C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U L Y 1 9 2 8 8 6 1 627. From Ernst Humanik Neokölln, 1 July 1928 In reply to Abs. 585, asks for opportunity to demonstrate his perpetuum mobile. As soon as he is given scientific arguments against it, he will give up. TL. [46 754]. 628. From Judah L. Magnes Jerusalem, 1 July 1929 Sends address he has delivered at the convocation of the Hebrew University on 21 June. TLS. [37 008]. 629. From Hans Ludendorff Potsdam, 2 July 1928 A few days before his travel to Leyden and his holidays, received the budget proposal of the Einstein-Stiftung (see Abs. 616). Having doubts about it, considers it a great un- friendliness not to be contacted earlier as a member of the board of trustees. Mentions AE’s complimentary letter of September 1925 (Vol. 15, Doc. 67) to him and AE’s frank opinion of Freundlich. TLCX. [11 284]. 630. To Eugene Rabinowitch Villa Michahelles, Scharbeuz bei Timmendorfer-Strand, 3 July 1928 Is ready to recommend him not only when asked but also even when not asked, in any form. ALSX. [48 057]. 631. From Otto Franke Berlin, 3 July 1928 Read with interest I. Benrubi’s writings sent with Abs. 621. Doubts the success of an in- vitation, since requests had been rejected because French troops still occupy German territories. Will forward request to commission for guest lectures. Proposes he also con- sult Eduard Wechssler at the University of Berlin. TLS. [45 530]. 632. Erwin F. Freundlich to Elsa Einstein Göttingen, 3 July 1928 Forwards Abs. 629 with the advice to preempt its effect on AE when handed over, or even not to show it to him. Is not hurt by AE’s opinion of him. ALS. [11 299]. 633. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman [Scharbeutz, between 3 July and late September 1928] After having tried mineral water and pharmaceuticals to no avail, requests help for AE’s diarrhea. ALS. [65 566]. 634. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman Scharbeutz, [between 3 July and late September 1928] Invites Libman and Lichtwitz for dinner. Her cure was successful but her heart is still weak. AE awaits meeting Lichtwitz with great interest. Thanks Libman for having vis- ited AE last Sunday, he enjoyed it. ALS. [65 567]. 635. From Slava Zaycoff Sofia, 4 July 1928 In reply to Abs. 626, thanks for AE’s advice to Raschko to serve his country and science. He has no talent for experiments but does his best to overcome difficulties as assistant in experimental physics. G. Maneff treats him as not gifted and belittles AE’s achieve- ments. An official at the Ministry of Education who was a schoolmate of Maneff did not pay out his stipend while Zaycoff was in Berlin. TLf. [24 196]. 636. Elsa Einstein to Slava Zaycoff [Scharbeutz, after 4 July 1928] In reply to Abs. 635, proposes that Zaycoff keep his assistant position in experimental physics because one-sided theoretical work can lead to an unproductive intellect, and, in order to avoid conflict with G. Maneff, to write only papers that are not on the theory of relativity and discuss them with Maneff, until he gets a more secure job. Or publish on relativity under a pseudonym. Draft fragment in AE’s hand for Elsa Einstein to copy and send in her name. ADftLf. [24 197]. 637. To János Plesch [Scharbeutz, after 5 July 1928] Asks to convince their friend [?] to go to bed early and reduce his work to a fraction. L. Lichtwitz and E. Libman have examined both AE and Elsa. They will stay here this month. Loves country life, and intends to return in September. Asks about J. Grünberg. May not have been sent. AKS. [48 012].
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C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J U L Y 1 9 2 8 8 6 1 627. From Ernst Humanik Neokölln, 1 July 1928 In reply to Abs. 585, asks for opportunity to demonstrate his perpetuum mobile. As soon as he is given scientific arguments against it, he will give up. TL. [46 754]. 628. From Judah L. Magnes Jerusalem, 1 July 1929 Sends address he has delivered at the convocation of the Hebrew University on 21 June. TLS. [37 008]. 629. From Hans Ludendorff Potsdam, 2 July 1928 A few days before his travel to Leyden and his holidays, received the budget proposal of the Einstein-Stiftung (see Abs. 616). Having doubts about it, considers it a great un- friendliness not to be contacted earlier as a member of the board of trustees. Mentions AE’s complimentary letter of September 1925 (Vol. 15, Doc. 67) to him and AE’s frank opinion of Freundlich. TLCX. [11 284]. 630. To Eugene Rabinowitch Villa Michahelles, Scharbeuz bei Timmendorfer-Strand, 3 July 1928 Is ready to recommend him not only when asked but also even when not asked, in any form. ALSX. [48 057]. 631. From Otto Franke Berlin, 3 July 1928 Read with interest I. Benrubi’s writings sent with Abs. 621. Doubts the success of an in- vitation, since requests had been rejected because French troops still occupy German territories. Will forward request to commission for guest lectures. Proposes he also con- sult Eduard Wechssler at the University of Berlin. TLS. [45 530]. 632. Erwin F. Freundlich to Elsa Einstein Göttingen, 3 July 1928 Forwards Abs. 629 with the advice to preempt its effect on AE when handed over, or even not to show it to him. Is not hurt by AE’s opinion of him. ALS. [11 299]. 633. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman [Scharbeutz, between 3 July and late September 1928] After having tried mineral water and pharmaceuticals to no avail, requests help for AE’s diarrhea. ALS. [65 566]. 634. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman Scharbeutz, [between 3 July and late September 1928] Invites Libman and Lichtwitz for dinner. Her cure was successful but her heart is still weak. AE awaits meeting Lichtwitz with great interest. Thanks Libman for having vis- ited AE last Sunday, he enjoyed it. ALS. [65 567]. 635. From Slava Zaycoff Sofia, 4 July 1928 In reply to Abs. 626, thanks for AE’s advice to Raschko to serve his country and science. He has no talent for experiments but does his best to overcome difficulties as assistant in experimental physics. G. Maneff treats him as not gifted and belittles AE’s achieve- ments. An official at the Ministry of Education who was a schoolmate of Maneff did not pay out his stipend while Zaycoff was in Berlin. TLf. [24 196]. 636. Elsa Einstein to Slava Zaycoff [Scharbeutz, after 4 July 1928] In reply to Abs. 635, proposes that Zaycoff keep his assistant position in experimental physics because one-sided theoretical work can lead to an unproductive intellect, and, in order to avoid conflict with G. Maneff, to write only papers that are not on the theory of relativity and discuss them with Maneff, until he gets a more secure job. Or publish on relativity under a pseudonym. Draft fragment in AE’s hand for Elsa Einstein to copy and send in her name. ADftLf. [24 197]. 637. To János Plesch [Scharbeutz, after 5 July 1928] Asks to convince their friend [?] to go to bed early and reduce his work to a fraction. L. Lichtwitz and E. Libman have examined both AE and Elsa. They will stay here this month. Loves country life, and intends to return in September. Asks about J. Grünberg. May not have been sent. AKS. [48 012].

