C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 8 8 1 832. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 15 January 1929 Thanks AE for transmitting his much abbreviated paper to K. Scheel. Requests reprint of AE’s latest work. ALS. [24 210]. 833. To Paul Hausmeister [Berlin,] 16 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 828, explains that Hausmeister is incorrect: the average velocity of a molecule depends only on temperature, and not on pressure. In any case, it does not in- crease with pressure. Believes incorrect considerations regarding reversibility were used when analyzing the energy loss in water hydrolysis under pressure. TLC. [25 108]. 834. To Theodor Wolff [Berlin,] 16 January 1929 Wishes to help promote the German edition of Shaw 1928, and encloses a note to this effect, hoping something could be printed in Berliner Tageblatt. TLC. [33 248]. 835. From Nature London, 16 January 1929 Finding announcement in The Times (Chronology, 12 January 1929), requests a copy of Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) to notice it in Nature. TL. [9 295]. 836. From Melania Serbu Braşov, 16 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 819, if indeed women cannot achieve something complete in mathemat- ics, she would refrain from even embarking on her studies. Is more inclined to philoso- phy. Describes parents, grandfather, and great-grandfather as sources of her hunger to learn. Earns her own money. ALS. [39 103]. 837. From Michael Wurmbrand Berlin, 16 January 1929 On behalf of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, asks AE for an encouraging statement for the annual United Palestine Appeal being launched in the United States. TLS. [28 069]. 838. To Nature [Berlin, after 16 January 1929] In reply to Abs. 835 informs that he had sent Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) to A. Eddington, who will take care of a short review in correct English. Written in HD’s hand at the bot- tom of Abs. 835. ADftL. [9 295.1]. 839. To Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft Berlin, 17 January 1929 Has not yet received an answer to his request (Abs. 679) for a research stipend for C. Lanczos. Finds this lax treatment inappropriate, especially since has had to pay a stipend to Lanczos since 1 November 1928 from his own funds. TLC. [15 223]. 840. From Luther P. Eisenhart Princeton, N.J., 18 January 1929 Requests copy of results of AE’s work on gravitation and electricity mentioned in Abs. 822. Recollects AE’s visit to Princeton in May 1921. TLC. [9 204]. 841. From Otto D, Tolischus Berlin, 18 January 1929 On behalf of International News Service, requests AE’s opinion on the question of rep- arations. Is sending the following questions to leading personalities: Should Germany pay reparations based on a moral responsibility? Must Germany pay reparations because it has lost the war, or are other political actions possible? How much should Germany pay, taking into account previous payments? How much could Germany pay according to your estimate? TLS. [48 590]. 842. To Arthur Korn Berlin, 19 January 1929 In reply to a nonextant letter, since he is suffering quite seriously from a heart ailment, will be unable to travel to Geneva. H. Krüss is representing him splendidly. TLSX. [44 194]. 843. To Ferdinand Müller [Berlin,] 19 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 775, does not feel competent to assess the essay. Müller must be correct in that the cover of the violin is the acoustically active part. Proposes the use of a sound post made of a heavy metal to test whether the sound disappears. It should not. Explains how the string produces sound. The main static problem to solve is a possible relieving of the strain in the sound-transmitting cover. TLC. [47 680].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 8 8 1 832. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 15 January 1929 Thanks AE for transmitting his much abbreviated paper to K. Scheel. Requests reprint of AE’s latest work. ALS. [24 210]. 833. To Paul Hausmeister [Berlin,] 16 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 828, explains that Hausmeister is incorrect: the average velocity of a molecule depends only on temperature, and not on pressure. In any case, it does not in- crease with pressure. Believes incorrect considerations regarding reversibility were used when analyzing the energy loss in water hydrolysis under pressure. TLC. [25 108]. 834. To Theodor Wolff [Berlin,] 16 January 1929 Wishes to help promote the German edition of Shaw 1928, and encloses a note to this effect, hoping something could be printed in Berliner Tageblatt. TLC. [33 248]. 835. From Nature London, 16 January 1929 Finding announcement in The Times (Chronology, 12 January 1929), requests a copy of Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) to notice it in Nature. TL. [9 295]. 836. From Melania Serbu Braşov, 16 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 819, if indeed women cannot achieve something complete in mathemat- ics, she would refrain from even embarking on her studies. Is more inclined to philoso- phy. Describes parents, grandfather, and great-grandfather as sources of her hunger to learn. Earns her own money. ALS. [39 103]. 837. From Michael Wurmbrand Berlin, 16 January 1929 On behalf of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, asks AE for an encouraging statement for the annual United Palestine Appeal being launched in the United States. TLS. [28 069]. 838. To Nature [Berlin, after 16 January 1929] In reply to Abs. 835 informs that he had sent Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) to A. Eddington, who will take care of a short review in correct English. Written in HD’s hand at the bot- tom of Abs. 835. ADftL. [9 295.1]. 839. To Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft Berlin, 17 January 1929 Has not yet received an answer to his request (Abs. 679) for a research stipend for C. Lanczos. Finds this lax treatment inappropriate, especially since has had to pay a stipend to Lanczos since 1 November 1928 from his own funds. TLC. [15 223]. 840. From Luther P. Eisenhart Princeton, N.J., 18 January 1929 Requests copy of results of AE’s work on gravitation and electricity mentioned in Abs. 822. Recollects AE’s visit to Princeton in May 1921. TLC. [9 204]. 841. From Otto D, Tolischus Berlin, 18 January 1929 On behalf of International News Service, requests AE’s opinion on the question of rep- arations. Is sending the following questions to leading personalities: Should Germany pay reparations based on a moral responsibility? Must Germany pay reparations because it has lost the war, or are other political actions possible? How much should Germany pay, taking into account previous payments? How much could Germany pay according to your estimate? TLS. [48 590]. 842. To Arthur Korn Berlin, 19 January 1929 In reply to a nonextant letter, since he is suffering quite seriously from a heart ailment, will be unable to travel to Geneva. H. Krüss is representing him splendidly. TLSX. [44 194]. 843. To Ferdinand Müller [Berlin,] 19 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 775, does not feel competent to assess the essay. Müller must be correct in that the cover of the violin is the acoustically active part. Proposes the use of a sound post made of a heavy metal to test whether the sound disappears. It should not. Explains how the string produces sound. The main static problem to solve is a possible relieving of the strain in the sound-transmitting cover. TLC. [47 680].

