V O L . 1 3 , D O C U M E N T 3 2 3 a A U G U S T 1 9 2 2 1 7 gens mindestens ebenso arg zu sein.[14] Der Ruhm hat seine miesen Seiten, umso angezeigter ist es, die guten zu nützen. Ich kann mir gar nicht vorstellen, was Ihr eigentlich treibet. Seid bestens ge- grüsst & schreib bald wieder Deinem Albert. ALS (Christie’s online auction sale 16447, 2–9 May 2018, lot 26). [97 153]. Greetings from Eduard Einstein are omitted. [1] This is the complete text of Vol. 13, Abs. 368, where only an abstract was published. [2] Year inferred by the references to the summer vacation in Spandau, the threats against Einstein’s life, and his planned travel in autumn 1922. [3] Einstein was commuting between his Berlin apartment and spending his vacation with his sons, Hans Albert and Eduard, at the log cabin he rented in Spandau from around mid-July to mid-August (see Einstein to Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe, 25 July 1922 [Vol. 13, Doc. 306]). [4] This is a reference to the Einsteins’ former maid named Anna who had been dismissed because of tensions with the female members of the Einstein household (see Einstein to Hans Albert and Eduard Einstein, after 1 September 1921 [Vol. 12, Doc. 223]). [5] A reference to the alleged death threats against Einstein in the aftermath of the assassination of Walther Rathenau (see Vol. 13, Introduction, pp. li–liii). [6] Einstein was to have held his lecture at the jubilee meeting of the Gesellschaft deutscher Natur- forscher und Ärzte on 21 September in Leipzig (see Einstein to Jun Ishiwara, 27 March 1922 [Vol. 13, Doc. 118]). [7] To the Far East, Java, and Spain. [8] In late July, Hans Albert had still been considering enrolling at the ETH (see Einstein to Her- mann Anschütz-Kaempfe, 25 July 1922 [Vol. 13, Doc. 306]). [9] The main sources of Einstein’s income besides his professorship in Berlin were his salary from the University of Leyden, his royalties from the United Kingdom, and dividends from his shares in the Schweizerische Auer-Aktiengesellschaft (see Vol. 13, Introduction, p. lxxi). [10] In mid-May, Einstein had been invited to become a founding member of the League of Nations’ ICIC. However, in the wake of Rathenau’s assassination, Einstein vacillated in regard to his member- ship on the committee and seriously doubted whether he could represent Germany in light of the pre- vailing blatant anti-Semitism (see Vol. 13, Introduction, pp. liv–lv). [11] Elsa had already been suffering from chronic inflammation of the bladder in late 1921 (see Vol. 12, Doc. 324a, in this volume). [12] For the invitations to Japan, China, and Spain, see the preceding document, note 8. For the invi- tation to Java, see Joan Voûte to Einstein, 11 February 1922 (Vol. 13, Doc. 46). [13] Ilse Einstein was first hired as Einstein’s secretary in late 1917 (see Einstein to Wilhelm von Siemens, before 16 December 1917 [Vol. 8, Doc. 409]). [14] In the months leading up to Mussolini’s “March on Rome” in October 1922, Italy was practi- cally in a state of civil war. The Italian fascists pursued “a carefully calibrated blend of violence, intimidation, and blandishment” (see Knox 2007, pp. 363). In this they were aided by the policies of the Italian government, which, in the fall and winter of 1921–1922, directed the police to only disarm and dissolve the armed bands of the left. In contrast, the leaders and members of the fascist squadre, who committed “daily acts of violence and intimidation,” enjoyed impunity. The fascists also used assassinations as a political tool, murdering a Socialist parliamentary deputy, “probably kill[ing] a second,” and beating and publicly humiliating Socialist, Communist, and Christian democratic dep- uties on multiple occasions. In early August 1922, the fascist attacks on “ ‘anti-national’ ” councils, organizations, facilities, and individuals intensified greatly (see Knox 2007, pp. 361–366).