1 0 1 4 I N D E X health, 899a heart condition, AE on, 687 inquires about Ilse’s health, 220 Zangger-Mayenfisch, Mathilde (1883–1981), 259 Zappler, Klara (1884–1971), 346, 346n, 855a AE’s attention drawn to by Viola Klein, 346 Zarek, Kurt, birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 896a Zaycoff, Chr., 869a, 870a Zaycoff, Raschko (1901–1982), lxiv, 492, 493n, 805a, 806a, 807a, 809a, 847a, 859a, 860a, 861a, 862a, 869a, 870a, 878a, 879a, 881a, 885a, 886a, 907a dispute with Mandel on unified field theory, 492 Zaycoff, Slava, 807a, 809a, 838a, 861a, 870a Zeeman, Pieter, 85n Zehnder, L., 838a, 839a Zeisel, Heini, 897a Zeisler, Ernest Bloomfield, 895a Zeitler-Studienhaus-Zusatz-Stiftung, 818a Zenith Verlag, 813a, 814a Zero-point energy, Jordan on, 126 Zhang Tailei, 226n Zilsel, Edgar (1891–1944, 92n AE recommends work of to Meyerson, 92 Zionist Congress, 15th, Basel, li Zionist Congress, 16th, Zurich, AE invited, 908a Zionist Executive, li Zionist Organisation, London, li, lii, 18n, 823a Executive Committee, birthday greetings, 897a Zionist Organization of America, lxxxiv, lxxxv, 699n birthday greetings, 892a AE thanks for, 901a Zionist Organization of West Galicia and Polish Silesia birthday greetings, 893a Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland, li birthday greetings, 894a Zionists, AE on, 913 Zirelson, Judah L., 621 Zöllmer, Friedrich, 527n Zöllmer, Mrs., 527 Zuckmayer, Carl, 193n, 466n Zuoz, Einsteins vacationing at, lvi, lx Zürcher, Emil Jr. (1877–1937), 610n Zurich, municipality of, birthday greetings, 899a Zuylen, Jacob van, financial support for, 382 Zweig, Arnold (1887–1968), xix, liv, 44n, 210n, 466n, 885a, 897a, 900a AE praises, 210 birthday greetings, 902a Zweig, Stefan, 256n, 458n, 681, 683n, 696n, 842a, 867a
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

1 0 1 4 I N D E X health, 899a heart condition, AE on, 687 inquires about Ilse’s health, 220 Zangger-Mayenfisch, Mathilde (1883–1981), 259 Zappler, Klara (1884–1971), 346, 346n, 855a AE’s attention drawn to by Viola Klein, 346 Zarek, Kurt, birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 896a Zaycoff, Chr., 869a, 870a Zaycoff, Raschko (1901–1982), lxiv, 492, 493n, 805a, 806a, 807a, 809a, 847a, 859a, 860a, 861a, 862a, 869a, 870a, 878a, 879a, 881a, 885a, 886a, 907a dispute with Mandel on unified field theory, 492 Zaycoff, Slava, 807a, 809a, 838a, 861a, 870a Zeeman, Pieter, 85n Zehnder, L., 838a, 839a Zeisel, Heini, 897a Zeisler, Ernest Bloomfield, 895a Zeitler-Studienhaus-Zusatz-Stiftung, 818a Zenith Verlag, 813a, 814a Zero-point energy, Jordan on, 126 Zhang Tailei, 226n Zilsel, Edgar (1891–1944, 92n AE recommends work of to Meyerson, 92 Zionist Congress, 15th, Basel, li Zionist Congress, 16th, Zurich, AE invited, 908a Zionist Executive, li Zionist Organisation, London, li, lii, 18n, 823a Executive Committee, birthday greetings, 897a Zionist Organization of America, lxxxiv, lxxxv, 699n birthday greetings, 892a AE thanks for, 901a Zionist Organization of West Galicia and Polish Silesia birthday greetings, 893a Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland, li birthday greetings, 894a Zionists, AE on, 913 Zirelson, Judah L., 621 Zöllmer, Friedrich, 527n Zöllmer, Mrs., 527 Zuckmayer, Carl, 193n, 466n Zuoz, Einsteins vacationing at, lvi, lx Zürcher, Emil Jr. (1877–1937), 610n Zurich, municipality of, birthday greetings, 899a Zuylen, Jacob van, financial support for, 382 Zweig, Arnold (1887–1968), xix, liv, 44n, 210n, 466n, 885a, 897a, 900a AE praises, 210 birthday greetings, 902a Zweig, Stefan, 256n, 458n, 681, 683n, 696n, 842a, 867a

