C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 8 7 9 5 pianist Dora Brunner and cellist W. Liebscher, (Davoser Blätter, 30 March 1928). March 25 or 26 Travels from Davos to Zurich. before March 30 Joins the honorary committee for the Jewish special exhibit of the International Press review in Cologne (Neue Freie Presse, 30 March 1928). before March 31 Cosigns fund-raising appeal of the Bund entschiedener Schulreformer in honor of Paul Oestreich’s fiftieth birthday (Berliner Tageblatt, 31 March 1928, ME). ca. April 10 Returns to Berlin from Zurich to convalesce. April 11 Elected foreign member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. April 25 University of Cambridge confers honorary doctorate on AE (The Times, 26 April 1928). before April 27 Supports the International League against Pogroms, recently established in Paris (Sentinel, 27 April 1928). before May 3 Bestowed honorary membership in the Soviet Academy of Sciences. May 8 Joins committee of prominent Western European intellectu- als, including H. G. Wells and Ramsay MacDonald, seeking cultural rapprochement. before May 10 Cosigns a letter by the newly established Planck-Stiftung about the planned Planck medal for outstanding achieve- ments in theoretical physics (Berliner Tageblatt, 10 May 1928, EE). June 10 Declines Rhodes Memorial Lectures for 1929 as well as the future. Welcomes Hans Albert and Frieda Einstein-Knecht for a visit in Berlin. June 14 Resigns de facto from his roles on the BOGHU. before July 3 Joins a fund-raising committee in honor of August Forel’s eightieth birthday to support scientific research that benefits mankind (Berliner Tageblatt, 3 July 1928, ME). July 5 Travels to Scharbeutz to convalesce, residing at the Villa Michahelles.