1 0 6 4 I N D E X on keeping a boarding house, 94 plays Schubert, 11 reads Don Quixote, 911a Winz, Leo (1876–1952), AE on letter by, 27 Wirth, Joseph, 393n Wise, Stephen S., 513n, 913a, 914a, 918a in- vites AE to serve on advisory committee of Rosenbloom endowment, 908a Wohlwend, Hans (1878–1962), 11 Wolf, Gabriel, on his universal law of motion of the universe, 909a Wolff, Theodor, 146n Wolff-Gerstle, Cornelia (1886–1960), AE’s verse for, 26 Wolfke, Mieczyslav (1883–1947), on electron and proton charge difference, 229 Wolfsohn, Juliusz, sends book of paraphrases, 872a Wolfssohn Foundation, 330n, 880a Woltjer, Hermann R. (1887–1974), 708n Wood, Robert W., 899a Woolsthorpe, 775 World Conference on Narcotic Education, in- vites AE to committee of, 933a World Peace Congress, 24th, Paris, invites AE, 876a World synchronization, ICIC on, 536–538 Wreschner, 897a Wrobel, Ignaz. See Tucholsky, Kurt Wüest, Conrad (1849–1904), 19 Xenien, Schrödinger on Goethe and Schiller’s, lxxxiii, 216n Yáñez, 904a Yerkes Observatory, Frost on AE’s visit at, 889a Zadek, Walter, 332n Zadoc-Kahn, Leon, 897a Zangger, Heinrich (1874–1954), lv, lxxxii, 102, 771, 880a AE asks help for Erika Juliusburger, 640 AE praises, 667 AE sends statement on 60th birthday of Rol- land, 880a Besso assists with position in Bern, Besso thanks, 710 on, 620, 623, 946a solicits opinion on patent expert capabilities of, 944a, 945a AE provides, 669–670, 946a Einstein, Eduard, optimistic about condition of, 223 Einstein, Hans Albert, marriage of 222, 478, 510 AE asks help to prevent, 178, 188, 409, 410, 915a Einstein-Mariü, Mileva, on house purchase of, 409, 912a Grossmann, Marcel, on multiple sclerosis of, 957a AE on, 798 on Huguenin, 223 ill with poisoning, 102, 222, 409 Besso on, 45 Kayser, Rudolf, on his health, 664, 941a, 944a, 945a Knecht, Frieda, on 510, 922a new institute for, AE on, 615 position, in Berlin, negotiations on, 599, 620, 623 in Frankfurt and Breslau, 912a AE advises to accept, 410 takes digitalis, 922a Weyl, on health condition of, 223 Zajkov, G. Rashko. See Zaycoff, G. Raschko. Zangger-Mayenfisch, Mathilde (1883–1981), 45n Zaycoff, G. Raschko (1901–1982) in desperate situation in Berlin, 936a financial help for, AE requests, 898a Najdenov on, 921a, 923a Popov on, 898a, 911a, 937a thanks AE, 900a, 914a, 940a manuscript of, 885a, 888a, 895a, 896a, 900a, 945a Noether on, 282 Zaycoff, Slavka (Slava Zajkova), solicits help for her son Raschko, 959a Zeeman effect, absorption and emission of circu- larly polarized lines, conservation of angular momentum in, 422, 427–428 Zeeman, Pieter (1865–1943), 214, 337, 879a curator of AE’s Leyden chair, 905a Zeitler Studienhaus-Zusatz-Stiftung, 942a Zeitlin, Wladislaw, 887a Reich on, 887a Zeller, Magnus, Das blaue Wunder, 913a, 916a Zenneck, Jonathan (1871–1959), 369 Zeppelin-Eckener-Spende, invites AE to join or- ganizing committee, 874a AE declines, 875a Zernike, Frederik (1888–1966), 337 Zero-point energy, of harmonic oscillator, lxxxii