I N D E X 1 0 1 1 Vallarta, Manuel S., 757n Vallentin, Antonina (1893–1957), 313n, 684 birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 896a international committee, 866a invites AE to Ramsay MacDonald lecture, 852a Vanderbilt Morris, Alice (1874–1950), 727n, 888a, 907a Vandervelde, Émile, 490n Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, xlvii, l, 465n, 867a committee to sponsor publication of letters of, 867, 871 AE supports, declines to join, 465 execution of, AE cosigns appeal against, xlvii, 811a See also Sacco, Nicola Veblen, Elizabeth Richardson (1881–1974), 113n Veblen, Oswald (1880–1960), 113n, 580, 638 invites AE to professorship at Princeton, 112 AE declines, 115 Venice, AE visits, 3 Verband Jüdischer Studentenvereine in Deutsch- land, birthday greetings, 895a AE thanks for, 902a Verband russischer Juden in Deutschland AE on, 729 honorary chairman, AE elected, AE refuses, 692 Verein der Freunde der Hebräischen Realschule in Haifa, 844a, 849a AE accepts membership in committee of, 849a Verein der russischen Juden im Ausland, 904a Verein zur Gründung und Erhaltung einer Akad- emie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums, 855a, 865a Vereinigte Glühlampen-und-Elektrizitätswerke, Újpest, Hungary, 834a Vermont, Leon, 839a Vermont & Co., 536, 839a Verona, AE visits, 3 Verschaffelt, Jules Émile, 135n, 144n, 829a AE sends Solvay comments, 829a Vetter, Karl, 487n Viertel, Berthold, 193n Viking Press, plans publication of letters of Sacco and Vanzetti, 465, 867, 871 Vilnius, 705 Vinkenborg, J., 822a, 823a Violin, production of sound by, AE on mecha- nism of, 685 Vitali, Giuseppe (1875–1932), 600n, 886a work on teleparallel geometry AE apologizes for overlooking, 600 Vladeck, Baruch C., 713 Vogel, Paul, 867a Vollenhoven, Cornelis van, 831a Volta, Alessandro, 48n Voogd, J., 632 Vooren, W. L. van, 632 Vossische Zeitung, 565 AE annoyed with for publishing article by Reichenbach, 563 ex- planation from, 564 Waals, Johannes D. van der, 883a Wachsmann, Konrad, 742n Wachter, Anton (1854–1906), 623 Wade, B. H., 870a Wagner, Hans, 823a, 826a War Resisters International, 487n Warburg, Aby M. (1866–1929), 419n, 863a visit to AE in Scharbeutz, AE on, 419 Warburg, David F., 713 Warburg, Emil, 614, 617 birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 896a removed from Solvay Committee, xliii Warburg, Felix M. (1871–1937), lii, liii, 104n, 229, 229n, 235, 236, 237, 246, 253n, 268, 269, 270n, 320, 332, 347, 348, 387n, 423n, 814a, 818a, 840a, 844a, 856a on academic head for HU, 338 AE informs of his opinion on the HU, 121 AE moved by letter from, 342n AE on, 375 on AE’s letters to BOGHU and HU’s Academic Council, 336 on Brodetsky as proposed academic head of HU, 338, 348 disappointed that AE did not attend London meeting of BOGHU, 336 on English Vice Chancellor as model for HU’s academic head, 338 opposed to AE’s proposal of roles for HU’s ac- ademic head, 348 proposal for reforms at HU, AE supports, 342n Warburg, Otto H. (1859–1938), 348, 349n, 608, 869a, 884a birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 896a Warburg-Gaernter, Elisabeth, birthday greet- ings, AE thanks for, 896a Warburg-Hertz, Mary (1866–1934), visits AE in Scharbeutz, 419
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Extracted Text (may have errors)

I N D E X 1 0 1 1 Vallarta, Manuel S., 757n Vallentin, Antonina (1893–1957), 313n, 684 birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 896a international committee, 866a invites AE to Ramsay MacDonald lecture, 852a Vanderbilt Morris, Alice (1874–1950), 727n, 888a, 907a Vandervelde, Émile, 490n Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, xlvii, l, 465n, 867a committee to sponsor publication of letters of, 867, 871 AE supports, declines to join, 465 execution of, AE cosigns appeal against, xlvii, 811a See also Sacco, Nicola Veblen, Elizabeth Richardson (1881–1974), 113n Veblen, Oswald (1880–1960), 113n, 580, 638 invites AE to professorship at Princeton, 112 AE declines, 115 Venice, AE visits, 3 Verband Jüdischer Studentenvereine in Deutsch- land, birthday greetings, 895a AE thanks for, 902a Verband russischer Juden in Deutschland AE on, 729 honorary chairman, AE elected, AE refuses, 692 Verein der Freunde der Hebräischen Realschule in Haifa, 844a, 849a AE accepts membership in committee of, 849a Verein der russischen Juden im Ausland, 904a Verein zur Gründung und Erhaltung einer Akad- emie für die Wissenschaft des Judentums, 855a, 865a Vereinigte Glühlampen-und-Elektrizitätswerke, Újpest, Hungary, 834a Vermont, Leon, 839a Vermont & Co., 536, 839a Verona, AE visits, 3 Verschaffelt, Jules Émile, 135n, 144n, 829a AE sends Solvay comments, 829a Vetter, Karl, 487n Viertel, Berthold, 193n Viking Press, plans publication of letters of Sacco and Vanzetti, 465, 867, 871 Vilnius, 705 Vinkenborg, J., 822a, 823a Violin, production of sound by, AE on mecha- nism of, 685 Vitali, Giuseppe (1875–1932), 600n, 886a work on teleparallel geometry AE apologizes for overlooking, 600 Vladeck, Baruch C., 713 Vogel, Paul, 867a Vollenhoven, Cornelis van, 831a Volta, Alessandro, 48n Voogd, J., 632 Vooren, W. L. van, 632 Vossische Zeitung, 565 AE annoyed with for publishing article by Reichenbach, 563 ex- planation from, 564 Waals, Johannes D. van der, 883a Wachsmann, Konrad, 742n Wachter, Anton (1854–1906), 623 Wade, B. H., 870a Wagner, Hans, 823a, 826a War Resisters International, 487n Warburg, Aby M. (1866–1929), 419n, 863a visit to AE in Scharbeutz, AE on, 419 Warburg, David F., 713 Warburg, Emil, 614, 617 birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 896a removed from Solvay Committee, xliii Warburg, Felix M. (1871–1937), lii, liii, 104n, 229, 229n, 235, 236, 237, 246, 253n, 268, 269, 270n, 320, 332, 347, 348, 387n, 423n, 814a, 818a, 840a, 844a, 856a on academic head for HU, 338 AE informs of his opinion on the HU, 121 AE moved by letter from, 342n AE on, 375 on AE’s letters to BOGHU and HU’s Academic Council, 336 on Brodetsky as proposed academic head of HU, 338, 348 disappointed that AE did not attend London meeting of BOGHU, 336 on English Vice Chancellor as model for HU’s academic head, 338 opposed to AE’s proposal of roles for HU’s ac- ademic head, 348 proposal for reforms at HU, AE supports, 342n Warburg, Otto H. (1859–1938), 348, 349n, 608, 869a, 884a birthday greetings, AE thanks for, 896a Warburg-Gaernter, Elisabeth, birthday greet- ings, AE thanks for, 896a Warburg-Hertz, Mary (1866–1934), visits AE in Scharbeutz, 419

