1 0 1 2 I N D E X Wassermann, Jakob, 378n, 681 Wassermann, Oscar, 671n, 754, 755n, 855a, 899a Wassermann, Sigmund, 844a, 849a, 887a Wave-field, quantized, and corpuscular quanta, P. Jordan on equivalence of, 127 Weber, Josef, 810a, 815a, 816a, 823a, 824a, 826a, 828a Wechsler, L. Bernhard, 902a Wechssler, E., 861a Wedekind, Frank, (1864–1918), 199 Wedgwood, Josiah C. (1872–1943), 439n AE sends greetings to, 439 Weekes, George A., 848a, 852a Wegner, Arnim T., 221n Weierstrass, Karl, 811a Weierstrass condition, 823a Weigert, Charlotte (1883–1971), 905a birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 694 Weigert, Oscar, 844a, 845a, 846a, 848a, 850a, 853a, 854a Weil, Eric, 848a Weil, Gotthold, 671n Weinreich, Max, 690n Weinstock, Max, 897a Weiss, Pierre (1865–1940), xlii, 129n Ehrenfest wants to nominate for Nobel Prize, 128 AE on, 242 Weissenberg, Karl, 805a Weissman, Vera (1881–1966), 246 Weitzenböck, Roland (1885–1955), lxx, 358n, 392n, 474, 606, 733, 740, 745, 749, 886a Francophobia of, lxxi on his new paper on teleparallel geometry, 399 AE’s comments, 402 on own work on teleparallel geometry, 391 paper by, AE on, 868a provides references to literature on teleparallel geometry, 391 AE thanks, 395 work on teleparallel geometry, 600 AE on ig- norance of, 580 Weizmann, Chaim (1874–1952), xlii, li, lii, liii, 46, 229n, 253n, 269, 270, 326, 336, 339, 340n, 342, 348, 365, 365n, 375n, 562n, 611n, 622, 691, 814a, 816a, 818a, 840a, 844a, 850a, 853a, 854a, 855a, 856a, 858a, 862a, 908a AE informs of his disappointment with HU, 226 AE not interested in meeting on HU, 370 AE supports, 246 on AE as leader of scientific revolution, 592 on AE’s teleparallel approach, 592 birthday greetings, 636 AE thanks for, 896a Felix M. Warburg on, 338 on his health crisis, 592 AE on, 595 intends to leave leadership of Zionist Organisa- tion, take on role at HU, 245 role in evoking awareness of Jewish identity, AE on, 654 supports AE’s proposals for restructuring the governance of the HU, 235 supports appointment of academic head for HU, 235, 268 Weizmann, Moshe, 609 Weller, A., 812a Wells, H. G. (1866–1946), 684, 846a, 888a, 890a Szilard meets, 684 Wels, Franz, 858a Weltsch, Robert, 619n, 872a, 873a, 875a, 877a, 878a, 890a Wentzel, Gregor (1898–1978), 133n, 222 candi- date for chair in Zurich, 132 AE on, 147 Werfel, Franz, 681 Werner, Mrs., 908a Wertheimer, Max, 842a, 886a West Belorussia, oppression of minorities in, l Polish oppression of, 849a Westphal, A., birthday greetings, 903a Weyl, Fritz Joachim (1915–1977), 117 Weyl, Hermann (1885–1955), 53, 56n, 119n, 810a, 824a, 831a, 844a, 869a, 875a birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 638 elementary particles as singularities of gravita- tional field, 165 field theory of, 54 geometry of, 472 compared to teleparallel ge- ometry, 355, 449 Wharton, James B., interview with AE, 75n Wheeler, William M., 816a Whitney-Newcomb, Josepha (1871–1968), 804a Whyte, Lancelot L. (1896–1972), 518, 571, 906a Widmann, Berthold (1892–?), 534n, 601, 879a, 889a, 890a, 891a Wien, Wilhelm, 85n, 682n Wiener, Norbert (1894–1964), 612n, 811a paper on teleparallel unified field theory with Sandoval Vallarta AE criticized in, 611