C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S M A R C H 1 9 2 9 8 9 3 972. From Rolf Elkan Berlin, 13 March 1929 “The stone which the builders discarded has become the head stone of the corner (Eckstein). This is the day which the Eternal hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118: 24). AKS. [30 400]. 973. From the Executive of the Zionist Organization of West Galicia and Polish Silesia Cracow, 13 March 1929 In the past two centuries, the great Jewish spirits rarely acknowledged their belonging to the Jewish community. AE is their property and therefore their pride. They send their love to the Jewish Einstein because he expressed his faith in Jewry, in the dream of a newly formed nation and a new Eretz-Israel. TLS. [30 426]. 974. From Fritz Genewein Munich, 13 March 1929 As a friend from their youth, assures AE of his trust and love in spite of having been separated by the difference between their intellects. ALS. [30 412]. 975. From Gottlieb Haberlandt Berlin, 13 March 1929 Sends his best wishes, mixed with envy, because AE is at the top of his scientific activity while he, at seventy-five, can look back to a scientific oeuvre much appreciated but un- derstood in full only by a narrow and select circle. ALS. [30 415]. 976. From Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt Berlin, 13 March 1929 Attaches Abs. 977 as an impersonal congratulation, to be published in some newspaper. ALS. [30 430]. 977. From Otto Lehmann-Russbüldt Berlin, 13 March 1929 Sends birthday greetings in the form of an essay (to be published, see Abs. 976) on the quantification of human virtues: intelligence, energy, and social attitude. AE represents the one-thousandth of people endowed with all three. TD. [30 431]. 978. From M. Neisser Wiesbaden, 13 March 1929 Solicits help for a talented young physician, Nikolaus Leitner. TLS. [47 723]. 979. From Franz Oppenheimer Frankfurt a. M., 13 March 1929 Sends his best wishes while ill with the flu. His furniture is being packed (Oppenheimer retired that year and moved to Berlin.) Hopes AE will continue to support “our great common goal.” TLS. [30 439]. 980. From Alfred Schuster Berlin, 13 March 1929 Congratulates AE not as a professor, of which Germany has hundreds, but as “ein Stein” on the board. Remembers the times spent together. Elsa informed them that in his new theory AE believes to have found a new truth. Wishes further successes. TLS. [30 449]. 981. From Harry Sacher et al. Jerusalem, [on or after 13 March 1929] The Palestine Zionist Executive sends congratulations. Its members are proud that AE shares their hopes and ideals. Date from [91 265]. Tgm. [91 267]. 982. To Abraham A. Fraenkel [Berlin, 14 March 1929] Happy with Kaluza’s appointment and Fraenkel’s decision to go to Jerusalem for two years. After a year, requests an objective critique of the circumstances prevailing there. Written on verso of copy of Doc. 435. ALS. [122 801]. 983. From an anonymous Jew [???,] 14 March 1929 The people of prophets and psalmists have now attained through AE the utmost heights of scientific intellect. Congratulates the greatest son of the Jewish people. ALS. [30 317].