8 6 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U N E 1 9 2 8 616. To Prussian Minister of Culture Potsdam, 29 June 1928 The board of trustees of the Einstein-Stiftung intends to ensure the operation of the Astro- physical Observatory until 1932, when it will become state-owned. Requests annually: 4,000–5,000 M for operational expenses as of 1 April 1929 10,000 M for professional expenses (research) representing an increase of 2,000 M over the previous budget. The board also requests that the staff be offered permanent, rather than temporary, contracts. They require: 15,000 M for a nonpermanent astrophysicist, a physicist, a technician, a precision engineer, a labor apprentice, and janitorial staff and 4,500 M for electricity. TTrL. [88 131]. 617. From Max Dessoir Berlin, 29 June 1928 In reply to Abs. 608, proposes to approach the chairman of the committee for guest lec- tures of the University of Berlin, O. Franke. Is ready to provide information on I. Benrubi. In case of no success, E. Jaeckh, president of Hochschule für Politik O. Grautoff, head of the German-French Society and L. Lewin, head of Lessing- Hochschule can be approached. TLS. [45 527]. 618. To Max Apel [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 In reply to Abs. 614, gives his consent to add his name. TLC. [45 413]. 619. To F. Bryskier [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 In reply to Abs. 611, authorizes Bryskier to use his name for the sake of Bryskier’s work. TLC. [45 693]. 620. To Die Wahrheit [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 Cover letter to manuscript of Einstein 1928q (Doc. 233) requested in Abs. 615. [20 860], [48 680]. 621. To Otto Franke [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 I. Benrubi intends to lecture in Berlin on contemporary French philosophy. Proposes it in the interest of relationship between German and French intellectuals. M. Dessoir of- fered recommendation (Abs. 617). Attaches Benrubi’s letter (nonextant). TLC. [45 528]. 622. To Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 30 June 1928 Asks F. Rasenberger-Koch to visit with the new Minister of Labor R. Wissell and agree on a candidate for the International Labour Office, a person of considerable intellect such as P. Levi, H. Kessler, or W. Schücking. Wishes to be informed of the result. TLSX. [46 417]. 623. To Walter Huth [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 In reply to Abs. 604, informs that because of a serious illness cannot meet with Huth. To replace the propeller with moving large surfaces must be promising, but the mechanical difficulties are very great. Does not feel competent to evaluate concrete solutions. In about two months, will be ready for a discussion if necessary. TLC. [46 759]. 624. To Hugo A. Krüss Berlin, 30 June 1928 Attached sends a letter by Nobel laureate Robert Bárány on founding an international school for diplomats and politicians. Will send Bárány to Krüss as his deputy in the ICIC. TLS. [95 908]. 625. To Ludwig Lewin [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 Consented to accept the invitation to join the honorary council of Freie Hochschule (Abs. 618). Likewise accepts Lewin’s invitation, if his name would help the Lessing- Hochschule. TLS. [91 859]. 626. To Raschko Zaycoff [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 Re-sends a letter that had been returned (in reply to Abs. 606). G. Maneff’s paper was accepted for publication through K. Scheel’s negligence (see Abs. 590). It is so amateur- ish that it does not need an answer. Urges Zaycoff not to give up his position as Assistent in experimental physics since success in theoretical physics is not guaranteed. TLC. [24 194].
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8 6 0 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U N E 1 9 2 8 616. To Prussian Minister of Culture Potsdam, 29 June 1928 The board of trustees of the Einstein-Stiftung intends to ensure the operation of the Astro- physical Observatory until 1932, when it will become state-owned. Requests annually: 4,000–5,000 M for operational expenses as of 1 April 1929 10,000 M for professional expenses (research) representing an increase of 2,000 M over the previous budget. The board also requests that the staff be offered permanent, rather than temporary, contracts. They require: 15,000 M for a nonpermanent astrophysicist, a physicist, a technician, a precision engineer, a labor apprentice, and janitorial staff and 4,500 M for electricity. TTrL. [88 131]. 617. From Max Dessoir Berlin, 29 June 1928 In reply to Abs. 608, proposes to approach the chairman of the committee for guest lec- tures of the University of Berlin, O. Franke. Is ready to provide information on I. Benrubi. In case of no success, E. Jaeckh, president of Hochschule für Politik O. Grautoff, head of the German-French Society and L. Lewin, head of Lessing- Hochschule can be approached. TLS. [45 527]. 618. To Max Apel [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 In reply to Abs. 614, gives his consent to add his name. TLC. [45 413]. 619. To F. Bryskier [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 In reply to Abs. 611, authorizes Bryskier to use his name for the sake of Bryskier’s work. TLC. [45 693]. 620. To Die Wahrheit [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 Cover letter to manuscript of Einstein 1928q (Doc. 233) requested in Abs. 615. [20 860], [48 680]. 621. To Otto Franke [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 I. Benrubi intends to lecture in Berlin on contemporary French philosophy. Proposes it in the interest of relationship between German and French intellectuals. M. Dessoir of- fered recommendation (Abs. 617). Attaches Benrubi’s letter (nonextant). TLC. [45 528]. 622. To Gewerkschaft Deutscher Geistesarbeiterverbände Berlin, 30 June 1928 Asks F. Rasenberger-Koch to visit with the new Minister of Labor R. Wissell and agree on a candidate for the International Labour Office, a person of considerable intellect such as P. Levi, H. Kessler, or W. Schücking. Wishes to be informed of the result. TLSX. [46 417]. 623. To Walter Huth [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 In reply to Abs. 604, informs that because of a serious illness cannot meet with Huth. To replace the propeller with moving large surfaces must be promising, but the mechanical difficulties are very great. Does not feel competent to evaluate concrete solutions. In about two months, will be ready for a discussion if necessary. TLC. [46 759]. 624. To Hugo A. Krüss Berlin, 30 June 1928 Attached sends a letter by Nobel laureate Robert Bárány on founding an international school for diplomats and politicians. Will send Bárány to Krüss as his deputy in the ICIC. TLS. [95 908]. 625. To Ludwig Lewin [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 Consented to accept the invitation to join the honorary council of Freie Hochschule (Abs. 618). Likewise accepts Lewin’s invitation, if his name would help the Lessing- Hochschule. TLS. [91 859]. 626. To Raschko Zaycoff [Berlin,] 30 June 1928 Re-sends a letter that had been returned (in reply to Abs. 606). G. Maneff’s paper was accepted for publication through K. Scheel’s negligence (see Abs. 590). It is so amateur- ish that it does not need an answer. Urges Zaycoff not to give up his position as Assistent in experimental physics since success in theoretical physics is not guaranteed. TLC. [24 194].

