8 8 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 822. Press release on Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365), New York Times Berlin, 11 January 1929 Is quoted as saying: “A few days ago I submitted to the Academy of Sciences a work that treats with a novel development of the theory of relativity. The purpose of this work is to unite the laws of the field of gravitation and electromagnetism under a uniform viewpoint.” PD. [98 019]. 823. From Siegfried Loewenthal Berlin-Schöneberg, 11 January 1929 On behalf of Central News London asks for an interview or an abstract on AE’s paper Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365), to be published in London. TLS. [47 531]. 824. To Siegfried Loewenthal [Berlin, on or after 11 January 1929] The seven-page paper is on unified field theory, and its goal is to explain the identity of electricity and gravitation in a new way. Written at the bottom of Abs. 823. ALf. [47 532]. 825. From Otto D. Tolischus Berlin, 11 January 1929 Solicits permission to publish Einstein 1929n (Doc. 365) in the United States simultane- ously with the German publication. The publisher De Gruyter is ready to send a preprint. So as to gauge the readership, asks what consequences the advertised content of “a fusion of mechanics and electrodynamics” has for mechanics. AE added a note at the bottom: “rejected.” TLS. [48 589]. 826. To Jüdische Altershilfe [Berlin,] 12 January 1929 Considers the proposed house envisaged as old-age home in Neubabelsberg too expen- sive (see the board’s report, 10 January 1929 [45 393]). Farther away from Berlin would be less expensive both to buy and to maintain. A housewife should be charged with find- ing an appropriate place and furnishing it. Seeing how this matter is being handled makes him envision resigning from the board. TLC. [45 394]. 827. From Quarmby & Co. Boot Factors and Leather Merchants Keighley, England, 12 January 1929 Letter addressed to “Wladimar Einstein.” Are interested in the Einstein process of plat- ing, especially that of leather. Does the plated leather stay flexible for boot uppers? How does plating influence leather quality for soles? Sent this inquiry to Daily Mail to be for- warded to AE. TLS. [46 101]. “geschrieb dass nicht identist 16/1” is written in HD’s hand at the bottom of the document. 828. From Paul Hausmeister Göppingen, 13 January 1929 On 12 December 1928, as instructed by Sigmund Gutmann, he sent the requested mate- rials authored by Alfred Coehn. He requests explanations about the electrolytic decom- position of water under pressure, where the hydrogen molecules attain very high veloc- ities of 3,500,000 m/s. Coehn does not believe the results. TLS. [25 107]. 829. From Boehmischer Bankverein Prague, 14 January 1929 35.74 Czech Korun interest was added to his 1,057.21 Czech Korun account. TDS. [45 630]. 830. From Leopold Infeld Warsaw, 14 January 1929 His scientific working conditions and prospects in Warsaw are very circumscribed. Wladyslaw Natanson has recommended him for a stipend to the International Education Board, and E. Schrödinger is willing to supervise him in research on quantum mechan- ics. Requests letter of recommendation. TLS. [14 009]. 831. From Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 15 January 1929 Requests contact information for Von Moellendorff in order to submit a petition to deny entry permits to Germany to foreign musicians because of the heavy competition posed by “so-called jazz bands, constituted from English, French, Russian, Italian, Romanian and even Negro foreign musicians.” AE might wish to bring this up at the IIIC. TLS. [46 419].