8 4 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 8 394. From Leo Kohn London, 13 January 1928 Upon arrival the previous day, reports handing Doc. 128 to Ch. Weizmann, who found the letter unassailable. Weizmann will transmit the letter to J. L. Magnes and Warburg and will inform them that he shares AE’s standpoint. Brodetsky will be in London on 15 January. Encloses a copy of the letter for AE’s files. ALS. [36 998]. 395. To Thomas Barclay Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 378, is unable to attend because he will not participate in the sessions of the steering committee of the IIIC in the foreseeable future. He will be represented by H. A. Krüss. TLC. [45 467]. 396. To Curt Barnhain Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 384, considers F. Metzler’s ideas unclear and lacking in any commercial value. Is surprised that the patent lawyer did not recognize this at once, rather than ex- tracting the 200 M payment. TLC. [47 613]. 397. To Josef Schmidt Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 392, finds that the geometrical construction can only give approximate results that are 1/1000 too small, and has indeed been proven impossible. TLC. [25 265]. 398. To Wilhelm Schramm Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 266, AE does not understand anything about it. Is this a turbine instal- lation, a pump installation, or a perpetuum mobile? The only novelty might be the tur- bine blade, where only an apparent increase in the pressure surface is achieved, since only the tangential component of pressure can act on it. TLC. [25 269]. 399. To John B. Wood Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 323, regrets being unable to express an opinion, since he needs to limit his activities to his own field of specialization. TLC. [48 824]. 400. From R. Drechsler Solingen, 15 January 1928 Encloses for publication a “brainteaser” meant to assist in the understanding of relativity theory. TLS. [46 062]. 401. From Josef Wunsch Berlin, 16 January 1928 Informs that Citogel withdraws its objection raised in Abs. 385. TLS. [35 579]. 402. From Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte Berlin, 17 January 1928 In its plenary session of 15 January, AE was elected to the political board of advisers. The task of this board is to advise the executive committee on political actions and pro- vide expert support. TLS. [47 468]. 403. To Henry Brose Berlin, 18 January 1928 Since nothing has come of the invitation to Oxford for this year, regrets having to cancel his commitment to attend the opening of Nottingham University (see Abs. 97). TLC. [45 679]. 404. To Europäische Revue Berlin, 18 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 363, gives permission to reprint Einstein 1927m (Vol. 15, Doc. 506). TLC. [46 142]. 405. From Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift Berlin, 19 January 1928 Thanks for Abs. 388. TLS. [46 109]. 406. From Emil Julius Gumbel Heidelberg, 23 January 1928 The plan to travel to Chile has foundered because of political changes (see Abs. 24). Asks AE to recommend him for a stipend from the International Education Board. Gumbel wishes to work in the biometrical laboratory of K. Pearson at University Col- lege London. TLC. [46 502].
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8 4 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 8 394. From Leo Kohn London, 13 January 1928 Upon arrival the previous day, reports handing Doc. 128 to Ch. Weizmann, who found the letter unassailable. Weizmann will transmit the letter to J. L. Magnes and Warburg and will inform them that he shares AE’s standpoint. Brodetsky will be in London on 15 January. Encloses a copy of the letter for AE’s files. ALS. [36 998]. 395. To Thomas Barclay Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 378, is unable to attend because he will not participate in the sessions of the steering committee of the IIIC in the foreseeable future. He will be represented by H. A. Krüss. TLC. [45 467]. 396. To Curt Barnhain Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 384, considers F. Metzler’s ideas unclear and lacking in any commercial value. Is surprised that the patent lawyer did not recognize this at once, rather than ex- tracting the 200 M payment. TLC. [47 613]. 397. To Josef Schmidt Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 392, finds that the geometrical construction can only give approximate results that are 1/1000 too small, and has indeed been proven impossible. TLC. [25 265]. 398. To Wilhelm Schramm Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 266, AE does not understand anything about it. Is this a turbine instal- lation, a pump installation, or a perpetuum mobile? The only novelty might be the tur- bine blade, where only an apparent increase in the pressure surface is achieved, since only the tangential component of pressure can act on it. TLC. [25 269]. 399. To John B. Wood Berlin, 14 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 323, regrets being unable to express an opinion, since he needs to limit his activities to his own field of specialization. TLC. [48 824]. 400. From R. Drechsler Solingen, 15 January 1928 Encloses for publication a “brainteaser” meant to assist in the understanding of relativity theory. TLS. [46 062]. 401. From Josef Wunsch Berlin, 16 January 1928 Informs that Citogel withdraws its objection raised in Abs. 385. TLS. [35 579]. 402. From Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte Berlin, 17 January 1928 In its plenary session of 15 January, AE was elected to the political board of advisers. The task of this board is to advise the executive committee on political actions and pro- vide expert support. TLS. [47 468]. 403. To Henry Brose Berlin, 18 January 1928 Since nothing has come of the invitation to Oxford for this year, regrets having to cancel his commitment to attend the opening of Nottingham University (see Abs. 97). TLC. [45 679]. 404. To Europäische Revue Berlin, 18 January 1928 In reply to Abs. 363, gives permission to reprint Einstein 1927m (Vol. 15, Doc. 506). TLC. [46 142]. 405. From Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift Berlin, 19 January 1928 Thanks for Abs. 388. TLS. [46 109]. 406. From Emil Julius Gumbel Heidelberg, 23 January 1928 The plan to travel to Chile has foundered because of political changes (see Abs. 24). Asks AE to recommend him for a stipend from the International Education Board. Gumbel wishes to work in the biometrical laboratory of K. Pearson at University Col- lege London. TLC. [46 502].

