9 0 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 members of the preliminary executive committee on the petition. Its draft ([47 132]) is attached. At the bottom, “einverst.” (“agreed”) is added in AE’s hand. TLS. [47 131]. 1061. To Norbert Nieuwland [Berlin,] 27 March 1929 Forwarded Nieuwland’s letter (Abs. 1047) to Schücking (see Abs. 1056). If the scandalous order of the postmaster general is still in force, he will take steps to release the brochure. TLC. [34 594]. 1062. To Georges Oprescu [Berlin,] 27 March 1929 Unfortunately, is unable to participate in a meeting proposed by the Japanese National Committee for Intellectual Cooperation because of his illness (see Abs. 1049). TLS. [97 050]. 1063. To Emil Starkenstein Berlin, 27 March 1929 Stands by his earlier reply (nonextant). Thanks for birthday greetings. TLS. [90 824]. 1064. To Julius von Bosse [Berlin,] 28 March 1929 In reply to Abs. 1057, is certain that the matter is a deliberate swindle, yet does not be- lieve the case can be settled legally. Had already made a statement similar to what was proposed by Bosse (see Abs. 880), but authorizes him to make use of it. TLC. [46 097]. 1065. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 28 March 1929 Thanks for the congratulations (nonextant). Because of his illness, cannot accept the in- vitation of the British Association. Requests to forward his South African friends his thanks for their telegram and his apologies for not being to visit there. TLSX. [37 764]. 1066. To Paul Langevin [Berlin,] 28 March 1929 Accepts his election as member of the Solvay scientific committee (Abs. 1039). Will at- tend, conditional on his health. In case Langevin had congratulated him on his birthday, expresses his thanks. TLC. [15 383]. 1067. To Arnold Zweig [Berlin,] 28 March 1929 Among the congratulatory letters, he found one by the writer Helene Pohlidal, pseud- onym Hermann Dahl, who wrote a drama on Moses (see Abs. 1053). Asks whether an institution could give her a monthly stipend of 100 M. TLC. [48 023]. 1068. From Richard Heilner Bietigheim, 28 March 1929 Thanks for AE’s remarks of 23 March 1929 (see Doc. 411) on his deliberations on Ger- man economy and on European unification (Abs. 901). Upon AE’s remarks on a reduc- tion in agricultural customs, discusses the possible consequences of a European customs union for German agriculture. TLS. [46 610]. 1069. To Prussian Minister of Agriculture [Hermann Dietrich] [Berlin,] 29 March 1929 Prompted by Abs. 959, proposes Hans Hönlinger, a specialist in forestry, to assist him in his research efforts of public interest. TLC. [46725]. 1070. To Emil Schwammberger Berlin, 29 March 1929 Thanks the chief mayor for the congratulations from the city of Ulm. Has learned of the street named after him, but quips that he does not feel responsible for events that might occur there. TLS. [71 255].
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9 0 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 members of the preliminary executive committee on the petition. Its draft ([47 132]) is attached. At the bottom, “einverst.” (“agreed”) is added in AE’s hand. TLS. [47 131]. 1061. To Norbert Nieuwland [Berlin,] 27 March 1929 Forwarded Nieuwland’s letter (Abs. 1047) to Schücking (see Abs. 1056). If the scandalous order of the postmaster general is still in force, he will take steps to release the brochure. TLC. [34 594]. 1062. To Georges Oprescu [Berlin,] 27 March 1929 Unfortunately, is unable to participate in a meeting proposed by the Japanese National Committee for Intellectual Cooperation because of his illness (see Abs. 1049). TLS. [97 050]. 1063. To Emil Starkenstein Berlin, 27 March 1929 Stands by his earlier reply (nonextant). Thanks for birthday greetings. TLS. [90 824]. 1064. To Julius von Bosse [Berlin,] 28 March 1929 In reply to Abs. 1057, is certain that the matter is a deliberate swindle, yet does not be- lieve the case can be settled legally. Had already made a statement similar to what was proposed by Bosse (see Abs. 880), but authorizes him to make use of it. TLC. [46 097]. 1065. To Leo Kohn Berlin, 28 March 1929 Thanks for the congratulations (nonextant). Because of his illness, cannot accept the in- vitation of the British Association. Requests to forward his South African friends his thanks for their telegram and his apologies for not being to visit there. TLSX. [37 764]. 1066. To Paul Langevin [Berlin,] 28 March 1929 Accepts his election as member of the Solvay scientific committee (Abs. 1039). Will at- tend, conditional on his health. In case Langevin had congratulated him on his birthday, expresses his thanks. TLC. [15 383]. 1067. To Arnold Zweig [Berlin,] 28 March 1929 Among the congratulatory letters, he found one by the writer Helene Pohlidal, pseud- onym Hermann Dahl, who wrote a drama on Moses (see Abs. 1053). Asks whether an institution could give her a monthly stipend of 100 M. TLC. [48 023]. 1068. From Richard Heilner Bietigheim, 28 March 1929 Thanks for AE’s remarks of 23 March 1929 (see Doc. 411) on his deliberations on Ger- man economy and on European unification (Abs. 901). Upon AE’s remarks on a reduc- tion in agricultural customs, discusses the possible consequences of a European customs union for German agriculture. TLS. [46 610]. 1069. To Prussian Minister of Agriculture [Hermann Dietrich] [Berlin,] 29 March 1929 Prompted by Abs. 959, proposes Hans Hönlinger, a specialist in forestry, to assist him in his research efforts of public interest. TLC. [46725]. 1070. To Emil Schwammberger Berlin, 29 March 1929 Thanks the chief mayor for the congratulations from the city of Ulm. Has learned of the street named after him, but quips that he does not feel responsible for events that might occur there. TLS. [71 255].

