8 9 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 961. From Melania Serbu Braşov, 11 March 1929 As AE’s “little pupil,” enjoys plane geometry as an intellectual exercise. Sometimes thinks in pictures rather than abstract theorems. This must be how AE himself avoided being lost in daring mathematical speculations. Wishes physical and mental health on his fiftieth birthday for the benefit of the Jewish people. ALS. [39 105]. 962. From Erhard Branger Davos, 12 March 1929 Fifty years are considered a milestone in human life. With AE, the achievements during this period promise further successes in the years to come. Corrects information on au- tumn and spring courses given in Abs. 939. ALS. [30 382]. 963. From Selig Brodetsky The University of Leeds, 12 March 1929 AE’s birthday stand under the sign of his recent unified field theory in which “the inter- pretation of the electromagnetic field involves a reinstating of fundamental notions in geometry, rather than still further departures from them.” Hopes Hebrew University will stand under AE’s auspices despite recent turmoil. ALS. [30 377]. 964. From Grete Büttner Nürnberg, 12 March 1929 Art and science must go hand in hand if Germany is to flourish again. Sends AE a book of poetry on his birthday. ALS. [120 410]. 965. From Seligman Fuchs Cronheim bei Gunzenhausen, 12 March 1929 Begs AE to accept the congratulations of a humble teacher and coreligionist, unknown to AE, and sends Hebrew blessing. AKS. [30 408]. 966. From Salomon Lichtenstein Bonn, 12 March 1929 Sends a religious blessing (4 Moses 6: 23–26). Wishes health and joy for one hundred years. ALS. [30 432]. 967. From Jakob Klatzkin [???,] 12 March 1929 As a birthday wish, makes use of a Talmudic saying: “What should I wish to you, you blessed?” TLC. [86 591]. 968. From Hermann Müller Berlin, 12 March 1929 The Chancellor congratulates AE. Germany is proud of its great scientist. Let AE’s cre- ative urge to improve human knowledge last long. To be sent to the press on 13 March and published in the morning papers on 14 March. TDftTgmS. [82 587]. 969. From Rosa Treitel Luzern,12 March 1929 Congratulates AE “with trembling hands.” AE’s lovely features on a picture she has al- low her hope to meet him in person before she, aged eighty-one, dies. Would be grateful for a few lines. ALS. [30 452]. 970. From the Zionist Organization of America [on or before 13 March 1929] Sends congratulations on fiftieth birthday to the “ideal Jew of the twentieth century.” In his honor, the ZOA will establish a fund to plant an Einstein Forest in Palestine that will “both honor your name and serve to beautify and fructify the land which is so dear to you and all Jews.” TDft. (NNYI, Herman Bernstein Papers, box 16, folder 442). [93 457]. Also released by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 13 March 1929. [98 031]. 971. From Carl Heinrich Becker Berlin, 13 March 1929 Expresses his satisfaction that AE found his intellectual home in the Prussian Academy. Wishes long years of pleasure to create. The Einstein bust he had acquired for the Potsdam Einstein Institute will be a token of great achievements in the future. The Tgm was to be sent on 14 March at 8 A.M. TDftTgmS. [88 136]. Berliner Tageblatt, 15 March 1929.
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8 9 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 961. From Melania Serbu Braşov, 11 March 1929 As AE’s “little pupil,” enjoys plane geometry as an intellectual exercise. Sometimes thinks in pictures rather than abstract theorems. This must be how AE himself avoided being lost in daring mathematical speculations. Wishes physical and mental health on his fiftieth birthday for the benefit of the Jewish people. ALS. [39 105]. 962. From Erhard Branger Davos, 12 March 1929 Fifty years are considered a milestone in human life. With AE, the achievements during this period promise further successes in the years to come. Corrects information on au- tumn and spring courses given in Abs. 939. ALS. [30 382]. 963. From Selig Brodetsky The University of Leeds, 12 March 1929 AE’s birthday stand under the sign of his recent unified field theory in which “the inter- pretation of the electromagnetic field involves a reinstating of fundamental notions in geometry, rather than still further departures from them.” Hopes Hebrew University will stand under AE’s auspices despite recent turmoil. ALS. [30 377]. 964. From Grete Büttner Nürnberg, 12 March 1929 Art and science must go hand in hand if Germany is to flourish again. Sends AE a book of poetry on his birthday. ALS. [120 410]. 965. From Seligman Fuchs Cronheim bei Gunzenhausen, 12 March 1929 Begs AE to accept the congratulations of a humble teacher and coreligionist, unknown to AE, and sends Hebrew blessing. AKS. [30 408]. 966. From Salomon Lichtenstein Bonn, 12 March 1929 Sends a religious blessing (4 Moses 6: 23–26). Wishes health and joy for one hundred years. ALS. [30 432]. 967. From Jakob Klatzkin [???,] 12 March 1929 As a birthday wish, makes use of a Talmudic saying: “What should I wish to you, you blessed?” TLC. [86 591]. 968. From Hermann Müller Berlin, 12 March 1929 The Chancellor congratulates AE. Germany is proud of its great scientist. Let AE’s cre- ative urge to improve human knowledge last long. To be sent to the press on 13 March and published in the morning papers on 14 March. TDftTgmS. [82 587]. 969. From Rosa Treitel Luzern,12 March 1929 Congratulates AE “with trembling hands.” AE’s lovely features on a picture she has al- low her hope to meet him in person before she, aged eighty-one, dies. Would be grateful for a few lines. ALS. [30 452]. 970. From the Zionist Organization of America [on or before 13 March 1929] Sends congratulations on fiftieth birthday to the “ideal Jew of the twentieth century.” In his honor, the ZOA will establish a fund to plant an Einstein Forest in Palestine that will “both honor your name and serve to beautify and fructify the land which is so dear to you and all Jews.” TDft. (NNYI, Herman Bernstein Papers, box 16, folder 442). [93 457]. Also released by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 13 March 1929. [98 031]. 971. From Carl Heinrich Becker Berlin, 13 March 1929 Expresses his satisfaction that AE found his intellectual home in the Prussian Academy. Wishes long years of pleasure to create. The Einstein bust he had acquired for the Potsdam Einstein Institute will be a token of great achievements in the future. The Tgm was to be sent on 14 March at 8 A.M. TDftTgmS. [88 136]. Berliner Tageblatt, 15 March 1929.

