I N D E X 1 0 1 3 AE’s response, 612n, 757n error in, 751 Wien-Mehler, Louise (1877–1961), AE’s re- sponse to request for letters of husband, 682 Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von (1848– 1931), 60, 683n, 877a, 878a Wilhelm II, 687 Willig, Carl AE questions mental health of, 122 connection between solar eclipse and infant pa- ralysis epidemic, 817a Willstätter, Richard, 905a Wind, Edgar (1900–1971), 315 Windelband, Wolfgang (1886–1945), 569, 804a, 805a Windischgrätz, Ludwig, 253n Winteler, Marie. See Müller-Winteler, Marie Winteler, Paul (1882–1952), 6n, 26, 35n, 250, 555n, 801a, 802a, 864a, 871a AE on job for, 21 has contracted pleurisy, 13n illness, AE on, 12, 15n Winteler-Einstein, Maja (1881–1951), lv, 6n, 26, 35, 801a, 802a, 814a, 818a, 863a, 899a AE commiserates with, 12 AE intends to visit, 26 biography of AE, AE opposed to, 21 change of residence, AE on, 15 financial aid for, 863a, 864a illness, AE on, 14, 15n invites AE to Lucerne, 5 reclaims debt from Reiss-Einstein, Edith, 418 visiting Scharbeutz, 418 Winterfeldt, Joachim von, 11 Winternitz, Josef (1896–1952), 201n on publi- cation by Infeld, 201 Wintner, A., 805a, 807a, 808a, 813a, 816a Wirtschaftshilfe der Deutschen Studentenschaft. Amerika-Werkstudenten-Dienst, 803a Wissell, R., 860a Wissenschaftliches Korrespondenzbüro “Aka- demia,” 872a Wissenschaftlich-humanitäres Komitee, Berlin, 445n Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889–1951), 804a Schlick’s praise of, 70 Wohlwend, Hans (1878–1962), AE played music with, 623 Woker, Gertrud, 209n, 517n Wolff, Richard (1906–1991), 72n Wolff, Rudolf (1907–1993), 72n Wolff, Theodor (1868–1943), 72n, 109n, 816a, 827a, 881a AE meets, 71n Wolffsohn, David (1856–1914), 19n Wolfsohn, G., 635 Woltjer, H. R., 632 Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, 209n, 517n, 836a, 848a declaration against chemical and bacteriologi- cal warfare, AE cosigns, 513–517 Frankfurt chemical warfare conference, xlix, 839a invites AE to meeting on warfare, 209 de- clined, 221 Women’s Peace Party, 209 Women’s suffrage, AE on, xlvii, 676 Wood, John B., 833a, 840a Workers International Relief for the Soviet Union, 679n World Student Christian Federation, 130n Wreschner, Artur, 890a Wright, H., 804a Writt, Henry, 906a Wulfiuss, Mrs, 890a Wunsch, Josef, 839a, 840a Wurmbrand, Michael (1879–1952), 369n, 834a, 881a Yiddish Scientific Institute (Vilna), statement by AE on behalf of, 690, 705 Young, Thomas (1773–1829), 571, 748 Arago’s obituary lecture on, AE on, 747 Young Plan, xlvi Zametzer, Joseph (1860–?), 633 Zangger, Heinrich (1874–1957), lvii, lix, 5, 6n, 146, 219, 222, 232, 233, 367n, 382n, 610, 725n, 726, 728, 808a, 827a, 835a, 838a, 845a, 846a, 857a, 858a, 863a, 867a, 874a, 908a on AE’s poor appearance, 285 on Aurel Stodola’s obituary of daughter He- lene, 701 on candidates for chair in Zurich, 131–132 encourages AE to meet with Hans Albert, 220 on Hans Albert’s health, lx