C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 9 8 7 9 812. From William Rothenstein Royal College of Art, London, [1929] Met AE in Berlin two years earlier. Inquires whether the photo of his drawing of AE has arrived. Sends some reproductions of portraits from a recently published work. He has not forgotten AE’s kindness and friendship. ALS. [34 193]. 813. Elsa Einstein to Hermann Struck [Berlin, 1929] One has to take AE as a whole personality, with his good and bad traits. Finds him won- derful in spite of the fact that life with him is stressful and complicated. ALSf. [73 338]. 814. From Norbert Nieuwland [Maredsous,] 1 January 1929 Is touched by the rectitude and anxiety for truth and justice expressed in AE’s letter to his friend F. Mayence (Doc. 302). Serving under Cardinal D. J. Mercier during the war, collected testimonies of eyewitness Belgians, and published them in eight volumes. Was himself an eyewitness to a massacre of Belgian civilians. Ch. Meurer repeated his charges with no reference to this work. He and Mayence responded to Meurer using Ger- man data. The Germans say his work endangers world peace, but it is a response to the Germans. No lasting peace could be established until our former enemies stop calling innocent victims “murderers.” ALS. [34 570]. 815. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 3 January 1929 Upon K. Scheel’s suggestion, has abridged his paper. Asks for reprints, since the jour- nals arrive with a delay of five months in Bulgaria. Will soon send a MS on a possible field theoretic treatment of the quantum problem and has published a paper on the theory of limits. G. Maneff makes propaganda against the theory of relativity, but no one takes him seriously. ALS. [24 209]. 816. From Berthold Widmann Berlin, 4 January 1929 Was scientific secretary of a Reichstag subcommittee that investigated violations of in- ternational law during the war. The results were published in five volumes, and Meurer 1927, to which Mayence 1928 is a reply, was published there. His own opinion differs substantially from that of Mayence. He was surprised to find in an article of Le Soir that AE agreed with Mayence. Inquires about the authenticity of this information. TLS. [34 573]. 817. To Deutsche Liga für Menschenrechte Berlin, 6 January 1929 Attached sends the requested contribution (see Doc. 360). Demands the publication of either the entire text or nothing. TLS. [70 638]. 818. To Karl Scheel [Berlin?,] 9 January 1929 Submits and recommends H. Mandel’s paper. TLC. [17 015]. 819. To Melania Serbu [Berlin?,] 9 January 1929 In reply to Abs. 769, is surprised by the intelligent letter from a lay person, especially since Serbu has realized that the next step forward should be the unification of the forces of nature. He has worked on this problem for the past thirteen years, and believes he has now arrived at its solution. It is difficult for women to learn mathematics because they rarely can bear the high and constant intellectual stress. Ready to send textbook appro- priate to her level of knowledge. TLSX. [85 748]. 820. From Eduard Pachtmann Vienna, 9 January 1929 The Central Council of Jüdischer Studentenverband thanks its president (AE) for his continued interest and wishes him a complete recovery. Tgm. [47 148]. 821. From Heinrich Löwy Berlin, 10 January 1929 Checked sixteen oil fields in California, and proved his hypothesis on the electric con- stants of oil formation. Will go to the Sahara to prospect for water on behalf of the French government. Before implementing his method, would like to have a short discus- sion with AE. ALS. [47 536].
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