7 9 4 C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 8 1928 January 4 Permits the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom to publish his thoughts on war and disarmament (Doc. 122). January 5 Attends a reception for the Argentinian foreign minister Angel Gallardo at the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft (Vossische Zeitung, 6 January 1928, ME). January 10 Annual ball of the Jewish sport club “Hagibor” in Prague, with AE on the honorary committee (Prager Tagblatt, 15 December 1927). February 7 Arrives in Leyden for Lorentz’s funeral (Het Vaderland, 8 February 1928). February 9 Attends Lorentz’s funeral, Haarlem. February 10 Delivers eulogy for Lorentz in the auditorium of Leyden University (Appendix G). February 12 Departs Leyden and returns to Berlin. February 14 Publishes “General Theory of Relativity and Equations of Motion” (Doc. 91). after February 15 Accepts honorary chairmanship of the International League against Pogroms. before February 22 Departs Berlin for Zurich. February 23 Travels to Chur and then Zuoz. before 12 March Travels to Leipzig for a patent court case and returns imme- diately to Zuoz (Doc. 168, note 3). before March 17 Travels to Davos from Zuoz. March 18 Delivers “On the Davos University Lectures” (Doc. 157) before presenting Doc. 156 at the festive opening of the Davoser Hochschulkurse (Davoser Blätter, no. 488 [23 March 1928]: 13, and Davoser Revue 3, no. 7 [15 April 1928]: 10–11). March 19 to 24 Attends courses during first week of the Davoser Hoch- schulkurse. March 22 First reports of falling ill. March 24 Plays works by Bach, Mozart, and Beethoven at a festive concert for the opening of the Davoser Hochschulkurse with