C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 9 8 8 7 902. From André Metz Sceaux, 17 February 1929 L. Lévy-Bruhl requests a paper by him on AE’ s new theory for Revue Philosophique. Intends to use original papers, and asks for their titles, journals, and dates of publication. Forwards E. Meyerson’s thanks for AE’s appreciation on his works. ALS. [18 264]. 903. From Norbert Nieuwland Abbaye de Maredsous, 17 February 1929 In reply to Doc. 64, is ready to meet with W. Schücking. Solving the differences between Belgium and Germany will contribute to peace of minds and hearts. TLS. [34 578]. 904. To Max Liebermann [Berlin, 18 February 1929 The Bulgarian painter Boris Georgiev, who created a portrait of AE, intends to arrange an exhibition at the Academy of Arts and requests that Liebermann examine this pro- posal. Some of Georgiev’s paintings have made a deep impression on AE. ALSf. [78 911]. 905. From David J. Macht [Baltimore,] 18 February 1929] As an ardent researcher and Jew, congratulates for the novel paper. Attaches reprints on the biological effects of light. Solicits a portrait with signature. TLS. [47 567]. 906. From Cornelio Sagui Corbeil, 18 February 1929 Happy to learn that AE’s latest results coincide with his own. Both arrive at the same result: the universe is controlled by a unitary field gravitation and electromagnetism are the same. The abstracts of his publications can be found in Physical Review. AKS. [20 432]. 907. From Die Wahrheit Prague, 18 February 1929 An all-round inquiry on how AE would react to the outbreak of a new world war. Hopes the answers will make present rulers more thoughtful. TLS. [48 683]. 908. To Melania Serbu Berlin, 19 February 1929 Proposes to begin with geometry. A textbook on algebra will follow. TKSX. [39 106.1] 909. From Blas Cabrera Madrid, 19 February 1929 Requests permission to publish translations of two articles (see Abs. 822 and Doc. 387) in Revista de Occidente, a literary journal that gives particular attention to movements in science that could influence philosophy. This is why its director, J. Ortega y Gasset, wishes to publish them. ALS. [45 731]. 910. From Hans Stürmer Würzburg, 20 February 1929 Thanks AE for the appreciation of his book (see Abs. 900). Requests a few lines or per- mission to use a quote from the letter for its advertisement. ALS. [48 541]. 911. From Sigmund Wassermann Haifa, 20 February 1929 Attaches the minutes of 14 February session of Verein der Freunde der Hebräischen Realschule in Haifa. TLS. [46 602]. 912. From Wolfram von Hanstein Berlin, 21 February 1929 After long theoretical research on pressure energy of the cosmic kind, intends to check it in practice. Solicits discussion at the Einstein Tower telescope with AE or an assistant. TLS. [46 578].
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