Page numbers followed by a lowercase “n” indicate endnotes to Einstein documents page numbers followed by a lowercase “a” indicate references to the Calendar of Abstracts. Ref- erences are collected under the appropriate English heading. Certain institutions, organiza- tions, and concepts that have no standard English translation are listed under their foreign designation (with cross-references from an English translation). For the meaning of abbre- viations, see the List of Abbreviations. An Index of Citations follows the main index. INDEX Aall, Anathon, solicits support of IIIC, 945a, 950a Aardenne, Gijsbert W. van (1888–1983), 201n, 505n Tatiana Ehrenfest engaged to, 570n, 588n Aberration AE on, 76, 321–322 change with altitude not observed, 118 Emden on, 320, 902a Lenard on, 321 Miller on, 76 Sommerfeld on, 320 stellar, lxii, 54, 67, 118, 283, 321n Stokes-Planck theory of, 76, 118n Thirring on, 320 Tomaschek on, 321n Abraham, Henri (1868–1944), 161 Abraham, Max, 788n Absolute motion, 321 Courvoisier on, 893a Académie de Montpellier, 905a Academy of Sciences of the USSR elects AE honorary member, xli, 943a, 950a invites AE to 200th anniversary, AE declines, 874a Acceleration, 795–796 Adams, Walter S. (1876–1956), lxv, 723 Adams, William G. S., Kraus solicits recommen- dation to, 928a Adler, ?, 937a Adler, Cyrus, proposed as member of BOGHU, 907a Adler, Friedrich, xciv, 725n Adler, Saul A., 206n, 330n, 880a Afanassjewa, Catharina (1854–?), 201, 570, 588, 702 Affine connection, AE develops candidate field equations for, xliv Levi-Civita on, xliv Agnelli Publishing House, solicits contribution to Volta jubilee volume, 908a, 953a AE de- clines, 953a Akademie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums, Bett sends donation to, 936a, 938a AE on, 936a Alberini, Coriolano, thanks for prize created at University of Buenos Aires, 871a, 917a, 918a Alexander, Franz (1891–1964), 91 Alexander, Jerome, xlii, xliii on translation of Ein- stein 1910d, 880a, 894a Rainich’s questions on, 883a Algemeen Handelsblad, solicits article on Lo- rentz, 890a Allgemeiner Blindenverein, invites AE to join honorary board, 922a American Jewish Physicians’ Committee, 313n, 329, 343, 426n. 487, 901a meeting with BOGHU and F. Warburg, AE proposes, 365 American Joint Distribution Committee, 253n, 943a support for Kowno university courses, 893a, 895a American Museum of Natural History, solicits letter on origin of chemical elements, 872a Ames, Joseph S., 899a Amira, Binyamin (1896–1968), 329, 330n, 366, 518 salary of, AE on, 329, 366 Kohn on, 900a Ampère’s molecular currents, Barnett on, 938a Amundsen, Roald, 879a Amzalak, Moses, 957a