I N D E X 9 2 7 first meeting of, 438–439 Kraus as possible member of, 508 Latin and Germanic elements in, 399 members of, 308 Millikan, proposed, 378 Nitobe, on AE’s absence from session, 816a organizes subcommittee on bibliography and requests names of candidates, 821a, 823a report of, 821a requests proposal for member, 508 Zangger on, 341 Comte, Auguste, 230, 246, 247 Conduction chains, in superconductivity, 174– 175 Conductivity, in metals, 169 Confédération des travailleurs intellectuels de France, 304 Connection, affine asymmetric, 713n as basis for general relativity, 706 concept of, 660 symmetry condition, 661, 707 Contu, Rafaele (1895–1952), 659, 812a, 827a Einstein 1905r, Italian edition, 659, 817a Einstein 1918k, Italian edition, 659, 814a, 815a, 817a Einstein 1920j, Italian edition, 659, 784a, 789a, 790a, 794a, 795a, 799a, 808a, 809a, 814a, 828a Einstein 1921b, Italian edition, 659 Einstein 1921c, Italian edition, 784a, 789a, 790a, 794a, 795a, 799a, 808a, 809a Lorentz et al. 1922, Italian edition, suggests splitting into booklets and adding authors, 809a, 815a, 817a, 818a Teubner declines permission, 802a requests book reviews, 802a, 808a Cooler, 47–48, 136, 158 Coordinates curvilinear, introduced by Gauss, 882 cyclic, 460 generalized, canonical transformations of, 792a lose immediate meaning in general relativity, 881 Correspondence principle, 203 Cosentini, Francesco, 785a Cosmological problem, 427 in AE’s calculations, 672 AE lectures on, 548 static two-particle solution, 595 Cosmology cosmic length, 709 cosmological term in field equations, 710 early work on, 639 finite universe, 854, 857 Friedmann’s investigation of negative curvature, 603 non-stationary world, 490 solution of field equations, 602 introduction of cosmological constant, 885 Jaffe on, 396 Milky Way and spiral nebulae, 523 Newtonian theory, 523 number of stars finite, 857 possible worlds of other dimensions, 857 Seeliger on, 523 Selety’s “molecular-hierarchic” world, 523 spatially infinite world, 505 spatial topology, 427 spherical space, story of the beetle, 538 Cossío, Manuel B., 586n Cossmann, Nikolaus, 339n Cotton, Aimé, 796a Coulomb, Charles, 872, 886 Courant, Richard (1888–1972), 464 invites AE to play music for Hilbert, 85 Courrières, explosion in, 16 Covariance, as heuristic principle, 883 Crete, 534 Croiset, Maurice (1846–1935), 162, 225, 796a, 837 invites AE to lecture and AE accepts, 192 on schedule of AE’s lectures in Paris, 189 Crommelin, Claude August, 176n Crucy, François, 255n, 785a, 833, 835 Crystals, conduction of, 315 Cultural advisory committee, AE invited to join, 824a Curie-Sk odowska, Marie (1867–1934), lii, liv, 155, 308, 366, 506, 515, 796a, 839 on AE’s resignation from Committee on