C H R O N O L O G Y 1 9 2 6 8 6 5 October 21 Presents Emil Rupp’s paper “Über die Interferenzeigen- schaften des Kanalstrahllichts” (Doc. 389). before November 2 Attends performance of the Hebrew theater troupe “Habima” from Palestine in Berlin. Jüdische Rundschau, 2 November 1926. November 2 Is apparently not interested in being a candidate for the suc- cession of Max Planck at the University of Berlin (Kirsten and Treder 1979b, p. 61, no. 198). Receives visit by Umeo and Shinichi Suzuki and is given a violin crafted by Maskichi Suzuki (Doc. 399). November 3 or 4 Attends one of Paul Valéry’s lectures in Berlin (Doc. 401). November 4 Cosigns appeal calling for subscriptions to complete a memorial to Josef Popper-Lynkeus in Vienna. Jewish Daily Bulletin, 5 November 1926. November 10 Einstein’s mother-in-law Fanny Einstein dies. Berliner Tageblatt, 12 November 1926, ME. November 23 Participates in the joint festive meeting of the German Electrotechnical Society and the Heinrich-Hertz-Society at the Ministry for Welfare for the advancement of broadcast- ing, and delivers a lecture on the theory of relativity. Ber- liner Tageblatt, 24 November 1926, EE. November 29 Issues invitation to lecture by Alexander Y. Fersman on “Erfolge der Wissenschaft und Technik in Sowjetrußland” at the Preussisches Herrenhaus in behalf of the Gesellschaft der Freunde des Neuen Rußlands and attends the lecture. Vossische Zeitung, 27 November 1926, EE, and Berliner Tageblatt, 30 November 1926, EE. December 15 Attends inaugural assembly of the Deutsches Komitee “Pro Palästina” at the Hotel Kaiserhof in Berlin. Elected member of the honorary board. Jüdische Rundschau, 17 December 1926 (see Illustration 8). Co-heads relief action for impoverished German Jews. Daily Jewish Bulletin, 16 December 1926. December 17 Attends fourteenth annual general assembly of the Kaiser- Wilhelm-Society at the Berliner Schloß. Berliner Tageblatt, 18 December 1926, EE.
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