C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 9 7 9 7 1929 January 4 Becomes honorary committee member for the conference “Modern Methods of Warfare and the Protection of the Civil Population,” convened by the International Women’s League for Peace and Freedom in Frankfurt (Arbeiter- zeitung, 5 January 1929). before January 6 Returns to Berlin from Gatow. January 6 Permits Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte to publish state- ment on Lenin’s death (Doc. 360). January 10 Presents “On Unified Field Theory” (Doc. 365) to the PAW. after January 10 Writes “On Unified Field Theory: Continuation of the Work of the Same Title (These Proceedings I.29)” (Doc. 368). before January 11 Sends greetings to the Liga für das arbeitende Palästina in Berlin (Jüdische Rundschau, 11 January 1929). January 12 Reports appear in the German and international press on the presentation of “On Unified Field Theory” (Doc. 365) to the PAW (see Berliner Tageblatt, 12 January, EE Vossische Zeitung, 12 January 1929, ME The Times, 12 January 1929). after January 16 Issues statement on the role of Palestine in Jewish life (Doc. 376). January 19 Provides message titled “On Zionism” (Doc. 379). after January 19 Answers questions on the subject of German reparations for the International News Service Berlin (Doc. 378). before February 3 Completes “Old and New Ideas on Field Theory” (Doc. 395). before February 7 Sends an appeal to the Romanian government in behalf of Romanian political prisoners (Vorwärts, 7 February 1929). Becomes a member of the Société franco-allemande (Journal de Genève, 7 February 1929). February 13 Accepts invitation by Roerich Museum to join Committee of Honorary Advisers to the proposed Himalayan Scientific Station. February 23 Writes “On Conscientious Objection to Military Service” (Doc. 410), which is censored by the Czech authorities.
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