9 0 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 9 1153. From Norbert Nieuwland Maredsous, 21 May 1929 Thanks AE for putting him in direct contact with W. Schücking, with whom he met on 8 May. They agreed on almost all points. They have devised a new project of reconcili- ation. TLS. [34 596]. 1154. From Methuen & Co. Ltd. London, 22 May 1929 Is interested in issuing a new edition of Einstein 1920l and has consulted the translator, Robert Lawson, who writes that the references need to be updated and much valuable work has been done since 1919. TLS. [42 212]. 1155. To Willibald Lebach [Berlin, 23 May 1929] Thanks Lebach for his visit to them. With a note by Grete Lebach. Sotheby’s auction catalog (14 December 1988) description only. AKS. [76 639]. 1156. From Sergei Hessen Prague, 24 May 1929 Attaches the German translation of his paper on the relationship between Galileo’s physics and that of Aristotle. AE’s opinion will decide whether to publish it or not. Has not received an answer to his letter of 14 April (see Doc. 514). ALS. [46 683]. 1157. From Methuen & Co., Ltd. London, 24 May 1929 Lawson also proposes that the press asks AE for a new biographical sketch for the en- visaged new edition of Einstein 1920l (see Abs. 1154 and Einstein 1929kk). TLS. [42 213]. 1158. To Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag Berlin, 26 May 1929 Agrees with a new print of Einstein 1916f but insists that they make it clear on the title page that it is a reprint of the 1916 edition. TLC. [41 1006]. 1159. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 27 May 1929 As a follow-up to Abs. 1150, sends materials and letter of recommendation for Rudolf Samuel. Requests to tell him that he has good chances of obtaining a position at a physics institute in Jerusalem. TLS. [91 466]. 1160. To George Alexander Kohut Berlin, 27 May 1929 Thanks for his “poetry and friendly wishes.” PTLS. [73 550]. 1161. From Jüdischer Friedensbund Berlin, 28 May 1929 Requests signature to an appeal on preventing a new annihilating war and on a system- atic work on a real, just, and lasting peace ([46 309]) issued by the Friedenskartell der Konfessionen of which the Jüdischer Friedensbund is a member. TLS. [46 308]. 1162. From Otto Juliusburger Schwarzburg, 29 May 1929 Found a passage in Feuerbach 1841 that, he claims, characterizes an important part of AE’s personality, namely, that a scientific mind would celebrate Spinoza’s substance, full of antipathy against a personal, subjective “God.” ALS. [38 148]. 1163. From Chaim Weizmann [London,] 29 May 1929 Invites to 16th Zionist Congress in Zurich, and requests to deliver a speech at the inau- gural session. The congress will also commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Theodor Herzl’s death. TLS. [33 401]. 1164. From Heinrich Zangger Zurich, 29 May 1929 In response to AE’s (nonextant) letter, informs of the steps taken to find proper hospital care for Mrs. Werner. Spent 20,000 Swiss francs this year from his pocket on such cases. TLS. [40 072].
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9 0 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A Y 1 9 2 9 1153. From Norbert Nieuwland Maredsous, 21 May 1929 Thanks AE for putting him in direct contact with W. Schücking, with whom he met on 8 May. They agreed on almost all points. They have devised a new project of reconcili- ation. TLS. [34 596]. 1154. From Methuen & Co. Ltd. London, 22 May 1929 Is interested in issuing a new edition of Einstein 1920l and has consulted the translator, Robert Lawson, who writes that the references need to be updated and much valuable work has been done since 1919. TLS. [42 212]. 1155. To Willibald Lebach [Berlin, 23 May 1929] Thanks Lebach for his visit to them. With a note by Grete Lebach. Sotheby’s auction catalog (14 December 1988) description only. AKS. [76 639]. 1156. From Sergei Hessen Prague, 24 May 1929 Attaches the German translation of his paper on the relationship between Galileo’s physics and that of Aristotle. AE’s opinion will decide whether to publish it or not. Has not received an answer to his letter of 14 April (see Doc. 514). ALS. [46 683]. 1157. From Methuen & Co., Ltd. London, 24 May 1929 Lawson also proposes that the press asks AE for a new biographical sketch for the en- visaged new edition of Einstein 1920l (see Abs. 1154 and Einstein 1929kk). TLS. [42 213]. 1158. To Johann Ambrosius Barth Verlag Berlin, 26 May 1929 Agrees with a new print of Einstein 1916f but insists that they make it clear on the title page that it is a reprint of the 1916 edition. TLC. [41 1006]. 1159. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 27 May 1929 As a follow-up to Abs. 1150, sends materials and letter of recommendation for Rudolf Samuel. Requests to tell him that he has good chances of obtaining a position at a physics institute in Jerusalem. TLS. [91 466]. 1160. To George Alexander Kohut Berlin, 27 May 1929 Thanks for his “poetry and friendly wishes.” PTLS. [73 550]. 1161. From Jüdischer Friedensbund Berlin, 28 May 1929 Requests signature to an appeal on preventing a new annihilating war and on a system- atic work on a real, just, and lasting peace ([46 309]) issued by the Friedenskartell der Konfessionen of which the Jüdischer Friedensbund is a member. TLS. [46 308]. 1162. From Otto Juliusburger Schwarzburg, 29 May 1929 Found a passage in Feuerbach 1841 that, he claims, characterizes an important part of AE’s personality, namely, that a scientific mind would celebrate Spinoza’s substance, full of antipathy against a personal, subjective “God.” ALS. [38 148]. 1163. From Chaim Weizmann [London,] 29 May 1929 Invites to 16th Zionist Congress in Zurich, and requests to deliver a speech at the inau- gural session. The congress will also commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Theodor Herzl’s death. TLS. [33 401]. 1164. From Heinrich Zangger Zurich, 29 May 1929 In response to AE’s (nonextant) letter, informs of the steps taken to find proper hospital care for Mrs. Werner. Spent 20,000 Swiss francs this year from his pocket on such cases. TLS. [40 072].

