C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 8 8 7 7 Deutschen Studentenschaft to be completed by Schwarz. Asks AE to fill out the enclo- sure. TLS. [47 509]. 791. From Robert Weltsch Berlin/Grunewald, 17 December 1928 Sends attached copy of a reply from Vieweg & Sohn ([45 551]) on being ready to con- sider publication of Bergmann 1929 (see Abs. 776). TLS. [45 550]. 792. To Reichsausschuss des Bundes der Freunde der Internationalen Arbeiterhilfe [Berlin,] 18 December 1928 Even though the problem is very important, cannot sign the appeal because he does not know the persons involved. TLC. [46 785]. 793. To Curt Schwarz [Berlin,] 18 December 1928 The Lincoln-Stiftung has written (Abs. 790). Urges him to follow H. Simons’s invitation and commit no foolishness. Attaches documents of Wirtschaftshilfe der deutschen Studendenschaft to be discussed with Simons. After Schwarz’s escapade with Margot Einstein, a friendly relationship with her is impossible. TLC. [48 456]. 794. To Hans Simons [Berlin,] 18 December 1928 Sends the requested information. Proposes to invite C. Schwarz and gain a personal impression of him. He behaves strangely, but extraordinary talents often have certain personality flaws, which, in this case, are not of an ethical nature. TLC. [48 458]. 795. From Edgar A. Mowrer Chicago, 18 December 1928 The Chicago Daily News intends to publish in its New Year issue opinions of eminent German personalities on what they wish for the new year. Solicits answer in ten lines or fewer. TLS. [85 011]. 796. From Frida Perlen Stuttgart, 19 December 1928 Requests AE’s signature on P. Langevin’s attached statement and invitation to the Inter- national Conference on Modern Methods of Warfare and the Protection of Civil Populations. Attaches more forms for prospective signatories. Succeeded in convincing the Trade Union of Metal Workers to send delegates, to ensure the participation both of physical and intellectual workers. Invites to speak at the conference or to send a message. TLS. [28 067]. 797. To Alexander Kagan [Berlin,] 20 December 1928 Schereschewsky is unworthy of their assistance. Has forwarded Kagan’s information on a patent to L. Szilard. TLC. [35 581]. 798. To Edgar A. Mowrer [Berlin,] 20 December 1928 Sends Doc. 337 as reply to Abs. 795. 799. To Wilhelm Seitz [Berlin,] 20 December 1928 The movable arrangement of pump and tube makes the layout unnecessarily complicated. Is sorry that Seitz is wasting time and energy on a hopeless problem. TLC. [48 286]. 800. From Adolf von Harnack Berlin, 21 December 1928 Has submitted to the senate of the KWG the proposal by the majority of scientific mem- bers to establish a scientific council. The senate has accepted the necessary changes in the statutes, pending confirmation by the general assembly of the KWG (see Abs. 927). TLS. [40 168]. 801. From Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff Charlottenburg, 21 December 1928 In science, has never accepted discrimination against individuals because of political views or racial and national origin, therefore welcomes AE’s letter (most likely congrat- ulations on his eightieth birthday, nonextant) with double the pleasure. ALS. [48 799].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 8 8 7 7 Deutschen Studentenschaft to be completed by Schwarz. Asks AE to fill out the enclo- sure. TLS. [47 509]. 791. From Robert Weltsch Berlin/Grunewald, 17 December 1928 Sends attached copy of a reply from Vieweg & Sohn ([45 551]) on being ready to con- sider publication of Bergmann 1929 (see Abs. 776). TLS. [45 550]. 792. To Reichsausschuss des Bundes der Freunde der Internationalen Arbeiterhilfe [Berlin,] 18 December 1928 Even though the problem is very important, cannot sign the appeal because he does not know the persons involved. TLC. [46 785]. 793. To Curt Schwarz [Berlin,] 18 December 1928 The Lincoln-Stiftung has written (Abs. 790). Urges him to follow H. Simons’s invitation and commit no foolishness. Attaches documents of Wirtschaftshilfe der deutschen Studendenschaft to be discussed with Simons. After Schwarz’s escapade with Margot Einstein, a friendly relationship with her is impossible. TLC. [48 456]. 794. To Hans Simons [Berlin,] 18 December 1928 Sends the requested information. Proposes to invite C. Schwarz and gain a personal impression of him. He behaves strangely, but extraordinary talents often have certain personality flaws, which, in this case, are not of an ethical nature. TLC. [48 458]. 795. From Edgar A. Mowrer Chicago, 18 December 1928 The Chicago Daily News intends to publish in its New Year issue opinions of eminent German personalities on what they wish for the new year. Solicits answer in ten lines or fewer. TLS. [85 011]. 796. From Frida Perlen Stuttgart, 19 December 1928 Requests AE’s signature on P. Langevin’s attached statement and invitation to the Inter- national Conference on Modern Methods of Warfare and the Protection of Civil Populations. Attaches more forms for prospective signatories. Succeeded in convincing the Trade Union of Metal Workers to send delegates, to ensure the participation both of physical and intellectual workers. Invites to speak at the conference or to send a message. TLS. [28 067]. 797. To Alexander Kagan [Berlin,] 20 December 1928 Schereschewsky is unworthy of their assistance. Has forwarded Kagan’s information on a patent to L. Szilard. TLC. [35 581]. 798. To Edgar A. Mowrer [Berlin,] 20 December 1928 Sends Doc. 337 as reply to Abs. 795. 799. To Wilhelm Seitz [Berlin,] 20 December 1928 The movable arrangement of pump and tube makes the layout unnecessarily complicated. Is sorry that Seitz is wasting time and energy on a hopeless problem. TLC. [48 286]. 800. From Adolf von Harnack Berlin, 21 December 1928 Has submitted to the senate of the KWG the proposal by the majority of scientific mem- bers to establish a scientific council. The senate has accepted the necessary changes in the statutes, pending confirmation by the general assembly of the KWG (see Abs. 927). TLS. [40 168]. 801. From Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff Charlottenburg, 21 December 1928 In science, has never accepted discrimination against individuals because of political views or racial and national origin, therefore welcomes AE’s letter (most likely congrat- ulations on his eightieth birthday, nonextant) with double the pleasure. ALS. [48 799].

