9 2 8 I N D E X Intellectual Cooperation, 394, 400 alleged affair with Langevin, 15 hopes AE accepts membership on Committee on Intellectual Cooperation by, 318 AE accepts, 321 Current density, 699, 709, 711 in unified field theory, 667 in Weyl’s theory, 536 Curti, Oscar, 328 Curti-Forrer, Eugen (1865–1951), 202, 739 Cusin, Vidal B., 209n Cust, L.G.A., lxv, 576n, 577n Czerniawski, Aharon (1887–1966), 559, 560, 580n Czernowitz, Shmuel, 577n Dalekarlien, 737 Darmstaedter, Ludwig, 259n Darzens, Georges, 796a David, D. M., 575n David, Maurice (1863–1938), invites AE to lec- ture in U.S., 726 David Dominicus & Co. mortgage case, 828a De Sitter’s solution, 597n Debye, Peter (1884–1966), 15, 94n, 157, 260, 366 courses of, 178 debate with Nernst, 261–262, 268, 272–273, 341 on intermolecular attractive forces, 261–262, 268, 272–273 Deeds, Wyndham (1883–1956), 559 Degania, 561 Delbrück, Hans (1848–1929), 286 on Aulard and Gerlach, 338 Deller, Edwin, on AE’s letter of recommenda- tion to Jeffery, 791a Demay, C., greetings of a French worker, 793a Dember, Harry (1882–1943), 410, 433, 818a Deng, L., 254, 260 Denjoy, Arnaud, 806a Dessau, Bernardo (1863–1949), requests infor- mation on education at Technion in Haifa, 164–165 Destrée, Jules (1863–1936), 308 Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft, 332n Quidde on, 827a Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Studium Osteuropas invites AE to join, 831a Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund, invites AE to 11th German Pacifist Congress, 818a Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft. See DPG Deutsches Friedenskartell, 332n, 349n Deutschvölkischer Schutz- und Trutzbund, 374n Dewey, John, lvii Dhorme, Edouard-Paul, 577n, 582n Die Grundlagen der Einsteinschen Relativitäts- theorie, film on, 325n, 326–327, 807a Diels, Hermann (1848–1922), 385 Dienes, Paul (1882–1952), 692n on impossibility of Weyl’s theory, 479 on infinite amount of tensors capable of geo- metrical interpretation, 479 on kinematic geometry, 479 sends AE two papers, 479, 483 Diez. See Deeds, Wyndham Differential equations, not the right representa- tion for natural laws, 461, 533 Dimensions four in relativity, 878a possible worlds of other dimensions, 857 Diogenes tub for AE, 421, 431, 475 Direction quantization of atoms, 315 Distribution of particles in a liquid, 8 Dizengoff, Meir, lxvii, 576n, 578n, 579n, 828a Doi, Uzumi (1895–1945), lvii, 463n, 548, 570n, 601n on observation of spectroscopic binaries falsi- fying constancy of light velocity, 318, 811a opposes relativity, 318–320 on Sommerfeld’s theory of fine structure of spectral lines, 318 Domet, Asis (1890–1943), lxviii, 581n Domet-Köbke, Adelheid, 581n Donder, Théophile de, 796a, 798a, 800a Donnan, Frederick (1870–1956), 277, 294n Doppler effect, 98–99, 100, 424 quadratic, plan of experiment on, 109 transversal, 180 Down syndrome, lxxi, 448, 475, 480 DPG, Jena meeting, 77 Drach, Jules, 796a Dresdner Bank, on precious metal content of coins used in China, 801a Drexler, Franz, 96 Droste, Johannes (1886–1963), 267
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