9 0 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A P R I L 1 9 2 9 1082. From L. Bernhard Wechsler Bucharest, 3 April 1929 On behalf of the Zionist Students of Romania, solicits article for a special issue of its publication to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Theodor Herzl’s death. TLS. [28 079]. 1083. To Richard Heilner [Berlin,] 4 April 1929 Thanks for the smart observations in Abs. 1068, but is still convinced that such a customs union must be preceded by a free migration of labor in the given branch of economy. TLC. [46 611]. 1084. From Barthélemy De Ligt Geneva, 4 April 1929 At the conference held in Frankfurt on gas warfare, proposed establishing an organiza- tion of intellectuals. Having received an invitation to a congress against colonial oppres- sion in Paris with AE’s signature among others’, infers that AE would be interested in this proposal, published in Die neue Generation in February. Has received support from influential personalities. Solicits AE’s permission to add his name to the organization. In the attached handbook by radical pacifists Kobler 1928, his and Franz Kobler’s essays on the same topic can be found. TLS. [47 502]. 1085. From Alfred Roscher Hamborn, 4 April 1929 An ophthalmologist, thanks for AE’s poem (most likely copy of Doc. 435). AKS. [120 471]. 1086. From Jiddisches Wissenschaftliches Institut (Simon Dubnow and others) Berlin, 5 April 1929 Attaches copy of the institute’s program and the first issue of its Schriften für Wirtschaft und Statistik. The program is to investigate scientifically the background of Jewish cul- tural movements (the vernacular, history, economics, etc.). AE’s expression of support would help fund-raising, in particular in the United States. TLS. [47 104]. 1087. From Arnold Zweig Uhland, 5 April 1929 He and his wife send a belated birthday gift in the form of two music records. The sum requested for H. Pohlidal in Abs. 1067 is not available on a monthly basis because the funds of the writer’s association are not comparable to those of the Notgemeinschaft deutscher Wissenschaft. Among those receiving stipends are mostly older famous writ- ers and war veterans. Hopefully, Pohlidal will get a one-time gift of 100 M. TLS. [48 024]. 1088. To Joseph H. Hertz Berlin, 6 April 1929 Thanks for the birthday greetings (Abs. 992). Wishes a healthy development to the Hebrew University. ALS. [91 284]. 1089. To Walter E. Meyer Berlin, 8 April 1929 Cover letter to Einstein 1929u (Doc. 486). PTLS. [95 969]. 1090. To Verband Jüdischer Studentenvereine in Deutschland Berlin, 8 April 1929 Thanks for birthday greetings (Abs. 999), an expression of strengthening Jewish com- munity spirit. TLSX. [30 442]. 1091. From Lucy A. Cox London, 8 April 1929 Solicits article of 750 words on the effect of British general elections and a possible change of the government on the German peace movement, to be published in the spe- cial issue of the journal No More War. Attaches a number. TLS. [28 077]. 1092. From Deutsch-Russische Gesellschaft “Kultur und Technik” Berlin, 8 April 1929 Organized a festive event on AE’s birthday jubilee in Moscow. Attaches the program, a telegram by the Association of Engineers of the USSR, and a number of newspaper clippings. TLS. [30 368].