1 0 0 6 I N D E X Analogy between electromagnetic field and analytic functions, Rainich on, 486, 487n between light quanta and molecules, 708 between quantum gas and radiation-filled space, 216, 217n between solid and radiation-filled cavity, Heisenberg on, 208 between space time and a minimum surface, 486 between zero temperature and infinite pressure, 22 Annalen der Physik, 493, 514, 731 Anrooy, Peter van (1879–1954), 570 Ansbacher, Guido (1880–?), 39n successful con- cert in New York, Julie Ansbacher on, 935a Ansbacher, Julie (1845–1933) AE congratulates, 39 thanks for, 880a Ansbacher, Guido, on successful concert of in New York, 935a Stern, on 80th birthday of, 935a Anschütz & Co., 96, 116, 120, 137, 190, 197n, 592n, 593, 594 legal dispute with Ge- sellschaft für nautische Instrumente, 90n, 353 Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931), xc, 29, 30, 48n, 51n, 76n, 94n, 96, 110, 116, 129, 136, 190, 198n, 590, 591n, 600, 613, 616, 646n, 864c AE misses, 89 on AE’s apartment and boat in Kiel, 441 Einstein, Hans Albert anxious about, 238, 328n discusses salary with, 136 and Frieda Knecht’s visit, 195–196 on his isolation of from society, 197–198 likes, 238, 600 marriage of on AE’s opposition to, 441 on preventing, lv, 154, 174, 179n, 197– 198, 328n, 890a AE on, 178 fall from horse, 441 gyrocompass, Archenhold requests infor- mation on, 936a Knecht, Frieda, calls psychopath, 196 Langevin, cooperates with in ultrasound scan- ning of seabed, 939a AE on, 613 loses patent lawsuit, AE on, 89 Anschütz-Kaempfe, Reta (1897–1961), 79n, 90n invites AE to Munich, 936a Anti-Semitic harassment, Verein für jüdische Geschichte und Literatur E.V. combats, 876a Anti-Semitism AE on, 970 in Germany, lxxvi, 29n, 791n, 890n and nationalism in Berlin, Goldschmidt con- cerned about, 889a Apfel, Alfred invites AE to inauguration of Pro-Palestine committee, 944a solicits help to reduce Hoelz’s life sentence, 944a Aphorisms, 38, 945a, 946a on death, 971 on the Jewish people, 676 on the past, 307 on philologists, 307 on scholars, 211 on superficiality, 676 on theoretical physics, 963 Appeal against fascism, AE signs, 739–741 Appeal for freedom of arts, AE signs, 144–145 Appeal for reconciliation of nations, AE signs, 389–391 Archenhold, Friedrich S. (1861–1939), lxxxix finds letter by Robert Mayer, 936a, 938a AE requests copy, 614 gyrocompass, solicits information, 936a, 938a, 939a AE on, 613 Mars exhibition invites AE to opening of, 938a requests AE to inform ICIC about it, 936a, 938a AE declines, 614 Arco, Count Georg von et al., 146n, 496n, 884a, 921a solicit interest in local group of Interna- tional Society for Empirical Philosophy, AE declines, 772 Petzoldt on, 953a Arnhold, Hans, on donation to Realschule Haifa, 929a Arsenieff, Agnes, intends to study in Germany, Joffe on, 924a granted German visa, 926a Art, freedom of, AE signs appeal for, 144–145 Asociación Politécnica del Uruguay, AE elected honorary member of, 878a Asscher, L., 897a Association France-Palestine, 310n, 316n, 401n welcomes AE, 309n, 860c Astronomy, lxii–lxv, 54, 67, 68, 72, 118, 197, 198n, 321n, 559–561, 614, 666, 891a, 902a, 924a, 932a