8 4 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 8 418. From Traute Hoelz Berlin, 30 January 1928 Two mass meetings for M. Hoelz will be held 1 and 2 February. A. Apfel will speak about the appeal process. A special table will be placed on the stage for members of the neutral committee. Hopes that AE will attend both events. TLS. [46 708]. 419. From Stefan Zweig and Heinrich Meng Stuttgart, February 1928 Circular letter, requesting support for gathering signatures of Nobel Prize winners and other prominent personalities in behalf of nominating Sigmund Freud for the prize. The letter is strictly confidential, and Freud himself knows nothing about it. TLS. [32 523] 420. To Emil Julius Gumbel [Berlin,] 1 February 1928 In reply to Abs. 413, explains that he cannot write directly to the Education Board, but suggests that he inform its members that they may contact him if interested. TLC. [46 511]. 421. To Traute Hoelz [Berlin,] 1 February 1928 In reply to Abs. 418, is unfortunately unable to attend the meetings scheduled for today and tomorrow, but continues to support M. Hoelz. TLC. [46 709]. 422. From Ganesh Prasad Calcutta, 3 February 1928 On 29 January 1928, the Calcutta Mathematical Society elected AE honorary member. For its twentieth anniversary in November, the society requests an article by AE. ALS. [30 228]. 423. Elsa Einstein to Ayao Kuwaki [Berlin, after 4 February 1928] Cannot meet in their home. AE was in the Netherlands because of the death of H. A. Lorentz, his best friend and a man he completely revered. ALS. [90 962]. 424. To Paul Ehrenfest [Berlin,] 5 February 1928 Informs of his arrival on 7 February for H. A. Lorentz’s funeral. Tgm. [10 284]. 425. From Hans Albert Einstein Dortmund, 5 February 1928 In reply to Doc. 138, regrets that AE sounds resigned. Thinks it unlikely that he can move to another company, since the rail association does not encourage the filching of employees among companies. He has applied for a position with Dornier Werke, an aeronautics company in Friedrichshafen. Does not know whether anything is available with the A.E.G. He is feeling well. Both he and his wife are now under the care of a ho- meopath. ALS. [144 058]. 426. From Curt Schwarz [Charlottenburg,] 5 February 1928 Thanks AE for his (nonextant) note, quotes lengthy passages from Gösta Mittag- Leffler’s address to students on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. ALS. [48 444]. 427. To Hans Ludwig Hamburger [Berlin,] 6 February 1928 Warmly recommends M. Wertheimer for the professorship that is opening at the Univer- sity of Cologne. Praises his achievements as founder of Gestalt psychology and his latest proof that the perception of space is formed in the eye’s rods and not in the cones. He is writing this letter at the suggestion of Wolfgang Köhler. TLC. [23 378]. 428. From Die Koralle 8 February1928 Encloses an essay on a paper published earlier in Die Koralle. The editors first guessed it was penned by AE, but since the postmark indicates Munich and is not signed, they wish to verify whether their guess is correct. TLS. [47 289].
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8 4 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 8 418. From Traute Hoelz Berlin, 30 January 1928 Two mass meetings for M. Hoelz will be held 1 and 2 February. A. Apfel will speak about the appeal process. A special table will be placed on the stage for members of the neutral committee. Hopes that AE will attend both events. TLS. [46 708]. 419. From Stefan Zweig and Heinrich Meng Stuttgart, February 1928 Circular letter, requesting support for gathering signatures of Nobel Prize winners and other prominent personalities in behalf of nominating Sigmund Freud for the prize. The letter is strictly confidential, and Freud himself knows nothing about it. TLS. [32 523] 420. To Emil Julius Gumbel [Berlin,] 1 February 1928 In reply to Abs. 413, explains that he cannot write directly to the Education Board, but suggests that he inform its members that they may contact him if interested. TLC. [46 511]. 421. To Traute Hoelz [Berlin,] 1 February 1928 In reply to Abs. 418, is unfortunately unable to attend the meetings scheduled for today and tomorrow, but continues to support M. Hoelz. TLC. [46 709]. 422. From Ganesh Prasad Calcutta, 3 February 1928 On 29 January 1928, the Calcutta Mathematical Society elected AE honorary member. For its twentieth anniversary in November, the society requests an article by AE. ALS. [30 228]. 423. Elsa Einstein to Ayao Kuwaki [Berlin, after 4 February 1928] Cannot meet in their home. AE was in the Netherlands because of the death of H. A. Lorentz, his best friend and a man he completely revered. ALS. [90 962]. 424. To Paul Ehrenfest [Berlin,] 5 February 1928 Informs of his arrival on 7 February for H. A. Lorentz’s funeral. Tgm. [10 284]. 425. From Hans Albert Einstein Dortmund, 5 February 1928 In reply to Doc. 138, regrets that AE sounds resigned. Thinks it unlikely that he can move to another company, since the rail association does not encourage the filching of employees among companies. He has applied for a position with Dornier Werke, an aeronautics company in Friedrichshafen. Does not know whether anything is available with the A.E.G. He is feeling well. Both he and his wife are now under the care of a ho- meopath. ALS. [144 058]. 426. From Curt Schwarz [Charlottenburg,] 5 February 1928 Thanks AE for his (nonextant) note, quotes lengthy passages from Gösta Mittag- Leffler’s address to students on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. ALS. [48 444]. 427. To Hans Ludwig Hamburger [Berlin,] 6 February 1928 Warmly recommends M. Wertheimer for the professorship that is opening at the Univer- sity of Cologne. Praises his achievements as founder of Gestalt psychology and his latest proof that the perception of space is formed in the eye’s rods and not in the cones. He is writing this letter at the suggestion of Wolfgang Köhler. TLC. [23 378]. 428. From Die Koralle 8 February1928 Encloses an essay on a paper published earlier in Die Koralle. The editors first guessed it was penned by AE, but since the postmark indicates Munich and is not signed, they wish to verify whether their guess is correct. TLS. [47 289].

