C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S O C T O B E R 1 9 2 7 8 1 9 contain no intimation of AE’s agreeing with the book’s content, is submitted in writing for his approval prior to printing. TTrL. [15 025]. 159. From Ligue Internationale contre l’Impérialisme et pour l’Indépendance Nationale Paris, 28 September 1927 Encloses official invitation to meeting of the general council on 6 December 1927 in Paris. Further details will be forthcoming. TLS. [47 454]. 160. From Edwin Michalowski Zoppot (Danzig), 28 September 1927 The wave packet of emitted light has a finite length. It moves with c, so according to special relativity its length is zero with respect to the absorbing atom. The explanation of diffraction phenomena requires, however, a finite length. Asks how to resolve this dif- ficulty. ALS. [17 187]. 161. From Francis Maurits Jaeger Groningen, 29 September 1927 Referring to his letter of 1 June 1920 (see Vol. 10, Calendar, p. 575), is now able to carry out experiments and requests AE remind him of the relationship and send him literature. AKS. [13 375]. 162. From Paul Moos Ulm, 29 September 1927 AE’s cousin Moos thanks for the postcard sent by AE and Elsa from Switzerland. Is pleased that AE has read his book (most likely Moos 1922). Hopes to be able to complete a second volume. Is on vacation in Ulm and has taken many interesting walking tours. The latest posthumous volume by R. Dehmel contains beautiful comments on Moos dat- ing from 1902 (Dehmel 1926). ALS. [47 650]. 163. From Charles K. Payne New York, 29 September 1927 Is interested in attending AE’s courses in summer term 1927. Requests publication de- tails of future works. TLS. [47 823]. 164. From Max Grossman New York, 30 September 1927 At behest of Morris R. Cohen, requests a greeting, to be read at testimonial dinner in honor of Cohen on 15 October 1927. TLS. [32 454]. 165. From Rudolf Lämmel Dornburg a. S., 30 September 1927 Thanking for Abs. 158, sends proposed dedication: “Albert Einstein gewidmet, dem Vollender des Baues.” Requests approval. TLS. [15 026]. 166. From Frederick Alexander Lindemann Oxford, 30 September 1927 Regrets delay in answering Doc. 39. The Rhodes trustees have in the meantime invited another speaker, from the United States. If he were not to accept, then they agree to AE coming only for four weeks alternatively, they would be pleased if he came in 1929, preferably for eight weeks. ALS. [16 347]. 167. To Ligue Internationale contre l’Impérialisme et pour l’Indépendance Nationale Berlin, 1 October 1927 In reply to Abs. 159, regrets being unable to attend owing to being overburdened with work. TLC. [47 455]. 168. To Edwin Michalowski Berlin, 1 October 1927 In reply to Abs. 160, explains that the difficulty lies in the fact that wave trains of finite length manifest themselves relative to the light source. A finite length from the stand- point of a coordinate system moving along with the light source does not help in clari- fying the problem. TLC. [17 189]. 169. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 2 October 1927 In reply to Doc. 60, has contacted F. Maurette and has been informed that it is unclear whether AE will be asked to speak in the administrative council. Maurette and A. Thomas will visit AE for further discussions. The advisory committee is charged with preparing internationally binding agreements regarding the working conditions of intel- lectual workers. Steinig will arrive in Berlin on 8 October and wishes to visit with AE. ALS. [34 965].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S O C T O B E R 1 9 2 7 8 1 9 contain no intimation of AE’s agreeing with the book’s content, is submitted in writing for his approval prior to printing. TTrL. [15 025]. 159. From Ligue Internationale contre l’Impérialisme et pour l’Indépendance Nationale Paris, 28 September 1927 Encloses official invitation to meeting of the general council on 6 December 1927 in Paris. Further details will be forthcoming. TLS. [47 454]. 160. From Edwin Michalowski Zoppot (Danzig), 28 September 1927 The wave packet of emitted light has a finite length. It moves with c, so according to special relativity its length is zero with respect to the absorbing atom. The explanation of diffraction phenomena requires, however, a finite length. Asks how to resolve this dif- ficulty. ALS. [17 187]. 161. From Francis Maurits Jaeger Groningen, 29 September 1927 Referring to his letter of 1 June 1920 (see Vol. 10, Calendar, p. 575), is now able to carry out experiments and requests AE remind him of the relationship and send him literature. AKS. [13 375]. 162. From Paul Moos Ulm, 29 September 1927 AE’s cousin Moos thanks for the postcard sent by AE and Elsa from Switzerland. Is pleased that AE has read his book (most likely Moos 1922). Hopes to be able to complete a second volume. Is on vacation in Ulm and has taken many interesting walking tours. The latest posthumous volume by R. Dehmel contains beautiful comments on Moos dat- ing from 1902 (Dehmel 1926). ALS. [47 650]. 163. From Charles K. Payne New York, 29 September 1927 Is interested in attending AE’s courses in summer term 1927. Requests publication de- tails of future works. TLS. [47 823]. 164. From Max Grossman New York, 30 September 1927 At behest of Morris R. Cohen, requests a greeting, to be read at testimonial dinner in honor of Cohen on 15 October 1927. TLS. [32 454]. 165. From Rudolf Lämmel Dornburg a. S., 30 September 1927 Thanking for Abs. 158, sends proposed dedication: “Albert Einstein gewidmet, dem Vollender des Baues.” Requests approval. TLS. [15 026]. 166. From Frederick Alexander Lindemann Oxford, 30 September 1927 Regrets delay in answering Doc. 39. The Rhodes trustees have in the meantime invited another speaker, from the United States. If he were not to accept, then they agree to AE coming only for four weeks alternatively, they would be pleased if he came in 1929, preferably for eight weeks. ALS. [16 347]. 167. To Ligue Internationale contre l’Impérialisme et pour l’Indépendance Nationale Berlin, 1 October 1927 In reply to Abs. 159, regrets being unable to attend owing to being overburdened with work. TLC. [47 455]. 168. To Edwin Michalowski Berlin, 1 October 1927 In reply to Abs. 160, explains that the difficulty lies in the fact that wave trains of finite length manifest themselves relative to the light source. A finite length from the stand- point of a coordinate system moving along with the light source does not help in clari- fying the problem. TLC. [17 189]. 169. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 2 October 1927 In reply to Doc. 60, has contacted F. Maurette and has been informed that it is unclear whether AE will be asked to speak in the administrative council. Maurette and A. Thomas will visit AE for further discussions. The advisory committee is charged with preparing internationally binding agreements regarding the working conditions of intel- lectual workers. Steinig will arrive in Berlin on 8 October and wishes to visit with AE. ALS. [34 965].

