9 2 6 I N D E X Cartan, Elie (1869–1951), 713n on physical sig- nificance of tensor of light propagation, 234– 235 Carulla, Valentin, 583n Casanova, Paul, 146n Cassella & Co., contributes to Einstein-Spende, 817a Cassirer, Ernst (1874–1951), 61, 81, 214 Castel-Rodrigo, Juan Falcó y Trivulzio, Marques de, 829 Castro, Aloysio de (1881–1959), 308 Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (1789–1857), 267 Causality in debate about World War I, 270 in general relativity, Hilbert on, 232 modification necessary in quantum theory, 730 as prerequisite for science, 3–4 probabilistic, 4–5 strict and probabilistic, 12 Cavanilles, A. J., 829a Cazurla, María Luisa, 586n Cecil, Robert (1864–1958), 744 Cerrageria, Conde de, 829a Ceylon, 537, 556, 704 Chakhotin, Sergei (1883–1973), 112–113 Chalas, Antoine, 330 on Greek edition of Ein- stein 1917a, 806a Chaluz, 560 Chatley, Herbert (1885–1955), 575n Chavan, Lucien (1868–1942), lvii, 259, 467, 532, 589, 745 Chemical reactions, velocity of, 188 Chemische Fabrik Griesheim Elektron, contrib- utes to Einstein-Spende, 819a Chikaraishi, Yuichiro, 571n Choumoff, Pierre (Shumov, Petr), 838 Christiania, 58, 737 Ehrenfest visits, 58 Christoffel, Elwin Bruno (1829–1900), intro- duced connection coefficients, 660 Christoffel symbols, 887 Chrysanthemum festival, 545 Chulanovsky, Vladimir M. (1889–1969), 184 Clarté, 299 Colin breaks with, 276 Rolland on, 270 Clausius, Rudolf (1822–1888), 4 Clementino, Fratre, OFM, 734n Cohen, Donald, 788a, 791a Cohen, Morris R. on philosophy books and journals for European libraries, 810a requests text of AE’s lecture on quanta and ra- diation at City College of New York, 810a Colin, Paul (1890–1943) Clarté, on break with, 276 on meeting with AE in 1919, 276 on polemics between Barbusse and Rol- landists, 276 Collège de France, 155–156, 161–162, 182, 400 AE’s lectures at, 188, 192, 196–197, 200, 204, 217, 281 votes to invite AE, 146n Colloid chemistry, 430 in U.S., 495 Colombo, 556 Columbia University, offers AE professorship, 720, 724, 731 Comas Solà, Josep, 584n Comert, Pierre (1880–1964), lv, 405, 426, 507, 530, 738, 821a Committee on Intellectual Cooperation, liv–lvi, 366, 373n, 809a AE invited to join, 308, 321–322 Le Bourgeois on, 812a motives for, 370 AE on reports of, 821a AE resigns from, 389, 738, 742–743 Attolico on, 405–406 Comert on, 831a Curie on, 394, 400 Murray on, 398–399 reason for resignation, 388, 402, 404, 405, 408, 418–419, 433–434 AE on substitute in, 506, 515, 530, 820a Wertheimer declines to be substitute, 513– 514, 516–517 2nd session, agenda of, 506 Besso on, 744 Bonnevie on, 809a Brinkmann offers himself as AE’s help in, 731–732 Center for artistic and scientific production and promotion, proposes, 826a Curie accepts membership in, 318 Epstein on, 378 establishment of, 307
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