8 2 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 260. From Otto E. Jauer Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 11 November 1927 Regrets not having been able to talk on the phone with AE about his discovery of a proof for angle trisection with compass and straight edge. Will send his new publication soon (self-published Jauer 1927). TLS. [47 084]. 261. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 11 November 1927 Thanking for Abs. 238, expects that an appointment in Tübingen is not yet secure. Vienna is of interest, as is an available position in Jena. Believes one has to make de- tailed local star measurements in the vicinity of the eclipse before the eclipse expedition, and then, also locally, make comparison plates during the preceding or following night. ALS. [23 295]. 262. To [Maria Basca?] [Berlin, 12 November 1927] He was unfortunately unable to attend her concert on 12 November. Remembers fondly their conversation at the B. Eisner concert in the Beethovensaal on 10 November. Eisner’s second encore was by Scarlatti, as per Eisner’s later clarification to AE. ALS. [76 612]. 263. To Eigenbrödler-Verlag [Berlin,] 12 November 1927 In reference to Abs. 255, has reconsidered and requests that Einstein 1928c (Doc. 98) not be included in its book on Kortner. He has been asked for many similar statements and feels that this publication would offend those whose requests he has declined. TLC. [47 299]. 264. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 12 November 1927 Apologizes for having misinformed AE about the meeting in Brussels (see also Abs. 240). Two documents will be discussed, the first pertaining to organizing all inter- national intellectual workers’ associations the second to working conditions. The latter contains a resolution regarding unemployed intellectual workers. J. Destreé wishes to appoint M. Curie as his representative. Inquires who will represent AE. ALS. [34 967]. 265. From Friedrich Paschen Charlottenburg, den 14. November 1927 The low temperature laboratory has been completed to the extent that scientific visitors will be able to work there after mid-December. He has invited the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft, who contributed significant support, to an opening on 22 No- vember at 4 P.M. to the Reichsanstalt. Invites AE as Kuratorium member. TLS. [19 025]. 266. From Wilhelm Schramm Berlin, 14 November 1927 Requests AE’s opinion on a major invention, whose description is attached. ALS [25 266] and ADS [25 267]. 267. To Jean Cavaillès [Berlin,] 15 November 1927 Asks for suggestions as to time of appointment and that Elsa Einstein be told that his visit would be of scientific character and agreed upon with AE, otherwise Elsa would turn him down to protect AE from visitors. TLC. [45 738]. 268. To Edmund Landau [Berlin,] 15 November 1927 Accepts Landau’s (nonextant) invitation for 26 November. TLC. [47 336]. 269. To Charles K. Payne [Berlin], 15 November 1927 According to recent discussions, plans to lecture around 1 July 1928 on equations of motion in the general theory of relativity as a consequence of field equations, and on the problem of causality (see Abs. 223). TLC. [47 828].
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8 2 8 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 7 260. From Otto E. Jauer Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 11 November 1927 Regrets not having been able to talk on the phone with AE about his discovery of a proof for angle trisection with compass and straight edge. Will send his new publication soon (self-published Jauer 1927). TLS. [47 084]. 261. From Josef Weber Leipzig, 11 November 1927 Thanking for Abs. 238, expects that an appointment in Tübingen is not yet secure. Vienna is of interest, as is an available position in Jena. Believes one has to make de- tailed local star measurements in the vicinity of the eclipse before the eclipse expedition, and then, also locally, make comparison plates during the preceding or following night. ALS. [23 295]. 262. To [Maria Basca?] [Berlin, 12 November 1927] He was unfortunately unable to attend her concert on 12 November. Remembers fondly their conversation at the B. Eisner concert in the Beethovensaal on 10 November. Eisner’s second encore was by Scarlatti, as per Eisner’s later clarification to AE. ALS. [76 612]. 263. To Eigenbrödler-Verlag [Berlin,] 12 November 1927 In reference to Abs. 255, has reconsidered and requests that Einstein 1928c (Doc. 98) not be included in its book on Kortner. He has been asked for many similar statements and feels that this publication would offend those whose requests he has declined. TLC. [47 299]. 264. From Leon Steinig Geneva, 12 November 1927 Apologizes for having misinformed AE about the meeting in Brussels (see also Abs. 240). Two documents will be discussed, the first pertaining to organizing all inter- national intellectual workers’ associations the second to working conditions. The latter contains a resolution regarding unemployed intellectual workers. J. Destreé wishes to appoint M. Curie as his representative. Inquires who will represent AE. ALS. [34 967]. 265. From Friedrich Paschen Charlottenburg, den 14. November 1927 The low temperature laboratory has been completed to the extent that scientific visitors will be able to work there after mid-December. He has invited the Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft, who contributed significant support, to an opening on 22 No- vember at 4 P.M. to the Reichsanstalt. Invites AE as Kuratorium member. TLS. [19 025]. 266. From Wilhelm Schramm Berlin, 14 November 1927 Requests AE’s opinion on a major invention, whose description is attached. ALS [25 266] and ADS [25 267]. 267. To Jean Cavaillès [Berlin,] 15 November 1927 Asks for suggestions as to time of appointment and that Elsa Einstein be told that his visit would be of scientific character and agreed upon with AE, otherwise Elsa would turn him down to protect AE from visitors. TLC. [45 738]. 268. To Edmund Landau [Berlin,] 15 November 1927 Accepts Landau’s (nonextant) invitation for 26 November. TLC. [47 336]. 269. To Charles K. Payne [Berlin], 15 November 1927 According to recent discussions, plans to lecture around 1 July 1928 on equations of motion in the general theory of relativity as a consequence of field equations, and on the problem of causality (see Abs. 223). TLC. [47 828].

