C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A P R I L 1 9 2 9 9 0 3 1093. To Lucy A. Cox [Berlin, after 8 April 1929] Does not wish to interfere in the daily battles of internal politics. ADft in HD’s hand at the bottom of Abs. 1091. 1094. To Rudolf Ladenburg et al. [Berlin, 9 April 1929] Reading the expressions of love and friendship that have been accumulating in a laundry basket for the past month, eventually found their cordial lines (see Doc. 440). Hopes to participate again in the Wednesday physics colloquia. ALS. [80 722.1]. 1095. To Heinrich Poll, General Education Board [Berlin,] 9 April 1929 Acknowledges receipt of 1,047 M in the form of a check for $250. TDS. [71 709]. 1096. From Jaromir Palla Prague, 9 April 1929 In reply to AE’s (nonextant) reply to Abs. 1044, explains that, according to his theory, when a rotating body performs radial oscillations periodically (e.g., emits a sound), a difference in oscillation appears at each turn. Gives two examples. Asks for a more fa- vorable opinion. ALS. [25 196]. 1097. From A. Westphal Tacubaya, [Mexico,] 9 April 1929 Sends congratulations and poem on AE’s birthday. Has been following AE’s career for a decade. Is proud of having a library containing forty works on relativity and a portrait of Einstein. ALS. [30 676]. 1098. From Hyman G. Enelow (Congregation Emanu-El) New York, 10 April 1929 On behalf of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, salutes AE on his birthday. Praises AE’s scientific achievements, spiritual qualities, humility, virtues that had char- acterized sages of Israel. Wishes health and fruitful activity. TLS. [93 586]. 1099. From Semen L. Frank Rehbrücke, 10 April 1929 In reply to Doc. 489, does not know Rabbi Emil Cohn. Jacob Teitel, however, is honored by everybody. Was the only judge of Jewish confession in Russia before the revolution. Praises his charitable work. Maxim Gorky once called him “a saint.” Excludes the pos- sibility of any misconduct on his part. ALS. [46 245]. 1100. From Ernst Simmel [Berlin,] 10 April 1929 Referring to their meeting at the celebration of S. Freud’s seventieth birthday on 6 May 1926 at the Hotel Esplanade in Berlin, given by the Deutsche Psychoanalytische Ge- sellschaft, invites AE to join the board of a planned psychoanalytical clinic under his di- rectorship at Tegel. Lists members of the committee. TL. [71 723]. 1101. From Richard Heilner Bietigheim, 11 April 1929 Thanks for Abs. 1083. Gives further arguments for his standpoint that the customs union in Europe must be the first step, followed by a free migration of labor, rather than AE’s opposite suggestion. TLS. [46 612]. 1102. To Det Tekniske Forsøgsaktieselskab [Berlin,] 12 April 1929 Completely agrees with the lines of cooperation in the relevant field laid down in Abs. 473. TLC. [35 508]. 1103. To Richard von Mises Berlin, 12 April 1929 Solicits a short opinion on engineer Alexander Fischer’s work on nomography (Fischer 1927–1928) needed in a confidential matter. TLS. [81 511]. 1104. To Ernst Simmel Berlin, 12 April 1929 In reply to Abs. 1100, cannot accept membership in the oversight committee because he lacks sufficient knowledge to evaluate the problems, theories, and methods in this field, and cannot take public responsibility for them. TLS. [71 340]. 1105. From David Kinley Urbana, IL, 12 April 1929 On behalf of the University of Illinois, congratulates AE on his fiftieth birthday. TTr. [93 509].