C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U N E 1 9 2 8 8 5 9 606. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 23 June 1928 Attaches his critique of Maneff 1928 and asks AE’s opinion on whether to publish, given that G. Maneff is his boss. Describes his five-dimensional quantum field theory, similar to Mie 1928 but differing from it in nine points. Complains about the antirelativistic at- mosphere created by Maneff, and about his financial difficulties. ALS. [24 193]. 607. On Leman 1928 [Berlin,] before 25 June 1928 Praises the author’s talent in explaining both scientific and historical conditions for a wide readership. PD. [17 171]. 608. To Max Dessoir [Berlin,] 25 June 1928 Proposes Isaak Benrubi of the University of Geneva, a specialist in contemporary French philosophy, to deliver lectures in Berlin. It would also foster ties between Ger- man and French intellectuals. TLC. [45 525]. 609. To the International Labour Office [Berlin,] 25 June 1928 In reply to Leon Steinig’s letter of 20 June (see Abs. 602), informs that the expected change in the person of the labor minister conduces to postponing an immediate deci- sion. Since he and the representatives of the labor unions are in complete agreement, and since the minister will most likely be of a left-wing persuasion, they will soon be able to make a proposal. TLC. [34 999]. 610. To Leon Steinig [Berlin,] 25 June 1928 Agreed with the Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände to cooperate in pro- posing a representative. To agree with the ministry in the person of T. Brauer would help exclude the other unions, but because it is expected that the minister will choose a more leftist person (see Abs. 601), do not want to rush in the hope a person more to the left can be nominated. TLC. [34 1001]. 611. From F. Bryskier Fontenay-sous-Bois, [25 June 1928] Jewish refugees set up a committee to organize study tours to Palestine. Invites AE to join an honorary sponsors committee. As a student, he had participated in P. Langevin’s lecture on relativity for the Association Générale des Étudiants (30 March 1922), where AE was also present. ALS. [45 692]. 612. From Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 25 June 1928 Summarizes AE’s telephone conversation with F. Rasenberger-Koch. W. von Moellen- dorff’s candidature has been dropped (see Abs. 601). If H. Brauns remains minister of labor, they will accept his candidate T. Brauer. If not, they will propose a new candidate, in agreement with AE and the future minister. Will handle AE’s Scharbeutz address con- fidentially. TLS. [46 416]. 613. To Grete Lebach [Berlin,] 28 June 1928 Recalls the time spent with them in Düsseldorf. Mentions his illness. ALS. [76 787]. 614. From Max Apel Charlottenburg, 28 June 1928 Repeats the invitation to join the honorary council of the Freie Hochschule Berlin. Lists the personalities who have already accepted. TLS. [45 412]. 615. From Die Wahrheit Prague, 28 June 1928 Reminds AE of the journal’s questions (nonextant) on his opinion on the Christianizing of Jews and the Judaization of the Christian world which of these processes are more intensive and whether he deems these processes a symptom of the “declining West.” TLS. [48 679].
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U N E 1 9 2 8 8 5 9 606. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 23 June 1928 Attaches his critique of Maneff 1928 and asks AE’s opinion on whether to publish, given that G. Maneff is his boss. Describes his five-dimensional quantum field theory, similar to Mie 1928 but differing from it in nine points. Complains about the antirelativistic at- mosphere created by Maneff, and about his financial difficulties. ALS. [24 193]. 607. On Leman 1928 [Berlin,] before 25 June 1928 Praises the author’s talent in explaining both scientific and historical conditions for a wide readership. PD. [17 171]. 608. To Max Dessoir [Berlin,] 25 June 1928 Proposes Isaak Benrubi of the University of Geneva, a specialist in contemporary French philosophy, to deliver lectures in Berlin. It would also foster ties between Ger- man and French intellectuals. TLC. [45 525]. 609. To the International Labour Office [Berlin,] 25 June 1928 In reply to Leon Steinig’s letter of 20 June (see Abs. 602), informs that the expected change in the person of the labor minister conduces to postponing an immediate deci- sion. Since he and the representatives of the labor unions are in complete agreement, and since the minister will most likely be of a left-wing persuasion, they will soon be able to make a proposal. TLC. [34 999]. 610. To Leon Steinig [Berlin,] 25 June 1928 Agreed with the Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände to cooperate in pro- posing a representative. To agree with the ministry in the person of T. Brauer would help exclude the other unions, but because it is expected that the minister will choose a more leftist person (see Abs. 601), do not want to rush in the hope a person more to the left can be nominated. TLC. [34 1001]. 611. From F. Bryskier Fontenay-sous-Bois, [25 June 1928] Jewish refugees set up a committee to organize study tours to Palestine. Invites AE to join an honorary sponsors committee. As a student, he had participated in P. Langevin’s lecture on relativity for the Association Générale des Étudiants (30 March 1922), where AE was also present. ALS. [45 692]. 612. From Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 25 June 1928 Summarizes AE’s telephone conversation with F. Rasenberger-Koch. W. von Moellen- dorff’s candidature has been dropped (see Abs. 601). If H. Brauns remains minister of labor, they will accept his candidate T. Brauer. If not, they will propose a new candidate, in agreement with AE and the future minister. Will handle AE’s Scharbeutz address con- fidentially. TLS. [46 416]. 613. To Grete Lebach [Berlin,] 28 June 1928 Recalls the time spent with them in Düsseldorf. Mentions his illness. ALS. [76 787]. 614. From Max Apel Charlottenburg, 28 June 1928 Repeats the invitation to join the honorary council of the Freie Hochschule Berlin. Lists the personalities who have already accepted. TLS. [45 412]. 615. From Die Wahrheit Prague, 28 June 1928 Reminds AE of the journal’s questions (nonextant) on his opinion on the Christianizing of Jews and the Judaization of the Christian world which of these processes are more intensive and whether he deems these processes a symptom of the “declining West.” TLS. [48 679].

