C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 8 8 6 3 648. Elsa Einstein to Luise Karr-Krüsi [Scharbeutz, 17 August 1928] Will stay here until the end of September. AE considers this life without responsibilities very delightful. He has not participated in anything for half a year. He feels much better but will never again be a muscleman, as before. He will learn to live at a leisurely pace. Maja Einstein will arrive for a visit in a few days. AKSX. [123 448]. 649. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman Scharbeutz, [17 August 1928] It is self-evident that when Libman visits with them, they will share the food with him. AKS. [89 320]. 650. Elsa Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest Scharbeutz, 23 August 1928 They are enjoying this paradise. The daughters and R. Kayser were there all the time. Margot left for Hiddensee. Maja Einstein is visiting now. Tried to reach Busch, but he is unapproachable. Requests to transfer money in the Netherlands because they are buying a piano for Hans Albert, and will help Maja have electricity in her house. Hopes to meet Tatiana when she passes through Berlin on her next visit to Russia. ALS. [72 356]. 651. To Romain Rolland [Scharbeutz, 27 August 1928] Welcomes him warmly. Remembers visiting him with H. Zangger during the war [no documents available about such a visit]. Often thinks of him when reading the news or when following Rolland’s charitable activities. Written at the bottom of a letter from Maja Winteler-Einstein to Romain Rolland, in which she offers to translate one of Rolland’s works into German. TTrL. [33 023]. 652. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman Scharbeutz, 28 August 1928 Praises E. Libman as a doctor born for the profession who helped improve her digestion. L. Lichtwitz will consult on AE’s condition with him. Will stay in Scharbeutz until 2 Oc- tober. ALS. [65 564]. 653. From Horace C. Levinson Kennebunk Beach, Maine, 29 August 1928 Thanks for the critical remarks in Doc. 249, which he accepts. Sends outline of a cor- rected version [16 298]. Will read AE’s papers mentioned in Doc. 249 (Einstein 1927i and 1927j) as soon as he returns to Chicago from the country. Will attempt to carry ap- proximation past the second order. ALS. [16 297]. 654. From Edward H. Synge [Dublin,] 29 August 1928 Solicits AE’s opinion on his invention of a Michelson-Morley-type X-ray interferome- ter. W. Bragg was not interested in it. ALS. [20 640] and [20 641]. 655. From Albert Szent-Györgyi [ca. September, 1928] Thanks AE for showing interest in his visit to Berlin, but regrets not having met AE in person. ALS. [36 803]. 656. Elsa Einstein to Luise Karr-Krüsi [Scharbeutz, 1–10 September 1928] Requests that they offer hospitality to Polo Kocherthaler, the son of Kuno Kocherthaler, who is entering the ETH and has no contacts in Zurich. Invites to Scharbeutz. Will stay there until 4 October. ALSX. [123 439]. 657. From Aby Warburg [Hamburg,] 3 September 1928 Warburg intended to visit AE in Berlin in order to discuss with him his work on 1,200 images of cosmological significance and their transformation over time. TL. [82 470]. With handwritten note “nicht abgeschickt.” For Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas of images and motivation in planning this visit, see Bredekamp 2005, pp. 166–171.
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S S E P T E M B E R 1 9 2 8 8 6 3 648. Elsa Einstein to Luise Karr-Krüsi [Scharbeutz, 17 August 1928] Will stay here until the end of September. AE considers this life without responsibilities very delightful. He has not participated in anything for half a year. He feels much better but will never again be a muscleman, as before. He will learn to live at a leisurely pace. Maja Einstein will arrive for a visit in a few days. AKSX. [123 448]. 649. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman Scharbeutz, [17 August 1928] It is self-evident that when Libman visits with them, they will share the food with him. AKS. [89 320]. 650. Elsa Einstein to Paul Ehrenfest Scharbeutz, 23 August 1928 They are enjoying this paradise. The daughters and R. Kayser were there all the time. Margot left for Hiddensee. Maja Einstein is visiting now. Tried to reach Busch, but he is unapproachable. Requests to transfer money in the Netherlands because they are buying a piano for Hans Albert, and will help Maja have electricity in her house. Hopes to meet Tatiana when she passes through Berlin on her next visit to Russia. ALS. [72 356]. 651. To Romain Rolland [Scharbeutz, 27 August 1928] Welcomes him warmly. Remembers visiting him with H. Zangger during the war [no documents available about such a visit]. Often thinks of him when reading the news or when following Rolland’s charitable activities. Written at the bottom of a letter from Maja Winteler-Einstein to Romain Rolland, in which she offers to translate one of Rolland’s works into German. TTrL. [33 023]. 652. Elsa Einstein to Emanuel Libman Scharbeutz, 28 August 1928 Praises E. Libman as a doctor born for the profession who helped improve her digestion. L. Lichtwitz will consult on AE’s condition with him. Will stay in Scharbeutz until 2 Oc- tober. ALS. [65 564]. 653. From Horace C. Levinson Kennebunk Beach, Maine, 29 August 1928 Thanks for the critical remarks in Doc. 249, which he accepts. Sends outline of a cor- rected version [16 298]. Will read AE’s papers mentioned in Doc. 249 (Einstein 1927i and 1927j) as soon as he returns to Chicago from the country. Will attempt to carry ap- proximation past the second order. ALS. [16 297]. 654. From Edward H. Synge [Dublin,] 29 August 1928 Solicits AE’s opinion on his invention of a Michelson-Morley-type X-ray interferome- ter. W. Bragg was not interested in it. ALS. [20 640] and [20 641]. 655. From Albert Szent-Györgyi [ca. September, 1928] Thanks AE for showing interest in his visit to Berlin, but regrets not having met AE in person. ALS. [36 803]. 656. Elsa Einstein to Luise Karr-Krüsi [Scharbeutz, 1–10 September 1928] Requests that they offer hospitality to Polo Kocherthaler, the son of Kuno Kocherthaler, who is entering the ETH and has no contacts in Zurich. Invites to Scharbeutz. Will stay there until 4 October. ALSX. [123 439]. 657. From Aby Warburg [Hamburg,] 3 September 1928 Warburg intended to visit AE in Berlin in order to discuss with him his work on 1,200 images of cosmological significance and their transformation over time. TL. [82 470]. With handwritten note “nicht abgeschickt.” For Warburg’s Mnemosyne Atlas of images and motivation in planning this visit, see Bredekamp 2005, pp. 166–171.

