and whether with his theory he intends to prove or disprove materialism. ALS. [47 285]. 885. To Miss Cohen [Berlin,] 9 February 1929 Thanks for her kind visit. Written at the bottom of a photograph of himself. ADS. [97 200]. 886. To Norbert Nieuwland [Berlin,] 9 February 1929 Proposes a meeting between Nieuwland and W. Schücking to prepare the way for the discussion of continued bitter relations between Belgium and Germany. TLC. [34 577]. 887. To Eduard Sthamer [Berlin,] 9 February 1929 In reply to Sthamer’s (nonextant) question of 6 February, declares that his younger son, Eduard, attends a Zurich high school and does not yet earn any money. TLS. [79 388]. 888. To Raschko Zaycoff [Berlin,] 9 February 1929 Returns the manuscript sent with Abs. 878 for corrections. He needs to clearly indicate the goals and methods of the paper. Requests that Zaycoff submit papers directly to the editors. TLC. [24 212]. 889. From Hans Stürmer Würzburg, 9 February 1929 An engineer and self-made specialist in the field of his attached book Stürmer 1929, re- quests an opinion on it. ALS. [48 539]. 890. From Carl Frankenstein Berlin-Charlottenburg, 10 February 1929 Attaches his memorandum corrected according to AE’s proposals. Requests that AE add a few lines of his own to the letter from A. Zweig to S. Freud (see Doc. 405). TLS. [46 277].

