C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 9 7 9 9 before March 18 Returns to Berlin from Gatow. before March 19 Joins committee to support the Verband russischer Juden in Deutschland, which aids Russian Jewish refugees in Ger- many (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 20 March 1929). March 21 Presents “Unified Field Theory and Hamilton’s Principle” (Doc. 459) at the PAW. before March 25 Joins honorary committee for celebrations in memory of Albert Steinrück (Berliner Tageblatt, 25 March 1929, EE). March 25 Secret society formed in Berlin “to expose Einstein” (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 26 March 1929). March 26 Elected honorary member of Knesseth Israel, the unified Palestine Jewish community (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 27 March 1929). March 28 Accepts election to Solvay Scientific Committee. before March 29 Receives birthday greetings from the Zionist Organization of America, the Jewish National Fund, and the Zionist Fed- eration of Poland (HaOlam, 29 March 1929). before April 6 “Appeal by the International Trotsky Assistance Committee (Germany)” is published (Berliner Tageblatt, 6 April 1929, ME). April 6 Affiliates himself with unnamed pacifist organization proposed by Dutch anarchist B. de Ligt. before April 7 Sends Verse for Birthday Well-Wishers (Doc. 435) to the teachers of Palestine to thank them for their birthday wishes (Ha’aretz, 7 April 1929). April 8 Issues statement on YIVO (Doc. 487). April 9 Sells patent applications with Goldschmidt for G. 75753 and G. 75754 to Tekniske Forsøgsaktieselskab. [35 507]. before April 11 British-Jewish philanthropist Bernhard Baron forwards donation of £1,000 to AE for OZE (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 12 April 1929). April 12 Attends concert given by twelve-year-old violinist Yehudi Menuhin at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall (Sentinel, 3 May 1929). April 13–16 Sends messages to the Einstein Jubilee Committee in New York (Docs. 496, 497).
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C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 9 7 9 9 before March 18 Returns to Berlin from Gatow. before March 19 Joins committee to support the Verband russischer Juden in Deutschland, which aids Russian Jewish refugees in Ger- many (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 20 March 1929). March 21 Presents “Unified Field Theory and Hamilton’s Principle” (Doc. 459) at the PAW. before March 25 Joins honorary committee for celebrations in memory of Albert Steinrück (Berliner Tageblatt, 25 March 1929, EE). March 25 Secret society formed in Berlin “to expose Einstein” (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 26 March 1929). March 26 Elected honorary member of Knesseth Israel, the unified Palestine Jewish community (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 27 March 1929). March 28 Accepts election to Solvay Scientific Committee. before March 29 Receives birthday greetings from the Zionist Organization of America, the Jewish National Fund, and the Zionist Fed- eration of Poland (HaOlam, 29 March 1929). before April 6 “Appeal by the International Trotsky Assistance Committee (Germany)” is published (Berliner Tageblatt, 6 April 1929, ME). April 6 Affiliates himself with unnamed pacifist organization proposed by Dutch anarchist B. de Ligt. before April 7 Sends Verse for Birthday Well-Wishers (Doc. 435) to the teachers of Palestine to thank them for their birthday wishes (Ha’aretz, 7 April 1929). April 8 Issues statement on YIVO (Doc. 487). April 9 Sells patent applications with Goldschmidt for G. 75753 and G. 75754 to Tekniske Forsøgsaktieselskab. [35 507]. before April 11 British-Jewish philanthropist Bernhard Baron forwards donation of £1,000 to AE for OZE (Jewish Daily Bulletin, 12 April 1929). April 12 Attends concert given by twelve-year-old violinist Yehudi Menuhin at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall (Sentinel, 3 May 1929). April 13–16 Sends messages to the Einstein Jubilee Committee in New York (Docs. 496, 497).

