7 9 8 C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 9 February 26 Receives invitation to accept honorary doctorate from the University of Paris. before February 27 Visited by the British pianist Harriet Cohen, who plays Bach for him (Manchester Guardian, 27 February 1929). before March 8 Cosigns appeal for the Verein zur Förderung junger Theater- kunst in Berlin (Berliner Tageblatt, 8 March 1929, ME). March 9 Addresses meeting of prominent German Jews in Berlin at which a committee to organize a Jewish association for world peace is established (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 11 March 1929). March 10 Attends annual meeting of the German Keren Hayesod at the Kroll Opera House in Berlin (Jüdische Rundschau, 12 March 1929). March 12 Leaves Berlin to flee planned birthday festivities (New York Times, 13 March 1929). March 13 Staying in Gatow and awaiting the arrival of family members. before March 14 Sends letter to the Roerich Museum congratulating on the new building to be constructed on Riverside Drive in New York cannot accept its invitation to the United States owing to illness (New York Times, 15 March 1929). ca. March 14 Receives messages for his fiftieth birthday from the Zionist Executive of Jerusalem, the Jewish National Fund, and the National Council of Palestine Jews (Sentinel, 22 March 1929). March 14 Celebrates his fiftieth birthday at Franz Lemm’s estate in Gatow to avoid all festivities in Berlin. Birthday dinner attended by Elsa and Margot Einstein, Ilse Kayser-Einstein, and Rudolf Kayser (New York Times and Jewish Daily Bul- letin, 15 March 1929). Ceremony held at Einstein Tower in Potsdam for the unveil- ing of a bust of AE by sculptor Harald Isenstein purchased by the Prussian government (Sentinel, 15 March 1929). Verse for Birthday Well-Wishers completed (Doc. 435). before March 15 Joins honorary committee overseeing a study trip to Pales- tine on the occasion of the inauguration of the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem (Berliner Tageblatt, 15 March 1929, ME).