8 6 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A U G U S T 1 9 2 8 638. From Eduard Einstein Zurich [before 10 July 1928] A series of humorous poems on how he feels during classes, written in 1925–1929. [144 712]. 639. From Curt Schwarz Charlottenburg, 10 July 1928 From high school through university, he had respect for people above him. When at university, admired professors and their talk about the wonders one can learn. Was, how- ever, broken down by observing the empty, bleak features of the audience. Quotes Jacobi talking about his hard way of learning and its rewards. A word from AE brings him light and beauty, and moments without the feeling of narrow-mindedness. ALS. [48 451]. 640. From Emil Abderhalden [Halle a. S.,] 18 July 1928 Has received a letter from A. Fodor, who is interested in a position at the Heidelberg research institute as professor of physical chemistry. Praises Fodor’s knowledge and en- ergy. Considers his research important for clinical research. When visiting in Moscow, found conditions of research better than in Germany, but Fodor as a Zionist would be mistrusted there. The only possibility left is to turn to the KWG. TLS. [45 363]. 641. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman Scharbeutz, [20 July 1928] Ch. Weizmann and L. Kohn will visit with them on 21 July. Invites Libman for a later date. Cannot offer longer hospitality because AE needs rest as “his heart is still rebelling.” AKS (MDNLM, MS C 406, Emanuel Libman Collection, container 4). [65 563]. 642. From Ludwig Lewin [Berlin,], 21 July 1928 Sends attached letter for signature (Doc. 243). Changed its original text to mention the special position of the Lessing Hochschule. Mr Sobernheim will be available for a dis- cussion at the end of month. Thanks AE for his interest and wishes full recovery. TLC. [91 861]. 643. Elsa Einstein to Hans Albert Einstein [Scharbeutz, 22 July 1928] Are enjoying idyllic time. Sorry not to meet with them. Will still buy a house. Added at the bottom of Doc. 242. ALS. [75 756.2]. 644. Congratulations on an engagement Scharbeutz, 29 July 1928 Heartfelt good wishes from a husband rich in experience. Not an easy business. ALS. [81 669]. 645. From Kurt von Mayrhauser Kiel-Neumühlen, 30 July 1928 In 1927, the income of the Giro company from the sale of the refrigerator DE394677 amounted to $27,600, and, in compliance with their agreement, $276 was remitted to AE’s account. TLS. [35 405]. 646. From Emil Abderhalden Halle a. S., 1 August 1928 It is difficult to find a position in Germany for a colloid or a physical chemist with inter- est in biology like A. Fodor. Further problems are machinations in invitations, as well as Fodor’s difficult character. If he cannot wait in his present position, and moves for a new, doubtful one, he will break down. Meyerhof’s opinion that Fodor is insufficiently orig- inal holds for any researcher nowadays. TLS. [45 364]. 647. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 12 August 1928 Will send the proofs of his book on five-dimensional theory of relativity, in which he unites general relativity and quantum field theory. Requests a foreword and permission to dedicate it to AE. ALS. [24 198].
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8 6 2 C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S A U G U S T 1 9 2 8 638. From Eduard Einstein Zurich [before 10 July 1928] A series of humorous poems on how he feels during classes, written in 1925–1929. [144 712]. 639. From Curt Schwarz Charlottenburg, 10 July 1928 From high school through university, he had respect for people above him. When at university, admired professors and their talk about the wonders one can learn. Was, how- ever, broken down by observing the empty, bleak features of the audience. Quotes Jacobi talking about his hard way of learning and its rewards. A word from AE brings him light and beauty, and moments without the feeling of narrow-mindedness. ALS. [48 451]. 640. From Emil Abderhalden [Halle a. S.,] 18 July 1928 Has received a letter from A. Fodor, who is interested in a position at the Heidelberg research institute as professor of physical chemistry. Praises Fodor’s knowledge and en- ergy. Considers his research important for clinical research. When visiting in Moscow, found conditions of research better than in Germany, but Fodor as a Zionist would be mistrusted there. The only possibility left is to turn to the KWG. TLS. [45 363]. 641. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman Scharbeutz, [20 July 1928] Ch. Weizmann and L. Kohn will visit with them on 21 July. Invites Libman for a later date. Cannot offer longer hospitality because AE needs rest as “his heart is still rebelling.” AKS (MDNLM, MS C 406, Emanuel Libman Collection, container 4). [65 563]. 642. From Ludwig Lewin [Berlin,], 21 July 1928 Sends attached letter for signature (Doc. 243). Changed its original text to mention the special position of the Lessing Hochschule. Mr Sobernheim will be available for a dis- cussion at the end of month. Thanks AE for his interest and wishes full recovery. TLC. [91 861]. 643. Elsa Einstein to Hans Albert Einstein [Scharbeutz, 22 July 1928] Are enjoying idyllic time. Sorry not to meet with them. Will still buy a house. Added at the bottom of Doc. 242. ALS. [75 756.2]. 644. Congratulations on an engagement Scharbeutz, 29 July 1928 Heartfelt good wishes from a husband rich in experience. Not an easy business. ALS. [81 669]. 645. From Kurt von Mayrhauser Kiel-Neumühlen, 30 July 1928 In 1927, the income of the Giro company from the sale of the refrigerator DE394677 amounted to $27,600, and, in compliance with their agreement, $276 was remitted to AE’s account. TLS. [35 405]. 646. From Emil Abderhalden Halle a. S., 1 August 1928 It is difficult to find a position in Germany for a colloid or a physical chemist with inter- est in biology like A. Fodor. Further problems are machinations in invitations, as well as Fodor’s difficult character. If he cannot wait in his present position, and moves for a new, doubtful one, he will break down. Meyerhof’s opinion that Fodor is insufficiently orig- inal holds for any researcher nowadays. TLS. [45 364]. 647. From Raschko Zaycoff Sofia, 12 August 1928 Will send the proofs of his book on five-dimensional theory of relativity, in which he unites general relativity and quantum field theory. Requests a foreword and permission to dedicate it to AE. ALS. [24 198].

