8 3 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 327. From Franz Joseph Engel Berlin, 21 December 1927 For the Berliner Tageblatt, requests a review of R. Lämmel’s recently published book Lämmel 1927, dedicated to AE. TLS. [15 030]. 328. From Jüdische Telegraphen-Agentur Berlin, 21 December 1927 On behalf of Jacob Landau, chief of the New York JTA, M. Wurmbrand requests a few words of greeting to be published in the 1,000th issue of the Jewish Daily Bulletin, to appear in a few weeks. TLS. [47 151]. 329. From Paul Meyrhoffer Geneva, 21 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 322, although there is currently no need for a German language teacher at The International School in Geneva, given the small number of German students, he is nevertheless contacting Edith Reiss-Einstein. TLS. [46 092]. 330. From Auswärtiges Amt Berlin, 22 December 1927 Encloses a work sent by the German Embassy in Buenos Aires. TLS. [45 453]. 331. From Adolf Gerson Berlin-Pankow, 23. December 1927 In reply to Abs. 301, explains his thesis that the heat at the equator is not supplied only by the Sun, but also by a heat remnant that was absorbed by the Earth into its core and inner layers at an earlier time. TLS. [25 088]. 332. From Michael Polanyi Berlin-Dahlem, 23 December 1927 Encloses (nonextant) letter addressed to AE by Vereinigte Glühlampenfabriken in Újpest, Hungary. TLS. [46 438]. 333. To Vereinigte Glühlampenfabriken [Berlin,] 24 December 1927 In reply to the (nonextant) document enclosed with Abs. 332, is unable to render the re- quested expert report since he is extremely overworked. TLC. [46 439]. 334. To Émile Meyerson [Berlin,] 24 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 326, returns the text of the book review with a few minor changes and considers it ready for publication (see Einstein 1928e [Doc. 152]). TLC. [18 294]. 335. From Otto Dallmeyer Düsseldorf, 26 December 1927 Sends his essay “Vom Wesen des Raumes,” in which he attempts to prove that light is the essence of the second dimension, just as a body is the essence of the third dimension. These considerations are not derived scientifically but rather intuitively. Requests AE’s opinion. ALS. [46 004]. 336. From Hans Fischer Hamburg, [25] 26 December 1927 Sends verse with New Year’s greetings on behalf of the Tafelrunde im Dornbusch, an organization of German Austrians in Dornbusch, Hamburg. AKS. [31 501]. 337. From Émile Meyerson Paris, 26 December 1927 Thanks for Abs. 334. Lévy-Bruhl is looking forward to publishing the review in his jour- nal Revue philosophique, most likely in the March 1928 issue. ALS. [18 295]. 338. Device for Moving Liquid Metal, Especially for Compressing Gases and Vapors in Refrigerators Berlin, 27 December 1927 AE and Leo Szilard apply for a patent on an invention according to which a gliding mag- netic field induces electric current loops in the fluid metal flowing through a thin annu- lus, with their planes perpendicular both to the intended flow and to the magnetic field. The induced Lorentz force moves the metal to compress refrigerant. Among the possible uses of the pump is the pumping of molten metal into a mold. PD. [90 026].
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8 3 4 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 7 327. From Franz Joseph Engel Berlin, 21 December 1927 For the Berliner Tageblatt, requests a review of R. Lämmel’s recently published book Lämmel 1927, dedicated to AE. TLS. [15 030]. 328. From Jüdische Telegraphen-Agentur Berlin, 21 December 1927 On behalf of Jacob Landau, chief of the New York JTA, M. Wurmbrand requests a few words of greeting to be published in the 1,000th issue of the Jewish Daily Bulletin, to appear in a few weeks. TLS. [47 151]. 329. From Paul Meyrhoffer Geneva, 21 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 322, although there is currently no need for a German language teacher at The International School in Geneva, given the small number of German students, he is nevertheless contacting Edith Reiss-Einstein. TLS. [46 092]. 330. From Auswärtiges Amt Berlin, 22 December 1927 Encloses a work sent by the German Embassy in Buenos Aires. TLS. [45 453]. 331. From Adolf Gerson Berlin-Pankow, 23. December 1927 In reply to Abs. 301, explains his thesis that the heat at the equator is not supplied only by the Sun, but also by a heat remnant that was absorbed by the Earth into its core and inner layers at an earlier time. TLS. [25 088]. 332. From Michael Polanyi Berlin-Dahlem, 23 December 1927 Encloses (nonextant) letter addressed to AE by Vereinigte Glühlampenfabriken in Újpest, Hungary. TLS. [46 438]. 333. To Vereinigte Glühlampenfabriken [Berlin,] 24 December 1927 In reply to the (nonextant) document enclosed with Abs. 332, is unable to render the re- quested expert report since he is extremely overworked. TLC. [46 439]. 334. To Émile Meyerson [Berlin,] 24 December 1927 In reply to Abs. 326, returns the text of the book review with a few minor changes and considers it ready for publication (see Einstein 1928e [Doc. 152]). TLC. [18 294]. 335. From Otto Dallmeyer Düsseldorf, 26 December 1927 Sends his essay “Vom Wesen des Raumes,” in which he attempts to prove that light is the essence of the second dimension, just as a body is the essence of the third dimension. These considerations are not derived scientifically but rather intuitively. Requests AE’s opinion. ALS. [46 004]. 336. From Hans Fischer Hamburg, [25] 26 December 1927 Sends verse with New Year’s greetings on behalf of the Tafelrunde im Dornbusch, an organization of German Austrians in Dornbusch, Hamburg. AKS. [31 501]. 337. From Émile Meyerson Paris, 26 December 1927 Thanks for Abs. 334. Lévy-Bruhl is looking forward to publishing the review in his jour- nal Revue philosophique, most likely in the March 1928 issue. ALS. [18 295]. 338. Device for Moving Liquid Metal, Especially for Compressing Gases and Vapors in Refrigerators Berlin, 27 December 1927 AE and Leo Szilard apply for a patent on an invention according to which a gliding mag- netic field induces electric current loops in the fluid metal flowing through a thin annu- lus, with their planes perpendicular both to the intended flow and to the magnetic field. The induced Lorentz force moves the metal to compress refrigerant. Among the possible uses of the pump is the pumping of molten metal into a mold. PD. [90 026].

